There are 41 recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss on file

Order by year

(This "Discography" was generated by CLOR for THE COMPILER )

1 Albrecht Marc - 2008(LI) - Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra*

2 Armstrong Richard - 1981(LI) - Welsh National Opera*

3 Böhm Karl - 1943(LE) - Wiener Staatsoper*

4 Böhm Karl - 1953(LI) - Wiener Philharmoniker*

5 Böhm Karl - 1955(LI) - Wiener Staatsoper*

6 Böhm Karl - 1955(STU) - Wiener Philharmoniker*

7 Böhm Karl - 1966(LI) - Metropolitan Opera*

8 Böhm Karl - 1974(LI) - Wiener Philharmoniker*

9 Böhm Karl - 1975(LI) - Wiener Philharmoniker*

10 Böhm Karl - 1976(LI) - San Francisco Opera*

11 Böhm Karl - 1977(LC) - Wiener Staatsoper*

12 Davis Andrew - 2007(LI) - Chicago Lyric Opera*

13 Dohnányi Christoph von - 1977(LI) - Hamburgische Staatsoper*

14 Dohnányi Christoph von - 1980(LI) - L'Opéra de Paris**

15 Dohnányi Christoph von - 1984(LI) - Wiener Staatsoper*

16 Dohnányi Christoph von - 1989(LI) - San Francisco Opera*

17 Haenchen Hartmut - 1996(LI) - Netherlands Opera**

18 Janowski Marek - 1984(LI) - Chicago Lyric Opera*

19 Karajan Herbert von - 1964(LI;11/6/64) - Wiener Philharmoniker*

20 Karajan Herbert von - 1964(LI;17/6/64) - Wiener Philharmoniker*

21 Keilberth Joseph - 1963(LI) - Bayerische Staatsoper*

22 Kempe Rudolf - 1954(LI) - Bayerische Staatsoper*

23 Klobucar Berislav - 1980(LI) - San Francisco Opera*

24 Ludwig Leopold - 1960(LI) - San Francisco Opera*

25 Ono Kazushi - 2005(LI) - Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie*

26 Perick (Prick) Christof - 1978(LI) - Badische Staatskapelle*

27 Pleyer Friedrich - 1995(LI) - L'Opéra de Marseille**

28 Sawallisch Wolfgang - 1976(LI) - Bayerisches Staatsorchester*

29 Sawallisch Wolfgang - 1984(LI) - Bayerische Staatsoper*

30 Sawallisch Wolfgang - 1987(STU) - Sinfonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks*

31 Sawallisch Wolfgang - 1988(LI) - Bayerische Staatsoper*

32 Sawallisch Wolfgang - 1992(LC) - Bayerische Staatsoper**

33 Schneider Peter - 2000(LI) - Gran Teatro del Liceo**

34 Sinopoli Giuseppe - 1996(LC) - Dresdner Staatskapelle*

35 Sinopoli Giuseppe - 1999(LI) - Wiener Staatsoper*

36 Sinopoli Giuseppe - 2000(LI) - Wiener Staatsoper*

37 Solti Georg - 1967(LI) - Covent Garden*

38 Solti Georg - 1976(LI) - Covent Garden*

39 Solti Georg - 1989/1991(STU) - Wiener Philharmoniker*

40 Solti Georg - 1992(LC) - Wiener Philharmoniker**

41 Zillig Winfried - 1950(RA) - Sinfonie-Orchester des Hessischen Rundfunks*

*AUDIO ---- **VIDEO ---- ***AUDIO & VIDEO


Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Marc Albrecht - 2008(LI)

Orchestra - Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra

Chorus - De Nederlandse Opera

Kaiser - Klaus Florian Vogt

Kaiserin - Gabriele Fontana

Amme - Doris Soffel

Barak - Terje Stensvold

Färberin - Evelyn Herlitzius

Geisterbote - Peteris Eglitis

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Jean-Léon Klostermann

Stimme des Falken - Lenneke Ruiten

Stimme von Oben - Corinne Romijn

Einäugige - Roger Smeets

Einarmige - Torsten Hofmann

Bucklige - Alexandre Vassiliev

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Lenneke Ruiten


Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 3372-3 {3CDRS} (2009)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in Amsterdam (September 2008). The CDRs issued by Premiere are listed in �Premiere Opera New CD Releases� April 2009. See the website

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in English

Conductor Richard Armstrong - 1981(LI)

Orchestra - Welsh National Opera

Chorus - Welsh National Opera

Nurse - Patricia Payne

Spirit messenger - Geoffrey Moses

Emperor - Matti Kastu

Empress - Anne Evans

Voice of a Falcon - Rita Cullis

Barak's brothers - the one-eyed - Russell Smythe

- the hunchback - Arthur Davies

- the one-armed - Julian Moyle

Barak's wife - Pauline Tinsley

Barak - Norman Bailey

Off-stage voices - Lorna Washington

- Diana Fuge

- Anne Morgan

Voices of unborn children - Rita Cullis

- Mary Davies

- Pamela Geddes

- Doreen O'Neill

- Anne Morgan

Voices of nightwatchmen - Gareth Rhys-Davies

- John King

- Huw Morgan

Apparition of a youth - Timothy German

Voice from above - Catherine Savory

Guardian of the temple - Helen Field


Compact Cassette - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 02413

Compact Disc - Oriel Music Society OMS 035/3 {3CDRS}

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance sung in an English version by Eric Crozier and given in the Dominion Theatre, Tottenham Court Road, London (14 March 1981). This performance was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 (see Radio Times Issue dated 14-20 March 1981 p.28)

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Karl Böhm - 1943(LE)

Orchestra - Wiener Staatsoper

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - Torsten Ralf

Kaiserin - Hilde Konetzni

Amme - Elisabeth Höngen

Barak - Josef Herrmann

Färberin - Else Schulz

Geisterbote - Herbert Alsen

Stimme des Falken - Emmy Loose


Compact Disc - Koch Schwann 3-1455-2 (Wiener Staatsoper Live Vol.5 - Collection)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

(The) Gramophone - November 1994 p.

