Compact Disc; - Charles Handelman - Live Opera (unnumbered) (+Pagliacci) (2004)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance given by the Metropolitan-Opera Company in Lewisohn Stadium, New York (9 August 1966). The CDRs issued by Charles Handelman are listed in the supplement to his CD catalogue dated Spring 2004
Compact Disc; - Charles Handelman - Live Opera (unnumbered) (2004)�; Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 1488-1 {1CDR} (2004)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance given in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia (March 1969). The cast listed above is that given by Frank Hamilton in his online chronology of opera performances in Philadelphia (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM). The CDRs issued by Charles Handelman are listed in the supplement to his CD catalogue dated Spring 2004.
Compact Disc - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 127-1 {1CDR}
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- The CD issued by Premiere is listed in their catalogue and attributed to Philadelphia 1972 with (Elinor) Ross and (Richard) Tucker. However, according to Frank Hamilton's �Performance Chronology� Cavalleria Rusticana was never performed in Philadelphia with Ross and Tucker (click link below). The only performance of Cavalleria Rusticana that I have been able to find in which these singers performed together is at Manhattan Central Park on 17 June 1971 and I have tentatively attributed the recording issued by Premiere to this. ####
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of the soundtrack of a television film (January 1960). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�.
Compact Disc; - Omega Opera Archive 790; Bensar OL 22848 (BRO 125695) {2CDRS} (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (28 February 1948). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�. The CDRs issued on the Bensar label are (were?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM).
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 2507-1 {1CDR} (2007)�; Opera Depot OD 10245-1 {1CDR} (2007)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden (March 1965; see OPERA May 1965 p.384). The CDR issued by Premiere is included in the list of New Releases dated 2 February 2007 and that issued by �Opera Depot� is listed on their website: (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM).
VHS Video Cassette; - Lyric 1773 (NTSC) (+Pagliacci) ; House of Opera V 166 (+Pagliacci) (NTSC) (2000)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Video recording of a black and white television film
Compact Disc; - *John Wegner - San Francisco Opera - The Adler Years - 3 - SFO 03 (A Mike Richter CD-ROM) (2000)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco (28 November 1980)
Compact Cassette - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 07046
Compact Disc; - fonè 93 F 11 {1CD} (1994)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Orpheus - March 1995 p.56
Opéra International - juin 1995 No.192 p.67
Diapason - No.407 septembre 1994 p.148
Répertoire - No.72 septembre 1994 p.54
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.31 enero-febrero 1999 p.81 [VJ]
Comments:- The Compact Cassettes issued by Charles Handelman are listed in his catalogue dated November 2000 where the performance that was recorded is attributed to Pisa on 4 September 1990. However, according to �Opera '91 - Annuario EDT dell'opera Lirica in Italia� Cavalleria Rusticana was not performed in Pisa on that day, but it was performed in the Teatro La Gran Guardia di Livorno with the cast indicated by Handelman. I have assumes this to be the correct attribution; i.e. the recording is of the same performance as that issued on CD by foné.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
L'opera (Milano) - Anno XV N.154 luglio-agosto 2001 pp.114-115 (mention)
American Record Guide - June 1952 Vol.18 No.10 p.296 [MDS]
Répertoire - No.73 octobre 1994 p.92
Comments:- The year of this recording is sometimes given as 1953, but this is almost certainly incorrect as the LPs issued by Cetra-Soria appeared for the first time in �Schwann� dated May 1952 and were reviewed in ARG June 1952. What appears to be this recording was broadcast by RAI Torino on 14 July 1953 (see 50 anni di opera lirica alla Rai 1931-1980 p.125) and this may account for 1953 being given as the year of the recording. According to �Simionato - How Cinderella became Queen� p.296 the recording was made in 1952, but it is not mentioned in the performance chronology. The year is given as 1949 in the review in Disques.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance broadcast on 11 July 1956. The cast give by Period is fictitious
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Opéra International - No.174 November 1993 p.80
Comments:- Björling sings in Italian and the rest of the cast in Swedish
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (7 February 1970). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (8 January 1970)
Black Disc; - Columbia 5127-5136 {10x10in-78s} (UK) (1928)�
Compact Cassette; - Golden Sounds GSH 5 (1983)�
Compact Disc; - Mike Richter - Audio Encyclopedia 301 (From Which We Came - CD-ROM) (1999)�; Divine Art 27805 (+Pagliacci) {2CDS} (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - November 1928 p.274 (Klein p.247); March 2006 p.78 [JBS]
Opera - July 2006 p.866, p.868 [AB]
Classic CD - November 1998 p.22 (letter)
Comments:- Recorded between 12 December 1927 and 26 September 1928. More details can be found in �Complete Operas on 78 R.P.M.� by Tom Peel. The �Golden Sounds� cassette is advertized in GRAMOPHONE May 1983 p.1310
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Black Disc; - Unique Opera Records Corporation UORC 112 {1LP} (1972)�
Compact Disc; - Walhall WHL 20 {1CD} (1995)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Opera Now - May/June 1997 p.95
Orpheus - Januar 1996 S.56
Opéra International - mai 1999 No.235 pp.64-66 [SS]
CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - N .84 enero 1996 pp.62-63
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.18 diciembre 1995 - febrero 1996 p.62
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (1 February 1941)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Verona Arena (9 August 1995). The cast listed above is that given in �Opera '95 Annuario EDT dell'Opera Lirica in Italia� p.287.