Comments:- Recording of part of a performance in the Vienna State Opera (23 November 1943)

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Karl Böhm - 1953(LI)

Orchestra - Wiener Philharmoniker

Kaiser - Set Svanholm

Kaiserin - Eleanor Steber

Amme - Elisabeth Höngen

Barak - Karl Kamann

Färberin - Christel Goltz

Stimme des Falken - Ilona Steingruber(-Wildgans)


Compact Disc; - Golden Melodram GM 60006 {2CDS} (2000)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Orpheus - Februar 2001 S.59 (mention) [SS]

Comments:- Recording of a concert performance in the Konzerthaus, Vienna (June 1953; see OPERA August 1953 p.496

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Karl Böhm - 1955(LI)

Orchestra - Wiener Staatsoper

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - Hans Hopf

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Elisabeth Höngen

Barak - Ludwig Weber

Färberin - Christel Goltz

Geisterbote - Kurt Böhme

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Karl Terkal

Stimme des Falken - Judith Hellwig

Stimme von Oben - Hilde Rössl-Majdan

Einäugige - Harald Pröglhoff

Einarmige - Oskar Czerwenka

Bucklige - Murray Dickie

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Emmy Loose

3 Wächter der Stadt - Ljubomir Pantscheff

- Alfred Poell

- Eberhard Wächter (Waechter)


Compact Disc; - Orfeo C 668 053 D {3CDS} (2005)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - May 2006 pp.101-102 [MA]

Classica Répertoire - No.78 décembre 2005 - janvier 2006 p.64 [AT]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.90 mayo 2006 p.84, p.86 [JS]

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Vienna State Opera (9 November 1955). There is (was?) a review of the CDs issued by Orfeo on the internet (

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Karl Böhm - 1955(STU)

Orchestra - Wiener Philharmoniker

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - Hans Hopf

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Elisabeth Höngen

Barak - Paul Schöffler

Färberin - Christel Goltz

Geisterbote - Kurt Böhme

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Karl Terkal

Stimme des Falken - Judith Hellwig

Stimme von Oben - Hilde Rössl-Majdan

Einäugige - Harald Pröglhoff

Einarmige - Oskar Czerwenka

Bucklige - Murray Dickie

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Emmy Loose


Black Disc; - Decca LXT 5180-5184 {5LPS} (1956)�; Decca �Ace of Diamonds� GOM 554-557 {4LPS} (1968)�; Decca �Ace of Diamonds� GOS 554-557 {4LPS} (1968)�; London XLLA 46 {5LPS} (1957)�

Compact Disc; - Decca �Historic� 425 981-2 {3CDS} (1991)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - June 1956 pp.21-22 [PHW]; October 1956 pp.153-154 [DST]; April 1968 p.556 [WSM]; October 1968 p.482 [DST]; October 1991 p.192 [AB]

Opera - August 1956 p.507

Gramophone Record Review - June 1956 p.507 [WM]

High Fidelity Magazine - October 1957 Vol.7 No.10 p.104 [DJ]: March 1962 Vol.12 No.3 pp.121-122 [HG]

International Opera Collector - Autumn 1997 No.5 p.40 [PP]

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Karl Böhm - 1966(LI)

Orchestra - Metropolitan Opera

Chorus - Metropolitan Opera

Kaiser - James King

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Irene Dalis

Barak - Walter Berry

Färberin - Christa Ludwig

Geisterbote - William Dooley

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Robert Nagy

Stimme des Falken - Carlotta Ordassy

Stimme von Oben - Belen Amparan

Einäugige - Clifford Harvuot

Einarmige - Lorenzo Alvary

Bucklige - Paul Franke

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Mary Ellen Pracht


Compact Disc; - Omega Opera Archive 1124 (& 2883 & 887) ; The Opera Lovers FRAU 196601 {3CDRS} (2007)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (17 December 1966). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue and the CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlinks in CLORLINK.php).

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Karl Böhm - 1974(LI)

Orchestra - Wiener Philharmoniker

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - James King

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Ruth Hesse

Barak - Walter Berry

Färberin - Christa Ludwig

Geisterbote - Martin Egel

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Martin Schomberg

Stimme des Falken - Maria Haug

Stimme von Oben - Ingrid Mayr

Einäugige - Zoltán Kéléman

Einarmige - Lorenzo Alvary

Bucklige - Murray Dickie


Compact Disc; - Opera d'Oro OPD 1218 {3CDS} (2000)�; House of Opera CDBB 573 (2003)�; Opera d'Oro �Grand Tier� OPD 7026 {3CDS} (2006)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Opera News - November 2000 p.52 [MB]

Fanfare - Vol.30 No.5 May/June 2007 p.207 [BV]

Orpheus - April 2001 S.58 [SS]

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Salzburg Festival (16 August 1974; see OPERA Festival Issue 1974 pp.52-53. This Performance was broadcast on many radio stations including BBC Radio 3 (9 November 1974; see Radio Times Issue dated 9-15 November 1974 p.31). The CDRs issued by House of Opera are included in the list of new releases added to their website in December 2003 �03/12/22�

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Karl Böhm - 1975(LI)

Orchestra - Wiener Philharmoniker

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - James King

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Ruth Hesse

Barak - Walter Berry

Färberin - Ursula Schröder-Feinen

Geisterbote - Robert Kerns

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Martin Schomberg

Stimme des Falken - Maria Haug

Stimme von Oben - Ingrid Mayr

Einäugige - Zoltán Kéléman

Einarmige - Lorenzo Alvary

Bucklige - Murray Dickie


Compact Cassette - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 01896

Compact Disc; - Link 614 3 S {3CDRS} Gala GL 100.583 (Highlights + Hans Heiling +Lohengrin +Oberon - excerpts) {2CDS} (2001)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- Recording of a performance at the Salzburg Festival (July 1975; see OPERA Festival Issue 1975 pp.55-56. Link's CDRs are listed in Parnassus Records' online catalogue �Silver and Gold� 13