Black Disc; - *Delta-Fidelio ATL 4057 {1LP} (1963)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Black Disc - Mauro R. Fuguette 110 (+Lodoletta) {2LPS}
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of part of a performance at Naples (mentioned in OPERA May 1971 p.437)
Black Disc; - RCA Victor LM 6106 (+Pagliacci) {3LPS} (USA) (1953)�; HMV ALP 1126-1128 {3LPS} (+Pagliacci) (1954)�; RCA �Victrola� VICS 6044 (+recital - electronic stereo) {2LPS};; La Voix de son Maître FALP 301/3 (+Pagliacci) {3LPS} (1954)�; RCA �Victrola� VL 43534 (2) {2LPS} (Italy) (1977)�
Compact Disc; - *RCA Victor GD 86510 {1CD} (1988)�; Regis Records RRC 1162 {1CD} (2004)�; Naxos 8.110261 {1CD} (2004)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - April 1954 p.445 [PHW]; September 1971 p.514 [AB]; August 1988 pp.331-332 [AB]; September 2004 p.75 [AB]
Opera - July 1954 pp.435-436 [HDR]
Orpheus - Mai+Juni 2005 S.59 [HCM]
Opera Quarterly - Vol.7 No.1 Spring 1990 pp.162-164 [WA2]
American Record Guide - October 1953 Vol.20 No.2 p.41 [PHR]: October 1971 Vol.38 No.2 p.76 [PLM]
Gramophone Record Review - June 1954 p.380
The Record Shelf Guide - (4) p.317
International Record Review - April 2005 pp.24-26 [RP]
ARSC Journal - Vol.36 No.2 Fall 2005 pp.311-312 [EAM]
Disques (Nouvelle Série) - No.68 novembre 1954 p.716 [JB]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.79 abril 2005 pp.80-81 [VJ]
Comments:- Recorded between 2 and 27 January 1953. More details can be found in �Complete Operas on 78 R.P.M.� by Tom Peel
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Opera News - October 1995 p.44
Orpheus - März 1995 S.61
Opéra International - mai 1999 No.235 pp.64-66 [SS]
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the New Orleans Opera House (14 December 1963)
Black Disc; - Columbia SL-123 (+Verdi Overtures) {2LPS} (USA) (1953)�; Columbia �Odyssey� Y3-33122 (+Paglacci) (USA) {3LPS) ;; Philips A 01612-1613 R {2x10in-LPS} (Continental Europe) ; Philips ABR 4000-4001 {2x10in-LPS} (UK) (1955)�; CBS Classics 61640 (electronic stereo) (UK) {1LP} (1975)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - May 1955 p.536 [PHW]; August 1975 p.359 [AB]
Opera - September 1955 p.593
American Record Guide - May 1953 Vol.19 No.9 p.275 [JN]
The Gramophone Shop Inc Record Supplement - May 1953 Vol.16 No.5 p.3
E.M.G. Monthly Letter - June 1955 p.17
Gramophone Record Review - July 1955 pp.495-496 [MO]
Disques (Nouvelle Série) - No.68 novembre 1954 p.715 [JB]
Black Disc; - Melodram MEL 024 (+Pagliacci) {3LPS} (1981)�
Compact Disc - Omega Opera Archive 362
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Opera Quarterly - Vol.7 No.1 Spring 1990 pp.162-164 [WA2]
Comments:- Recording of a performance given by the Metropolitan Opera in Boston (13 April 1957). According to the review in OPERA QUARTERLY the recording was incorrectly stated by Melodram to be that of a performance at the MET on 22 March 1957. This was not broadcast, but that on 13 April was. According to MARINELLI (p.449) the Brindisi is missing on the Melodram LPs. The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�. (�Excellent FM aircheck�)
Compact Disc; - Omega Opera Archive 1101; Bensar OL 12862 (BRO 125727) {1CDR} (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (8 December 1962). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�. The CDRs issued on the Bensar label are (were?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM).
Compact Disc; - Omega Opera Archive 1756; The Opera Lovers CAV 197101 {1CD} (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (13 February 1971). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�. The CDR issued by �The Opera Lovers� is listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM). The date of the performance recorded is given here incorrectly as �13.01.71�.
Compact Disc; - Music Memoria 30451 (+arias - Endrèze) {1CD} (1992)�; Malibran Music CDRG 125 (+arias Cernay) (1999)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - November 1992 p.232 [AB]
Orpheus - August + September 1999 S.80 (mention) [GH]
Opera Quarterly - Vol.19 No.3 Summer 2003 pp.533-534 [RP]
Diapason - No.375 octobre 1991 p.162 [JLD]
International Classical Record Collector - Winter 1999 No.19 pp.101-102 [JTH]
L'opera (Milano) - Anno XIII N.132 settembre 1999 p.96 [MG]
Comments:- Recorded on 12 May 1931 and 13 March 1933. More details can be found in �Complete Operas on 78 R.P.M.� by Tom Peel
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 1864-1 {1CDR} (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden (12 April 1982; see OPERA June 1982 pp.651-652). It appears that this performance was not broadcast so, presumably, the recording was made �in-house�. The CDRS issued by Premiere are included in their �2005 FALL NEW RELEASES�.