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Karl Böhm - 1976(LI)

Orchestra - San Francisco Opera

Chorus - San Francisco Opera

Kaiser - Matti Kastu

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Ruth Hesse

Barak - Walter Berry

Färberin - Ursula Schröder-Feinen

Geisterbote - James Johnson

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - James Hoback

Stimme des Falken - Linda Roark(-Strummer)

Stimme von Oben - Gwendolyn Jones

Einäugige - Joshua Hecht

Einarmige - Lorenzo Alvary

Bucklige - John Duykers

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Claudia Cummings


Compact Disc; - *John Wegner San Francisco Opera - The Adler Years - 3 SFO-03; (A Mike Richter CD-ROM) (2000)�

Open Reel Tape - Immortal Performances Recorded Music Society (also on compact cassette)

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- Recording of a performance in the War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco (15 October 1976)

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Karl Böhm - 1977(LC)

Orchestra - Wiener Staatsoper

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - James King

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Ruth Hesse

Barak - Walter Berry

Färberin - Birgit Nilsson

Geisterbote - Peter Wimberger

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Ewald Aichberger

Stimme des Falken - Lotte Rysanek

Stimme von Oben - Gertrude Jahn

Einäugige - Hans Helm

Einarmige - Lorenzo Alvary

Bucklige - Murray Dickie


Black Disc; - Historical Recording Enterprises HRE 322 {3LPS} (1980)�; DG 415 473-1 {3LPS} (1986)�

Compact Cassette; - DG 415 473-4 (1986)�

Compact Disc; - DG 415 473-2 {3CDS} (1986)�; DG 445 325-2 {3CDS}; DG 445 491-2 (Collection) {21CDS}(1994)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - February 1986 pp.1073-1074 [AB]; November 1994 p.153 [AB]

Opera Now - December 1994 p.54

HiFi News & Record Review - April 1995 p.75

Opera News - May 1995 p.46

Diapason - No.409 novembre 1994 p.168

L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.163 p.123

American Record Guide - July/August 1986 Vol.49 No.4 p.41 [RVL}

The Record Shelf Guide - (4) p.520

Répertoire - No.74 novembre 1994 p.88

International Record Review - March 2006 p.78 [RL1]

Comments:- *The DG recording is a composite recording made from two performances at the Vienna State Opera (23 and 27 October 1977). It is not known if the HRE recording was made from one or more than one performance

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Andrew Davis - 2007(LI)

Orchestra - Chicago Lyric Opera

Chorus - Chicago Lyric Opera

Kaiser - Robert Dean Smith

Kaiserin - Deborah Voigt

Amme - Jill Grove

Barak - Franz Hawlata

Färberin - Christine Brewer

Geisterbote - Quinn Kelsey

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Bryan Griffin

Stimme des Falken - Stacey Tappan

Stimme von Oben - Meredith Arwady

Einäugige - Daniel Sutin

Einarmige - Andrew Funk

Bucklige - John Easterlin

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Stacey Tappan


Compact Disc; - Live Opera Heaven C 3170 {3CDRS} (2008)�; Premierre Opera Ltd. CDNO 2982-3 {3CDRS} (2008)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Chicago Lyric Opera (16 December 2007). The CDRs issued by �Live Opera Heaven� are listed in their February 2008 Update. The CDRs issued by Premiere are listed in �Premiere Opera New Releases� Fall/Winter 2008-2009. Here the date of the performance recorded is given as 28 November 2007, but according to the online performance archive of the Chicago Lyric Opera there was not a performance on that day (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Christoph von Dohnányi - 1977(LI)

Orchestra - Hamburgische Staatsoper

Chorus - Hamburgische Staatsoper

Kaiser - René Kollo

Kaiserin - Éva Marton

Amme - Ruth Hesse

Barak - Donald McIntyre

Färberin - Birgit Nilsson


Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 2312-3 {3CDRS} (2006)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Hamburg State Opera (2 October 1977; see OPERA January 1978 pp.72-73). The CDRs issued by Premiere are included in �New Releases - October 2006�.

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Christoph von Dohnányi - 1980(LI)

Orchestra - L'Opéra de Paris

Chorus - L'Opéra de Paris

Kaiser - René Kollo

Kaiserin - Hildegard Behrens

Amme - Mignon Dunn

Barak - Walter Berry

Färberin - Gwyneth Jones

Geisterbote - Franz Grundheber

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Georges Gautier


DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 5512 (2005)�; Encore DVD 2040

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Video recording of a performance in the Palais Garnier, Paris (September 1980; see OPERA November 1980 pp.1127-1128). The DVD-R issued on the Encore label is (was?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Christoph von Dohnányi - 1984(LI)

Orchestra - Wiener Staatsoper

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - James King

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Ruth Hesse

Barak - Walter Berry

Färberin - Gwyneth Jones

Geisterbote - Robert Kerns

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - John Dickie

Stimme des Falken - Lotte Rysanek

Stimme von Oben - Gertrude Jahn

Einäugige - Georg Tichy

Einarmige - Rudolf Mazzola

Bucklige - Helmut Wildhaber

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Majorie Vance


Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 2369-3 {3CDRS} (2006)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Vienna State Opera (6 November 1981). Some of the information about the cast comes from �Chronik der Wiener Staatsoper 1945-1995� compiled by Harald Hoyer. The Amme was sung by either Ruth Hesse (as listed above) or by Helga Dernesch. The CDRs issued by Premiere are included in their list of �NEW RELEASES October 2006�.

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Christoph von Dohnányi - 1989(LI)

Orchestra - San Francisco Opera

Chorus - San Francisco Opera

Kaiser - William Johns

Kaiserin - Mary Jane Johnson

Amme - Anja Silja

Barak - Alfred Muff

Färberin - Gwyneth Jones

Geisterbote - Monte Pederson

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Hong-Shen Li

Stimme des Falken - Patricia Racette

Stimme von Oben - Patricia Spence

Einäugige - Victor Ledbetter

Einarmige - Philip Skinner

Bucklige - John Duykers

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Maria Fortuna


Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 2337-3 {3CDRS} (2006)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco (10 December 1989; see OPERA April 1990 p.436). The cast listed above is that given in the �San Francisco Opera Performance Archive� ( - hyperlink in CLORLINK.php). The CDRs issued by Premiere are included in �New Releases - October 2006�.

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Hartmut Haenchen - 1996(LI)

Orchestra - Netherlands Opera

Chorus - Netherlands Opera Chorus

Kaiser - Thomas Moser

Kaiserin - Ellen Shade

Amme - Jane Henschel

Barak - John Bröcheler

Färberin - Gabriele Schnaut


DVD (Video) - House of Opera DVDCC 581 (2005)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Video recording of a performance in Amsterdam (February 1996). In at least one performance the role of the Emperor was sung by Paul Frey. See OPERA June 1996 p.697. The DVD issued by House of Opera is listed in their online catalogue of �New DVDs 22 January 2005�

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Marek Janowski - 1984(LI)

Orchestra - Chicago Lyric Opera

Chorus - Chicago Lyric Opera

Kaiser - William Johns

Kaiserin - Éva Marton

Amme - Mignon Dunn

Barak - Siegmund Nimsgern

Färberin - Marilyn Zschau

Geisterbote - Michael Devlin

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Gregory Kunde

Stimme des Falken - Sandra Moon

Stimme von Oben - Gweneth Bean

Einäugige - Dan Sullivan

Einarmige - Arnold Voketatis

Bucklige - Richard Versalle

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Sandra Moon


Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 2312-3 {3CDRS} (2007)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Chicago Lyric Opera (19 November 1984). The CDRs issued by Premiere are listed in �Premiere Opera New Releases� dated 21 May 2007.

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Herbert von Karajan - 1964(LI;11/6/64)

Orchestra - Wiener Philharmoniker

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - Jess Thomas

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Grace Hoffman

Barak - Walter Berry

Färberin - Christa Ludwig

Geisterbote - Walter Kreppel

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Fritz Wunderlich

Stimme des Falken - Lucia Popp

Stimme von Oben - Margarita Lilowa

Einäugige - Siegfried Rudolf Frese

Einarmige - Ludwig Welter

Bucklige - Erich Majkut

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Lucia Popp


Compact Disc - Nuova Era NE 2288-2290 {3CDS} Hunt CDKAR 207 (+excerpts from other operas) {3CDS} DG 457 678-2 {3CDS}

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - July 1998 p.85 [AB]

Opera Now - November/December 1998 p.102 [ST]

Fanfare - Vol.22 No.4 March/April 1999 p.341 [RVL]

Orpheus - Juni 1998 S.57 [GH]

Opéra International - juin 1998 No.225 p.53 [SS]

Diapason - No.448 mai 1998 p.93 [AT]

L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.184 p.116 [CM]

American Record Guide - November/December 1989 Vol.52 No.6 p.124 [LM]: September/ October 1990 Vol.53 No.5 pp.22-26 [LM]: November/December 1998 Vol.61 No.6 p.220 [LM]

Classical Express - Issue 97 April 1998 p.1 [MT]

International Opera Collector - Autumn 1998 No.9 p.86 [SP]

International Record Review - May 2008 pp.77-78 [SP]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - marzo-mayo 1998 No.27 p.82 (mention) [JPS]: No.114 octubre 2008 pp.94-95 [MCP]

Répertoire - No.113 mai 1998 p.62 [PF]

Le Monde de la Musique - No.221 mai 1998 p.90 [FL]

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.111 junio 1998 p.36 [PL]

L'opera (Milano) - n.123 novembre 1998 supplemento p.34 [GR]

Das Opernglas - Mai 1998 S.82 [JB]

Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Vienna State Opera (11 June 1964; see OPERA Festival Issue 1964 p.45)

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Herbert von Karajan - 1964(LI;17/6/64)

Orchestra - Wiener Philharmoniker

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - Jess Thomas

Kaiserin - Gundula Janowitz

Amme - Grace Hoffman

Barak - Otto Wiener

Färberin - Gladys Kuchta

Geisterbote - Walter Kreppel

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Ermanno Lorenzi

Stimme des Falken - Lucia Popp

Stimme von Oben - Margarita Lilowa

Einäugige - Siegfried Rudolf Frese

Einarmige - Ludwig Welter

Bucklige - Erich Majkut

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Lucia Popp


Compact Disc; - Gala GL 100.607 (+excerpts from 1974 Salzburg performance - Böhm) {3CDS} (2000)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Orpheus - April 2000 S.73 [GH]

Classical Express - Issue No.124 July 2000 p.3 [SJT]

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Vienna State Opera (June 1964). According to �Chronik der Wiener Staatsoper 1945-1995� p.440 von Karajan only conducted two performances of �Die Frau ohne Schatten� at the Vienna State Opera (on 11 and 17 June 1964). A recording of the performance on 11 June, in which Fritz Wunderlich sang the �Stimme eines Jünglings�, has been issued on CD by Nuova Era, Hunt, and DG and is listed separately. The cast given by Gala for their recording corresponds to that for the performance on 17 June except that the �Stimme eines Jünglings� was not sung by Fritz Wunderlich, but by Ermanno Lorenzi. This is also indicated in the entry for the recording of the performance on 11 June 1964 in the Fritz Wunderlich web-site:-

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Joseph Keilberth - 1963(LI)

Orchestra - Bayerische Staatsoper

Chorus - Bayerische Staatsoper

Kaiser - Jess Thomas

Kaiserin - Ingrid Bjoner

Amme - Martha Mödl

Barak - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau

Färberin - Inge Borkh

Geisterbote - Hans Hotter

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Georg Paskuda

Stimme des Falken - Gerda Sommerschuh

Stimme von Oben - Herta Töpper

Einäugige - Carl Hoppe

Einarmige - Max Proebstl

Bucklige - Paul Kuen


Black Disc; - D.G.G. LPM 18911-18914 {4LPS} (1964)�; D.G.G. SLPM 138911-138914 {4LPS} (1964)�; DG 2721 161 {4LPS} (1979)�

Compact Disc; - DG 449 584-2 {3CDS} (1996)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - August 1964 p.95; October 1964 p.174; March 1979 p.1611 [WSM]; July 1979 p.169 [JBS] ; August 1996 p.94 [AB]

Opera Now - September/October 1996 p.97

Orpheus - November 1996 S.34

Opéra International - septembre 1996 No.205 p.74

Diapason - No.429 septembre 1996 p.148

L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.173 p.169

American Record Guide - October 1964 Vol.31 No.2 pp.97-99, pp.100-101 [GLM]

High Fidelity Magazine - October 1964 Vol.14 No.10 p.146 [PJS]

BBC Music Magazine - August 1996 p.71

Classical Express - Issue No.77 July 1996 p.5

Répertoire - No.94 septembre 1996 p.70

Le Monde de la Musique - No.202 septembre 1996 p.119

Opernwelt - 10/Oktober 1996 S.52

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.90 julio-agosto 1996 p.74

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.23 marzo-mayo 1997 p.64

Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Nationaltheater Munich (21 November 1963, see OPERA January 1964 p.23). There are some cuts

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Rudolf Kempe - 1954(LI)

Orchestra - Bayerische Staatsoper

Chorus - Bayerische Staatsoper

Kaiser - Hans Hopf

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Lilian Benningsen

Barak - Josef Metternich

Färberin - Marianne Schech

Geisterbote - Kurt Böhme

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Howard Vandenburg

Stimme des Falken - Gerda Sommerschuh

Stimme von Oben - Ina Gerhein

Einäugige - Carl Hoppe

Einarmige - Rudolf Wünzer

Bucklige - Karl Ostertag

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Erika Köth


Black Disc - Melodram MEL 108 {4LPS}

Compact Disc; - Voce della Luna VL 2007-3 {3CDS} (1996)�; Golden Melodram GM 10033 {3CDS} (1998)�; Walhall �Eternity Series� WLCD 0088 {3CDS} (2004)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Orpheus - Juni 1996 S.63

Classical Express - Issue No.74 April 1996 p.8

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.89 junio 1996 p.44

Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Prinzregenten Theatre (See OPERA, October 1954p.601)

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Berislav Klobucar - 1980(LI)

Orchestra - San Francisco Opera

Chorus - San Francisco Opera

Kaiser - James King

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Ruth Hesse

Barak - Gerd Feldhoff

Färberin - Birgit Nilsson

Geisterbote - Raimund Herincx

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - James Hoback

Stimme des Falken - Rebecca Cook

Stimme von Oben - Gwendolyn Jones

Einäugige - John Del Carlo

Einarmige - Arnold Voketatis

Bucklige - Michael Ballam

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Pamela South

3 Wächter der Stadt - Frederick Burchinal

- Thomas Woodman

- Kevin Langan


Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 3188-2 {2CDS} (2009)�

Open Reel Tape - mr. tape 6482

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco (25 September 1980). The CDRs issued by Premiere are listed in �Premiere Opera New Releases� January 2009.

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Leopold Ludwig - 1960(LI)

Orchestra - San Francisco Opera

Chorus - San Francisco Opera

Kaiser - Ticho Parly

Kaiserin - Leonie Rysanek

Amme - Irene Dalis

Barak - Paul Schöffler

Färberin - Marianne Schech

Geisterbote - Robert Anderson

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Gilbert Russell

Stimme des Falken - Frances McCann

Einäugige - Richard Wentworth

Einarmige - Lorenzo Alvary

Bucklige - Raymond Manton

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Mary Costa

3 Wächter der Stadt - Donald Drain

- James Standard

- Ned Romero


Open Reel Tape - mr. tape 6482

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco (24 September 1960).

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Kazushi Ono - 2005(LI)

Orchestra - Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie

Chorus - Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie

Kaiser - Jon Villars

Kaiserin - Silvana Dussmann

Amme - Michaela Schuster

Barak - José van Dam

Färberin - Gabriele Schnaut

Geisterbote - Harrie Peeters

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Peter Lodahl

Stimme des Falken - Hasmik Simonian

Stimme von Oben - Jingxian Li

Einäugige - Marc Claesen

Einarmige - Paul Gérimon

Bucklige - Ivan Matiakh

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Clint van der Linde


Compact Disc - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 1809-3 {3CDRS}

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie (11 June 2005). The cast listed above is that given in the online archive of La Monnaie (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php). Here two singers are given for the role of Der Kaiser, Jon Villars (as given above) and Jon Ketilsson.

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Christof Perick (Prick) - 1978(LI)

Orchestra - Badische Staatskapelle

Chorus - Badisches Staatstheater

Kaiser - Anton De Ridder

Kaiserin - Sabine Hass

Amme - Re Yang Kim

Barak - Anthony Raffell

Färberin - Ute Vinzing

Geisterbote - Klaus Kirchner

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Karl Jerolitsch

Stimme des Falken - Christina Ascher

Stimme von Oben - Christina West

Einäugige - Werner Steinbach

Einarmige - Mark Munkittrick

Bucklige - William Denman

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Christa (Christel) Lehnert


Compact Cassette - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 06862

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Badische Staatstheater, Karlsruhe (17 October 1978). The performance on 2 September 1978 is reviewed in ORPHEUS Heft 11 November 1978 S.889. The cast listed above is taken from this review and it is possible that some of the minor roles were taken by other singers on 17 October 1978. Deborah Polaski was one of the �Dienerinnen� on 2 September 1978.