Compact Disc; - Omega Opera Archive 792; The Opera Lovers CAV 195101 {1CDR} (Canada) (2006)�; West Hill Radio Archives WHRA 6002 (+performance conducted by Papi - 1937) ; {2CDS} (2006)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (3 March 1951). See �Sign-Off for the Old Met� p.33. The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�. The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (26 January 1952). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (4 April 1953). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�.
Black Disc; - RCA Victor LM 6059 (+recital by Björling) {2LPS} (USA) (1958)�; RCA Victor LSC 6059 (+recital by Björling) {2LPS} (USA) (1959)�; RCA RB 16087-2 (+recital by Björling) {2LPS} (UK) (1958)�; RCA SB 2021-2 (+recital by Björling) (UK) (1959)�; London OSA 12101 (+recital by Björling) {2LPS} Decca �Ace of Diamonds� GOS 634-5 (+recital by Björling) {2LPS} (1974)�
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - November 1958 p.235 [HCS]; April 1959 p.530 [PHW]; April 1974 p.1902, p.1909 [RO]; February 1999 p.36 (mention) [IM]
Opera - May 1959 p.326
Fanfare - Vol.1 No.2 November 1977 p.78 [KH]
American Record Guide - November 1958 Vol.25 No.3 p.185 [FS]
High Fidelity Magazine - December 1958 Vol.8 No.12 p.60 [DJ]: November 1962 Vol.12 No.11 p.53
Gramophone Record Review - April 1959 p.453 [HL]
Records and Recordings - April 1959 p.15 [FGB]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.31 enero-febrero 1999 p.82 [JV]
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in Palermo (7 March 1963).
DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 5244 (+Pagliacci) (2005)�; Encore DVD 2174 (+Pagliacci) (2006)�
VHS Video Cassette - Lyric Distribution #1073 (NTSC)
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Video recording of a performance in Tokyo (September 1976). The DVD-R issued by Premiere is included in their list of �2005 Winter/Spring New Releases� and that issued on the Encore label is (was?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM).
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
High Fidelity Magazine - February 1959 Vol.9 No.2 p.58 [DJ]
Comments:- According to the review in HIGH FIDELITY the cast listed above (and on the record) is fictitious and the actual cast is Carla Gavazzi (Santuzza), Rosita Gilardi (Lola), Maria Amadini (Lucia), Mario Ortica (Turiddu), Giuseppe Valdengo(Alfio) with the Chorus and Orchestra of RAI Milano conducted by Arturo Basile
Black Disc - Fratelli Fabbri GOL 05/06 {2x10in-LPS}
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Compact Disc; - The Irina Arkhipova Foundation FA 04-12 5 {1CD} (2004)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Teatro Goldoni di Livorno (October 1980). The cast and conductor listed above are those given in �L'opera lirica a Livorno� by Fulvio Venturi p.236. The CD issue by The Irina Arkhipova Foundation is listed on the website: ####
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - May 1982 p.1527 [AB]
Opera Now - April 1995 p.53
Opéra International - juin 1995 No.192 p.67
L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.169 p.125
Répertoire - No.80 mai 1995 p.53
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - septiembre-noviembre 1995 p.62
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Opéra International - juillet-aoüt 1984 No.72 p.61 [SS]
Diapason - No.503 mai 2003 p.125 [FL]
American Record Guide - September/October 2003 Vol.66 No.5 p.137 [MM]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.61 junio 2003 p.81 [MC]
Classica Répertoire - No.59 février 2004 p.118 [PT]
Comments:- Recording of a performance at La Scala on December 7 1963 to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Mascagni (see OPERA February 1964 p.94 ). The date given in Charles Handelman's catalog (November 2000) is 9 December 1963, but according to the archive in (that was in?) the La Scala website ( Cavalleria rusticana was not performed on that date. The CDR issued by Premiere was advertized as �New� in �Fall 2001�.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - April 1979 p.1767 [EG] ; October 1979 p.587 [JBS] ; January 1989 p.1205 [JBS]
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Classic Record Collector - Winter 2002 pp.30-36 [JTH]
Compact Disc; - Great Opera Performances G.O.P. 66314 {1CD} (2004)�; Urania URN 22.300 (+Pagliacci - Erede) {2CDS} (2006)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Co. 1098-1 {1CDR} (2003)�; House of Opera CDBB 311 {1CDR} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in Hartford (9 March 1973). This date is taken from �Pietro Mascagni - A Bio-Bibliography� by Roger Flury p.240. The CDRs issued by Premiere are listed in �Fall 2003 Premiere Opera Compact Disc Releases� where the year is gived as 1976, but this appears to be incorrect. Two additional singers are given in this source as De Carlo and Aronica. The CDRs issued by House of Opera are included in the list of new releases added to their website in December 2003 �03/12/22�
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- This recording appears to be of a performance in the War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco in June 1986. The conductor listed on Omega's website is �Pritchard�, but according to the online chronology of the San Francisco Opera the performances of Cavalleria Rusticana in 1986 were conducted by Anton Guadagno (as listed above) except for the performance on 22 June which was conducted by Carlo Felice Cillario (hyperlinks in CLORLINK.HTM).
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 2363-1 {1CDR} (2006)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the Vienna State Opera (21 June 1993). Some of the information about the cast comes from �Chronik der Wiener Staatsoper 1945-1995� compiled by Harald Hoyer. The CDRs issued by Premiere are included in their list of �NEW RELEASES October 2006�.
Black Disc; - Eurodisc 72 238 KR {1LP} (1965)�;; Eurodisc S 72 239 KR {1LP} (1965)�; Eurodisc XD 27 272 R
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Fono Forum - August 1965 S.350 [CH]: Dezember 1965 S.582 [AM}
Comments:- The Eurodisc LPs are advertized in Fono Forum Mai 1965 S.233
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - October 1966 p.219; November 1974 p.974 [AB]; September 1984 p. [JBS]; October 1987 p. [AB]
Opera - December 1966 p.966 [HDR]
American Record Guide - Vol.33 No.4 December 1966 p.336 [PLM]: Vol.63 No.4 May/June 2000 p.156 [LM]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.38 marzo-abril 2000 p.95 [TF]
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Luister - Januari 1989 nr.436 p.1-26 [PK]
Comments:- Recording of a performance at La Scala (11 June 1968)
VHS Video Cassette - London 440 071 530-3 (NTSC) (+Pagliacci); Decca 071 430-3 (PAL) (+Pagliacci)
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Fanfare - August Vol.38 No.6 July/August 2008 pp.364-365 [HF]
Opera Quarterly - Vol.14 No.1 Autumn 1997 p.149 [DM]
Diapason - No.556 mars 2008 pp.109-110 [MP]
American Record Guide - November/December 1996 Vol.59 No.6 p.312: July/August 2008 Vol.71 No.4 pp.271-272 [KM]
International Record Review - February 2008 pp.76-77 [CC]
Compact Disc; - Truesound Transfers TT 1815 {1CD};; Mike Richter - Audio Encyclopedia 301 (From Which We Came - CD-ROM) (1999)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 1741-1 {1CDR} (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a concert performance in the Muziekcentrum Vredenburg, Utrecht (8 April 2001). The CDR issued by Premiere is listed in �Premiere Opera Ltd. 2005 Winter/Spring New Releases�.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- The cast, conductor, orchestra, and chorus listed above are those given on the website of LR-Music (click link below). However, the only performances with the same conductor, chorus and orchestra listed in �Opera 94 - Annuario EDT dell'Opera Lirica in Italia� are at Massa Marittima (4 August 1993, p.114), San Severo (21, 23 December 1993, p.219) and Viterbo (4 September 1993, p.304) and the casts reported here are slightly different. Thus according to this source Paola Testa sang Lucia in Massa Marittima and Viterbo and Elena Marinangeli sang it in San Severo while Antonio Stragapede sang Alfio in San Severo. It is possible that the performance on the CDs issued by New Ornamenti was at a location not listed in the Annuario. No performance of Cavalleria rusticana with Adelaide Negri is listed in the 1993 edition of the �Annuario�. #### detall&s=NEW%20ORNAMENTI&o=&i=1&PHPSESSID=243e6a396f8ea4895610053440f65b42
Black Disc - Europäischer Phonoclub Opera 1104 {1LP}; Baccarola 75877 2R Eurodisc Z01 021 250
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Compact Disc; - The Opera Lover CAV 197802 {1CDR} (2004)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (April 1978). The CDR issued by �The Opera Lover� is listed on the website Here the date of the performance recorded is given as 15 April 1978 and �Domingo� is given as a cast member. However, according to the �Met Annals� Anatoly Solovianenko sang Turiddu in the performance on that date which was broadcast. Plácido Domingo sang in the performance on 5 April 1978 which was broadcast and televised. I do not know which performance is recorded on the CDRs issued by �The Opera Lover�.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - February 1980 p.1293 [AB] June 1980 p.78 [SIR]; October 1980 p.471 [JBS]
Opera Now - November/December 1997 p.97 [GH]
Diapason - No.439 juillet-aoüt 1997 p.93
BBC Music Magazine - June 1997 p.75 (mention)
American Record Guide - January 1980 Vol.43 No.3 p.35 [RVL]: January/February 2000 Vol.63 No.1 p.129 [DA]
CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.98 abril 1997 p.40 (mention)
Répertoire - No.104 juillet/aoüt 1997 p.46
L'opera (Milano) - Anno XI - N.109 - giungo 1997 p.91
DVD (Video) - Opus Arte OA 0983 D (+Pagliacci) (2007)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Orpheus - Juli+August 2005 S.60 (mention) [SS]
Comments:- The Polydor LPs and CD contain the following excerpts: Duftig erglänzen Orangen, Nein Nein Turiddu, Osterchor, Schäumt der süße Wein im Becher, Mutter der Rote war allzu feurig, Siziliana, Intermezzo, Romanze der Santuzza. The last three are not included on the EPs
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 1097-1 {1CDR} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the New York City Opera (24 April 1976).