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Friedrich Pleyer - 1995(LI)

Orchestra - L'Opéra de Marseille

Chorus - L'Opéra de Marseille

Kaiser - Horst Hoffmann

Kaiserin - Anna Tomowa-Sintow

Amme - Reinhild Runkel

Barak - Jean-Philippe Lafont

Färberin - Gwyneth Jones


DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 5316 (2005)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Video recording of a performance at the Marseille Opera (October 2005; see OPÉra INTERNATIONAL décembre 2005 No.197 p.32.). The DVD issued by Premiere is listed in �Premiere Opera Ltd. 2005 Winter/Spring New Releases�.

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Wolfgang Sawallisch - 1976(LI)

Orchestra - Bayerisches Staatsorchester

Chorus - Bayerische Staatsoper

Kaiser - James King

Kaiserin - Ingrid Bjoner

Amme - Astrid Varnay

Barak - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau

Färberin - Birgit Nilsson

Geisterbote - Karl Christian Kohn

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Norbert Orth

Stimme des Falken - Antonia Fahberg

Stimme von Oben - Gudrun Wewezow

Einäugige - Hermann Sapell

Einarmige - Karl Helm

Bucklige - Lorenz Fehenberger

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Ruth Falcon


Black Disc - Legendary Recordings LR 202-S {3LPS}

Compact Disc; - Legendary Recordings LRCD 1029; Golden Melodram GM 3 0033 {3CDS} (1998)�; House of Opera CDBB 570 (2003)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Orpheus - März 1999 S.58-59 [GH] ; Juli 2000 S.66 [GH]

Classical Express - Issue No.107 February 1999 p.4 [MT]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.32 marzo-abril 1999 p.97 [LB]

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Nationaltheater, Munich (September 1976). The CDRs issued by House of Opera are listed as new issues in their online catalogue dated �03/12/22� where the date of the performance on their recording is given as 3 October 1976.

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Wolfgang Sawallisch - 1984(LI)

Orchestra - Bayerische Staatsoper

Chorus - Bayerische Staatsoper

Kaiser - James King

Kaiserin - Sabine Hass

Amme - Ute Trekel-Burgkhardt

Barak - Theo Adam

Färberin - Ingrid Bjoner

Geisterbote - Jan-Hendrik Rootering

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Claes H. Ahnsjö

Stimme des Falken - Marianne Seibel

Einäugige - Hermann Sapell

Einarmige - Karl Helm

Bucklige - Georg Paskuda


Compact Disc; - *Audio Encyclopedia AE 004 - The Operas of Richard Strauss (A Mike Richter CD-ROM) (1999)�; House of Opera CDBB 571 (2003)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Nationaltheater, Munich (21 November 1984). The CDRs issued by House of Opera are included in the list of new releases added to their website in December 2003 �03/12/22�

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Wolfgang Sawallisch - 1987(STU)

Orchestra - Sinfonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks

Chorus - Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks - Tölzer Sängerknaben

Kaiser - René Kollo

Kaiserin - Cheryl Studer

Amme - Hanna Schwarz

Barak - Alfred Muff

Färberin - Ute Vinzing

Geisterbote - Andreas Schmidt

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Paul Frey

Stimme des Falken - Julie Kaufmann

Stimme von Oben - Marjana Lipovsek

Einäugige - Jan-Hendrik Rootering

Einarmige - Kurt Rydl

Bucklige - Kenneth Garrison

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Cyndia Sieden


Black Disc; - EMI EX 749074-1 {3LPS} (1988)�

Compact Cassette; - EMI EX 749074-4 (1988)�

Compact Disc; - EMI(Angel) CDS 7 49074-2 {3CDS} (1988)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - September 1988 p.481 [MK]

Opera Quarterly - Vol.6 No.3 Spring 1989 pp.152-153 [RL]

Stereophile - June 1989 (Vol.12 No.6) p.221

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Wolfgang Sawallisch - 1988(LI)

Orchestra - Bayerische Staatsoper

Chorus - Bayerische Staatsoper

Kaiser - Robert Schunk

Kaiserin - Cheryl Studer

Amme - Helga Dernesch

Barak - Alfred Muff

Färberin - Ingrid Bjoner

Geisterbote - Jan-Hendrik Rootering

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Claes H. Ahnsjö

Stimme des Falken - Julia Faulkner

Einäugige - Hermann Sapell

Einarmige - Karl Helm

Bucklige - Georg Paskuda


Compact Disc; - *Audio Encyclopedia AE 004 - The Operas of Richard Strauss (A Mike Richter CD-ROM) (1999)�; House of Opera CDBB 574 (2003)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Nationaltheater, Munich (16 July 1988). The CDRs issued by House of Opera are included in the list of new releases added to their website in December 2003 �03/12/22�

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Wolfgang Sawallisch - 1992(LC)

Orchestra - Bayerische Staatsoper

Chorus - Bayerische Staatsoper

Kaiser - Peter Seiffert

Kaiserin - Luana De Vol

Amme - Marjana Lipovsek

Barak - Alan Titus

Färberin - Janis Martin

Geisterbote - Jan-Hendrik Rootering

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Herbert Lippert

Stimme des Falken - Caroline Maria Petrig

Stimme von Oben - Anne Salvan

Einäugige - Hermann Sapell

Einarmige - Alfred Kuhn

Bucklige - Kevin Conners

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Annegeer Stumphius


DVD (Video) - TDK DVWW OPFROS (2007)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Opera - June 2007 pp.740-741 [YS]

Opera News - September 2007 p.92 [EM]

Fanfare - Vol.30 No.6 July/August 2007 pp.315-316 [JK]

Diapason - No.549 jullet-aoüt 2007 p.106 [ED]

International Record Review - May 2007 pp.84-85 [SP]

American Record Guide - July/August 2007 Vol.70 No.4 pp.252-253 [KM]

Classica Répertoire - No.91 avril 2007 p.106 [AT]

Opéra Magazine - No.19 juin 2007 p.80 [LB]