Compact Disc; - VAI VAIA 1197 (+Pagliacci) {2CDS};; *Mike Richter Audio Encyclopedia AE 211 �Italian Opera from Teatro Colón� ;; {1xCD-ROM} (2003)�; Myto 1 MCD 042 292 {2CDS} (2004)�; Memoria Sonora del Teatro Colón (+Pagliacci) {2CDS} (2007)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Opera Quarterly - Vol.21 No.1 Winter 2005 pp.205-207 [RB]
Opéra International - No.298 février 2005 p.76 (mention)
American Record Guide - January/February 2002 Vol.65 No.1 p.134 [LM]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.72 juLio-agosto 2004 p.84 [LB]
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires (30 June 1968 or/and 21 June 1968; see OPERA September 1968 p.719). According to the description of this recording given by VAI, Myto and Memoria Sonora del Teatro Colón the conductor was Juan Emilio Martini as listed above. Bruno Bartoletti and Martini are listed as conductors on the Teatro Colón website, but it is not stated which performances each of them conducted and it is possible that some recordings are of a performance conducted by Bartoletti:- ####
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - January 1994 p.108 [AB]
American Record Guide - January/February 2004 Vol.67 No.1 pp.247-248 [VAL]
Répertoire - No.106 octobre 1997 p.86 (mention)
CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.106 enero 1998 p.35 (mention) [JS]
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the Hague (7 November 1938). According to the review in ARG part of the original recording on transcription disks was missing and this section was replaced on the CD issued by Bongiovanni by the corresponding excerpt from Gigli's EMI recording and on the CD issued by Guild with the corresponding excerpt with Melandri from Columbia's recording.
Black Disc - HMV DB 3960-3970 (11x78s); Victor 11-8089/99 - M-1139 (11x78s) HMV ALP 1610-1612 (+Pagliacci) {2LPS;AC}; Seraphim IB-6008 (+recital by Gigli) {2LPS}; La Voix de son Maître FALP 108/109; EMI 3C 153-17074/17075 (Electronic Stereo); EMI 3 C 153-18425-18427 (+Pagliacci); EMI Electrola 80474/5S
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - December 1958 p.313; October 2001 p.103 [JBS]
Opera - January 1959 p.53
Opera Now - July/August 1997 p.87; January/February 2002 p.95, p.97 [ST]
Opera News - September 23 1967 p.30: February 4 1995 p.40
Orpheus - April 1997 S.56
Opera Quarterly - Vol.7 No.1 Spring 1990 pp.231-237 [RG]
Gramophone Record Review - January 1959 p.202 [GD]
The Absolute Sound - Issue 71 May/June 1991 p.148
BBC Music Magazine - July 1993 p.63
Classical Express - Issue No.84 March 1997 p.4: Issue No.89 August 1997 p.3
American Record Guide - May 1967 Vol.33 No.9 p.796 [PLM]: January/February 1990 Vol.53 No.1 p.134 [VAL]: July/August 1997 Vol.60 No.4 p.239
International Opera Collector - Winter 1997 No.6 p.96 [MO]
ARSC Journal - Vol.34 No.2 Fall 2003 pp.242-243 [EAM]
Répertoire - No.62 octobre 1993 p.79
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.18 diciembre 1995 - febrero 1996 p.61
CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.103 octubre 1997 p.41 (mention) [MC]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.25 septiembre-noviembre 1997 p.89 [MH]
Comments:- Recorded in April 1940. The matrix of the �Siciliana� was damaged and a new recording of it was made on 16 November 1947 which was issued as part of the complete sets on 78s in the UK and USA. More details can be found in �Complete Operas on 78 R.P.M.� by Tom Peel. The CDs issued by EMI, Nimbus, amd Naxos use the original version of the Siciliana.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Diapason - No.523 mars 2005 p.121 [MP]
L'opera (Milano) - Anno XVIII N.188 novembre 2004 p.98 [GL]
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Teatro Comunale Umberto Giordano de Foggia (December 2003).
Compact Cassette - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 00264
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden (23 February 1973; see OPERA April 1973 pp.370-371). It appears that this performance was not broadcast so, presumably, the recording was made �in-house�. The cassettes issued by Charles Handelman are listed in his catalogue dated November 2000.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Diapason - No.546 avril 2007 pp.83-84 [PK]
BBC Music Magazine - May 2007 p.78 [GH]
Opéra Magazine - No.16 mars 2007 pp.71-72 [JB]
Classica Répertoire - No.93 juin 2007 p.84 [PT]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.101 junio 2007 p.92 [MCP]
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Opéra International - mai 1999 No.235 pp.64-66 [SS]
L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.169 p.125
Répertoire - No.72 septembre 1994 p.54
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (for a review of an earlier performance inthis series see OPERA February 1959 p.57)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (30 January 1960). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�.
Black Disc - Columbia D 14623 - D 14632 {10x78s} Columbia OP7 (67880 D - 67889 D) {10x78s} (USA); Columbia EL 5 {2LPS} (USA)
Compact Disc; - Standing Room Only SRO 806-1 {1CD} (1990)�; Preiser Records 90042 {1CD}
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recorded between 4 and 11 January 1930. More details can be found in �Complete Operas on 78 R.P.M.� by Tom Peel
Black Disc - Seven Seas K25C 310-312 (+Pagliacci) {3LPS}
Compact Disc - Gala GL 100.518 (+Pagliacci) {2CDS}
DVD (Video) - NHK Video KIBM 1016 (Japan) (2002)�; Video Artists International VAI DVD 4422 (2007)�
VHS Video Cassette - VAI Video 69084
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Opéra International - janvier 1996 No.198 p.45
L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.169 p.125
American Record Guide - March/April 2008 Vol.71 No.2 p.279 (DVD) [RVL]
Classic Record Collector - Summer 2008 pp.70-71 (DVD) [TP]
Répertoire - No.83 septembre 1995 p.54
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.107 enero-febrero 2008 p.86 (DVD} [PMH]
Comments:- Audio and video recordings of a performance (or of performances) in the Bunka Kaikan, Tokyo (October 1961; see OPERA April 1962 p.262)
Compact Cassette - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 00268
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia (17 November 1972). The cast listed above is that given by Frank Hamilton in his online chronology of opera performances in Philadelphia (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM). The Compact Cassettes issued by Charles Handelman are listed in his catalogue dated November 2000
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Coliseo Albia, Bilbao (9 or 12 September 1988). The cast listed above is that given in the website of the Asociación Bilbaina de Amigos de la Opera (ABAO) (roles unassigned). There may be errors in the assignment given above. The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM).
Compact Cassette - Mr Tape. 6030; Charles Handelman - Live Opera 02579
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Palacio de las Bellas Artes (13 or 18 June 1950)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Teatro Comunale di Firenze (2 January 1971). The performance on 7 January 1971 is reviewed in OPERA May 1971 p.439. The compact cassettes issued by Legato are listed in their list of �New Audio Cassette Listings(ALD) - Winter 1998�.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - April 1980 p.1589 [EG] June 1980 p.78 [SIR]; October 1980 p.471 [JBS]; March 1991 p. [JBS]
Compact Disc; - House of Opera CDBB 314 {1CDR} (2003)�
DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 5281 (2005)�; Encore DVD 2329 (2006)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Audio and video recordings of a performance (or of performances) in the Teatro Dante Alighieri di Ravenna (July 1996; see OPERA Festival Issue pp.117-118). There were performances with the cast listed above on 14, 16, 18 July 1996. See �Opera '96 Annuario EDT/CIDIM dell'Opera Lirica in Italia� p.215. The CDRs issued by House of Opera are included in the list of new releases added to their website in December 2003 �03/12/22� and the DVD-R issued by Premiere is included in their list of �2005 Winter/Spring New Releases�. The DVD-R issued on the Encore label is (was?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM). Here the performance recorded is incorrectly attributed to �La Scala�.
Black Disc - Compagnia Italiana del Grammofono {14 1-sided 78s}
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Black Disc; - E.J. Smith �The Golden Age of Opera� EJS 115 {1LP} (1957)�; Operatic Archives OPA 1029 {2LPS}
Compact Disc; - Walhall WHL 8 {1CD} (1994)�; The Opera Lovers CAV 193701 {1CDR} (Canada) (2006)�; West Hill Radio Archives WHRA 6002 (+performance conducted by Erede - 1951); {2CDS} (2006)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Opéra International - mai 1999 No.235 pp.64-66 [SS]
L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.162 p.168
Répertoire - No.73 October 1994 p.50
Comments:- Recording of a performance given by the Metropolitan Opera in Boston (10 April 1937). The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - August 1998 p.89 [JBS]; March 2000 p.115 [JBS]
HiFi News & Record Review - October 1998 p.101 [BN]
Black Disc - E.J. Smith �The Golden Age of Opera� EJS 350 EMI 153 54010/17 (highlights)
Compact Disc; - Eklipse EKR CD 7 (+Pagliacci) {2CDS} ; Great Opera Performance G.O.P. 835 (+Pagliacci) {2CDS} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Teatro di San Carlo at Naples (8 January 1952). See INTERNATIONAL OPERA COLLECTOR Spring 1997 No.3 p.60
Compact Disc; - Charles Handelman - Live Opera; (unnumbered) {1CDR} (2004)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at La Scala (February 1988). The CDR issued by Charles Handelman is listed in the supplement to his CD catalogue dated Spring 2004
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at La Scala. The CDR issued by House of Opera is listed as new issues in their online catalogue dated �03/12/22� where the date is given as 25 November 1988. This is incorrect and it seems probable that the correct date is 25 February 1988.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recorded in the József Attila Gymnasium, Budapest (8-14 July 1993)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
DVD (Video) - Video Artists International VAIDVD 4285 (2004)�
VHS Video Cassette - Video Artists International Video 69065 (NTSC)
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - November 2004 p.100 [JBS]
Opéra International - juillet/aoüt 1996 No.204 1996 p.59; No.300 mai 2005 p.92 [PC]
Diapason - No.523 mars 2005 p.121 [MP]
American Record Guide - January/February 2005 Vol.68 No.1 pp.261-262 [RVL]
International Record Review - February 2005 p.82 [IJ]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.75 noviembre 2004 p.91 [FGR]
Compact Disc - Carlton Classics (IMP Classics) 30387 00512 {1CD} *World of the Opera 5254 (+Pagliacci) {2CDS}
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - November 1985 p. (audio) [JBS]; February 1986 p.1070 (audio) [JB]; April 2002 p.92 (DVD) [MEO]
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - November 1959 p.241 (Highlights); July 1960 p.78 [AP] May 1968 p.609
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in Amsterdam (March 2006). The CDs issued by live-rare-opera are (were?) listed in their online catalogue (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM).