Comments:- *Video recording made at performances given by the Bavarian State Opera in the Aichi Prefectural Art Theater, Nagoya, Japan (8, 11 November 1992. �NHK, Japan's biggest television company, recorded the opera, although in the event was not allowed to broadcast the performance, the Japanese censor assuming responsibility not only for questions of sexual morals and morality but also for subjects governed by social taboos. In an opera that the Bavarian State Opera had brought to Japan with such pride and pleasure, the censor objected not only to the characters of Barak's three brothers,hunch-backed, one-eyed and one-armed respectively, but also to the librettist's allegedly 'unseemly' treatment of women.�

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Peter Schneider - 2000(LI)

Orchestra - Gran Teatro del Liceo

Chorus - Gran Teatro del Liceo

Kaiser - Alan Woodrow

Kaiserin - Heike Gierhardt

Amme - Hanna Schwarz

Barak - Wolfgang Schöne

Färberin - Éva Marton


DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 5354 (2005)�

VHS Video Cassette; - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 09408 (NTSC) (2002)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *This video recording appears to be of a performance in the Gran Teatro del Liceo, Barcelona (November 2000; see OPÉRA INTERNATIONAL No.253 janvier 2001 p.44). The VHS cassette issued by Charles Handelman is listed in the supplement to his video catalogue dated March 2002 and the DVD issued by Premiere is included in their list of �2005 Winter/Spring New Releases�

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Giuseppe Sinopoli - 1996(LC)

Orchestra - Dresdner Staatskapelle

Chorus - Dresdner Staatsoper

Kaiser - Ben Heppner

Kaiserin - Deborah Voigt

Amme - Hanna Schwarz

Barak - Franz Grundheber

Färberin - Sabine Hass

Geisterbote - Hans-Joachim Ketelsen

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Werner Güra

Stimme des Falken - Sabine Brohm

Stimme von Oben - Nadja Michael

Einäugige - Andreas Scheibner

Einarmige - André Eckert

Bucklige - Roland Wagenführer


Compact Disc - Teldec 0630-13516-2

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - October 1997 p.142 [AB]; January 1998 p.48 [JBS]

Opera Now - January/February 1998 p.99 [ST]

HiFi News & Record Review - May 1998 p.86 [DN]

Opera News - March 28 1998 p.42 [JAC]

Fanfare - Vol.21 No.5 May/June 1998 p.209 [AR]

Orpheus - März 1998 S.55 [RG]

Opéra International - novembre 1997 No.218 p.57 [SS]

Diapason - No.442 novembre 1997 p.127 [AT]

L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.180 p.123 [CM]

International Opera Collector - Winter 1997 No.6 p.88 [SP]

BBC Music Magazine - December 1997 p.77 [MP]

American Record Guide - January/February 1998 Vol.61 No.1 p.181 [VAL]

Répertoire - No.107 novembre 1997 p.57 [PF]

Le Monde de la Musique - No.215 novembre p.94 [FL]

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.106 enero 1998 p.59 [JPS]

Musica (Milano) - N.107 Anno 22 marzo-aprile 1998 p.98 [EG]

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Giuseppe Sinopoli - 1999(LI)

Orchestra - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - Johan Botha

Kaiserin - Deborah Voigt

Amme - Marjana Lipovsek

Barak - Falk Struckmann

Färberin - Gabriele Schnaut

Geisterbote - Wolfgang Bankl

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Johan Botha

Stimme des Falken - Rachel Harnisch

Stimme von Oben - Regina Mauel

Einäugige - Geert Smits

Einarmige - Peter Köves

Bucklige - Herwig Pecoraro

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Rachel Harnisch

3 Wächter der Stadt - Janusz Monarcha

- Peter Wimberger

- David Cale Johnson


Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 3136-3 {3CDRS} (2009)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *This recording appears to be of a performance at the Vienna State Opera (11 December 1999). The cast listed above is that given in �Chronik der Wiener Staatsoper 1965-2005� by Andreas Láng S.104. The CDRs issued by Premiere are listed in �Premiere Opera New Releases� January 2009.

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Giuseppe Sinopoli - 2000(LI)

Orchestra - Wiener Staatsoper

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - Ben Heppner

Kaiserin - Deborah Voigt

Amme - Jane Henschel

Barak - Falk Struckmann

Färberin - Gabriele Schnaut

Geisterbote - Wolfgang Bankl

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Ben Heppner

Stimme des Falken - Rachel Harnisch

Stimme von Oben - Regina Mauel

Einäugige - Geert Smits

Einarmige - Peter Köves

Bucklige - Herwig Pecoraro

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Rachel Harnisch


Compact Cassette; - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 09253 (2002)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Vienna State Opera (6 May 2000). The cast listed above is that given in �Chronik der Wiener Staatsoper 1995-2000�. The Compact Cassettes issued by Charles Handelman are listed in the supplement to his catalogue date March 2002.

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Georg Solti - 1967(LI)

Orchestra - Covent Garden

Chorus - Covent Garden

Kaiser - James King

Kaiserin - Hildegard Hillebrecht

Amme - Regina Resnik

Barak - Donald McIntyre

Färberin - Inge Borkh

Geisterbote - Forbes Robinson

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Jean Bonhomme

Stimme des Falken - Maria Pellegrini

Stimme von Oben - Elizabeth Bainbridge

Einäugige - Napoléon Bisson

Einarmige - Otakar Kraus

Bucklige - John Lanigan

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Rhonda Bruce

Voices of unborn children - Rae Woodland

- Elizabeth Robson

- Margreta Elkins

- Yvonne Minton

- Elizabeth Bainbridge

Voices of nightwatchmen - Alan Jones

- Glynne Thomas

- William Clothier


Compact Cassette - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 01893

Compact Disc; - House of Opera CDBB 572 (2003)�; Live Opera Heaven C 3166 {3CDRS} (2008)�; Fiori FI 1022 (Downloadable MP3 file - 320 KBps); Opera Depot OD 10430-3 {3CDRS} (2009)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden (17 June 1967). This performance was broadcast by BBC Radio 3 (see Radio Times Issue dated June 15 1967 p.10). The CDRs issued by House of Opera are included in the list of new releases added to HOO's website in December 2003 (12-22-2003) and those issued by �Live Opera Heaven� are listed in the �February 2008 Update�. The mp3 file issued on the �Fiori� label may be downloaded from the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php). The CDRS issued by �Opera Depot� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Georg Solti - 1976(LI)