Compact Cassette - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 08062
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Teatro Sociale di Como (3 December 1995). The cast listed above is that given in �Opera '96 - Annuario EDT/CIDIM dell'opera Lirica in Italia� p.49. The Compact Cassettes issued by Charles Handelman are listed in his catalogue dated November 2000.
Compact Disc; - Mike Richter Audio Encyclopedia AE 208 �Opera auf Deutsch� {1CD-ROM} (2002)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Black Disc; - Società Nazionale del Grammofono �La Voce del Padrone� M 2-0250502, M 2-0254500, M 2-0253000, M 2-0253001, M 2-0254001, M 2-0252001, M 2-0252002 {7x12in-78s}, C 7-250504, C-253014, C 7-254004 {3X10in-78s} (1915)�; Società Nazionale del Grammofono �La Voce del Padrone�; S 5092, S 5094, S 5096, S 5098, S 5100, S 5102, S 5104, {7x12in-78s), R 5099, R 5101, R 5103;; (3x10in-78s)
Compact Disc; - Mike Richter - Audio Encyclopedia 301 (From Which We Came - CD-ROM) (1999)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- The first set of 78s given above is listed in the catalogue of the Società Nazionale del Grammofono dated ottobre 1915. It was recorded between 19 March and 13 April 1915. More details can be found in �Complete Operas on 78 R.P.M.� by Tom Peel
Black Disc; - Società Anonima Nazionale del Grammofono �La Voce del Padrone� ; S 10174-10182 {9x78s}; HMV C 1973-1981 {9x78s} (1930)�; Victor �Masterworks� Set 98 (9885-9893) {9x78s};; Electrola EH 580-588 {9x78s} (Germany)
Compact Disc - VAI 1082-2 (+Pagliacci) {2CDS}; Arkadia 78046 {1CD}
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - November 1930 p.284 (Klein p.490)
Opera News - October 1996 p.40
CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.115 noviembre 1998 p.39 (mention) [SV]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.30 noviembre-diciembre 1998 p.76 [VJ]
Comments:- Recorded between 15 April 1929 and 12 April 1930. The sessions in March and April 1930 were conducted by Nastrucci. More details can be found in �Complete Operas on 78 R.P.M.� by Tom Peel
Black Disc - Teatro Dischi TD 104 (+Pagliacci - Cleva) {3LPS}
Compact Disc; - Omega Opera Archive 1492 (& 1252); The Opera Lovers CAV 196401 {1CDR} (2007)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (11 April 1964; see �Sign off for the Old Met� pp.494-495). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) that issued by �The Opera Lovers� is listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM)
Compact Disc; - Legato Classics LCD 202-1 {1CD} (1996)�; Live Opera Heaven Ltd. C 691 {1CD} (2003)�; House of Opera CDBB 310 (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Orpheus - April 1997 S.58
Opéra International - mai 1999 No.235 pp.64-66 [SS]
American Record Guide - July/August 1996 Vol.59 No.4 p.150
CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.89 junio 1996 pp.54-55
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.20 junio-agosto p.63 [JS]
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Nationaltheater, Munich (25 December 1978; see OPERA May 1979 p.448). The CDRs issued by House of Opera are listed as new issues in their online catalogue dated �03/12/22� where the recording is attributed to a performance at Bayreuth!
Black Disc; - HMV �Angel Series� AN 108-109 (+orchestral excerpts from other ; operas by Mascagni) {2LPS} (1963)�; HMV �Angel Series� SAN 108-109 (+orchestral excerpts from other operas by ;; Mascagni) {2LPS} (1963)�; Angel 3632 B/L (+orchestral excerpts from other operas by Mascagni) {2LPS} (1963)�; Angel S 3632 B/L (+orchestral excerpts from other operas by Mascagni) {2LPS} (1963)�
Open Reel Tape; - Angel ZB 3632 (7�ips 4-track) (1963)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - May 1963 p.527; July 1963 p.54 (mention); March 1992 p.113 [JBS]
Opera - May 1963 pp.338-339 [HDR]
American Record Guide - November 1963 Vol.30 No.3 p.186 [PLM]: February 1964 Vol.30 No.6 p.528 [CJL] (open reel tape)
High Fidelity Magazine - November 1963 Vol.13 No.11 p.96 [CLO]: January 1964 Vol.14 No.1 p.97 [RDD] (open reel tape)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
(The) Gramophone - September 1960 pp.178-179 [AP]
Comments:- According to The Gramophone, Victor Reinshagen also conducts some of the excerpts. There is also an LP of excerpts with the same singers singing in German (D.G.G. 19011 LPEM)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Compact Disc; - Opera Depot OD 10300-1 {1CDR} (2008)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- The CDR issued by �Opera Depot� is listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM). This appears to be a recording of a performance in Catania in May 1972 and the cast listed above is that given in �E Colpa Amore? - Infelicità e prodigi di Elena Souliotis� by Jacopo Serafini p.301. The year of the performance recorded is given by �Opera Depot� as 1971.