Orchestra - Covent Garden

Chorus - Covent Garden

Kaiser - James King

Kaiserin - Heather Harper

Amme - Ruth Hesse

Barak - Walter Berry

Färberin - Helga Dernesch

Geisterbote - Forbes Robinson

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Robert Tear

Stimme des Falken - Eiddwen Harrhy

Stimme von Oben - Patricia Payne

Einäugige - William Elvin

Einarmige - Raimund Herincx

Bucklige - Paul Crook

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Teresa Cahill

Voices of unborn children - Teresa Cahill

- Angela Bostock

- Heather Begg

- Gillian Knight

- Elizabeth Bainbridge

Voices of nightwatchmen - William Clothier

- William Elvin

- Alan Jones


Compact Disc; - Fiori FI 1023 (Downloadable MP3 file - 320 KBps) ; Opera Depot OD 10352-3 {3CDRS} (2008)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden (5 April 1976). The mp3 file issued on the �Fiori� label may be downloaded from the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php). The CDRs issued by �Opera Depot� are listed on their website: (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Georg Solti - 1989/1991(STU)

Orchestra - Wiener Philharmoniker

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - Plácido Domingo

Kaiserin - Julia Varady

Amme - Reinhild Runkel

Barak - José van Dam

Färberin - Hildegard Behrens

Geisterbote - Albert Dohmen

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Robert Gambill

Stimme des Falken - Sumi Jo

Stimme von Oben - Elzbieta Ardam

Einäugige - Gottfried Hornik

Einarmige - Hans Franzen

Bucklige - Wilfried Gahmlich


Compact Disc; - Decca(London) 436 243-2 {3CDS} (1992)�; Decca �The Solti Richard Strauss Edition� 458 700-2 {14CDS} (1998)�; Decca 436 243-2 {3CDS} (1998)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - May 1992 p.29 p.114 [AB]

Opera News - July 1992 p.38

Opera Quarterly - Vol.10 No.4 1994 p.144

Diapason - No.382 1992

The Record Shelf Guide - (4) p.520

International Opera Collector - Spring 1999 No.11 pp.104-108 (mention) [MO]

Stereophile - February 1993 (Vol.16 No.2) p.115

Opernwelt - Oktober 10/1992 S.55

Répertoire - No.122 mars 1999 p.63 [LC]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.32 marzo-abril 1999 p.97 [MC]

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Georg Solti - 1992(LC)

Orchestra - Wiener Philharmoniker

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kaiser - Thomas Moser

Kaiserin - Cheryl Studer

Amme - Marjana Lipovsek

Barak - Robert Hale

Färberin - Éva Marton

Geisterbote - Bryn Terfel

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Herbert Lippert

Stimme des Falken - Andrea Rost

Stimme von Oben - Elzbieta Ardam

Einäugige - Manfred Hemm

Einarmige - Hans Franzen

Bucklige - Wilfried Gahmlich

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz


Laser Disc - London 071 525-1 (NTSC); Decca 071 425-1 (PAL)

DVD (Video) - Decca 071 425-9 (2001)�

VHS Video Cassette - London 071 525-3 (NTSC); Decca 071 425-3(PAL)

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - April 1994 p.114; December 2002 p.102 (DVD) [MEO]

Fanfare - Vol.17 No.4 March-April 1994 p.467; Vol.26 No.4 March/April 2003 pp.184-185 (DVD) [JS]

Orpheus - August-September 1994 (Heft 8) p.46; Heft 7+8 Juli+August 2003 S.95 [MK2]

Diapason - No.502 avril 2003 pp.130-131 [MP]

BBC Music Magazine - December 2002 p.100 (DVD) [MR]

American Record Guide - January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.244 [RVL]

Répertoire - No.164 janvier 2003 p.37 [PB]

Comments:- *Recorded at performances at the Salzburg Festival (See OPERA Festival Issue 1992 p.40)

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Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss performed in German

Conductor Winfried Zillig - 1950(RA)

Orchestra - Sinfonie-Orchester des Hessischen Rundfunks

Kaiser - Heinrich Bensing

Kaiserin - Annelies Kupper

Amme - Diana Eustrati

Barak - Carl Kronenberg

Färberin - Erna Schlüter

Geisterbote - Günther Ambrosius

Erscheinung eines Jünglings - Joachim Stein

Stimme des Falken - Christa Ludwig

Stimme von Oben - Käthe Lindloff

Einäugige - Rolf Heide

Einarmige - Sanders Schier

Bucklige - Joachim Stein

Ein Hüter der Schwelle des Tempels - Maria Madlen Madsen


Compact Disc; - Mitridate �Ponto� PO 1015 {3CDS} (2003)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Die Frau ohne Schatten by Richard Strauss are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.786; Opera on CD (1) p.122 (2) p.133 (3) p.149; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.147 p.128; MET p.539; PENGUIN p.413; Diapason No.402 mars 1994 p.14; Opera on Video p.207; GIUDICI p.837 (2) p.1359; l'opera (Milano) Anno XII - N.124 dicembre 1998 - Speciale Scala - Stagione 1998/99 p.110; Opéra International No.242 janvier 2000 pp.62-63; American Record Guide May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Orpheus - Januar + Februar 2004 S.64 [SS]

Opéra International - No.285 décembre 2003 pp.71-72 [SS]

Classic Record Collector - Winter 2003 pp.100-101 [JTH]

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(STU), "Studio" Recording

(SE), "Studio" Recording of Excerpts

(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source

(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source

(LI), "Live" Recording

(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts

(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance

(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance

(RA), A Radio Performance

(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance

(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast

(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance

(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film

(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film

CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988

EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994

GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)

HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973

MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982

MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993

MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997

More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999

NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli

PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993

Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

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