Compact Disc; - Gala GL 100564 (+Pagliacci) {2CDS} (2000)�; House of Opera CDBB 316 (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recordings of performances in the War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco (30 October 1976 [Gala], 5 November 1976 [HOO]). The performance on 27 October 1976 is reviewed in OPERA March 1977 pp.271-272. The CDRs issued by House of Opera are listed as new issues in their online catalogue dated �03/12/22�
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera CDNO 1099-1 {1CDR} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco. There were performances with the cast listed above on 13, 16 November 1976. See The San Francisco Opera by Arthur Bloomfield p.505.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Orpheus - Mai 2001 S.76 (mention) [SS]
Comments:- The following excerpts are performed: Vorspiel un Siziliana; Laßt uns preisen den Herrn; Die Schuld wird nicht vergeben; Intermezzo sinfonico; Schäumt der süße Wein im Becher; Mutter der Rote war allzu feurig; Finale.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Classic Record Collector - Winter 2002 pp.30-36 [JTH]
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - October 1954 p.212 [PHW]; February 1974 p.1605 [RO]; October 1987 p.618 [AB]; October 2005 p.101 [JBS]
Opera - December 1954 p.758 [HDR]
Diapason - No.439 juillet-aoüt 1997 pp.90-92 [CC]
The Callas Legacy by John Ardoin - (1) p.68 (2) p.70 (3) p.68
Gramophone Record Review - November 1954 p.27 [MO]
American Record Guide - June 1954 Vol.20 No.10 p.321 [PHR]
High Fidelity Magazine - June 1954 Vol.4 No.4 p.46 [JH]
Open Reel Tape; - London LOH 90032 (4-track 7�ips) (1961)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - February 1961 p.441; November 1961 p.274; August 1989 p. [JBS]
Opera - June 1961 p.407; November 1961 p.723
American Record Guide - January 1961 Vol.27 No.5 p.402 [CJL]: July 1961 Vol.27 No.11 p.902 (open reel tape) [RJ]
High Fidelity Magazine - March 1961 Vol.11 No.3 p.62 [CLO]: September 1961 Vol.11 No.9 p.124 (open reel tape) [RDD]
Comments:- This recording was incorrectly reported in OPERA as being conducted by FrancescoMolinari-Pradelli (see OPERA March 1962 p.210)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (10 December 1988).
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 5394 (+Pagliacci) (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Video recording of a performance that was transmitted on 20 September 1992. The DVD issued by Premiere is listed in their �latest offerings� dated 16 May 2005.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Opera Now - May/June 1997 p.95
L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.179 p.97 [JC-1]
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (20 March 1943)
Compact Disc; - House of Opera CD 545 (2000)�; Opera Depot OD 10282-1 {1CDR} (2008)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance in The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. This performance was broadcast by BBC Radio 3 and BBC1 Television on 16 April 1976. See Radio TImes Issue dated 10-16 April 1976 p.52, p.54. The CDs issued by House of Opera are listed in their list of �New Releases Summer 2000� and the CDR issued by �Opera Depot� is listed on their website: (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM).
DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 5409 (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Video recording of a performance in the Teatro Regio di Parma (February 1997). The cast listed above is that given in �Opera '97 - Annuario EDT/CIDIM dell'opera Lirica in Italia� p.191. The DVD issued by Premiere is included in their list of new DVD releases dated 10 September 2005.
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - October 1967 p.225 [PHW]; January 1968 p.366 [DST]; Special Awards Issue 1998 p.115 [JBS]; April 1999 p.36 [IM]; October 2005 p.101 [JBS]
Opera - December 1967 p.994 [AB]
Opera News - September 23 1967 p.30
Orpheus - April 1998 p.60 (mention) [GH]
Comments:- According to Jacopo Serafini this recording was made on 14-17, 19-21 September 1966 (�E colpa amore? - Infelicita e prodigi di Elena Souliotis� by Jacopo Serafini p.276).
Black Disc; - Historical Recording Enterprises HRE 301-2 (+Combattimento di ;; Tancredi e Clorinda) {2LPS} (1980)�
Compact Disc - Omega Opera Archive 1049 (& 461)
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (16 November 1959). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�.
Black Disc - Cetra �Opera Live� LO 15 (+L'amico Fritz) {4LPS} Unique Opera Records UORC 259; Di Stefano Records GDS 1001 (+Pagliacci - Sanzogno) {3LPS}
Compact Cassette - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 00504
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Orpheus - April 1998 S.62 [GH]
Opéra International - mai 1999 No.235 pp.64-66 [SS]
Classical Express - Issue 96 March 1998 p.3 [JP]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - junio-agosto 1998 No.28 p.97 [JR]: No.82 julio-agosto 2005 p.87 [PN]
Comments:- Recording of a performance at La Scala (5 May 1955)
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET (23 February 1980). The CDRs issued on the Bensar label are (were?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM).
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Video recording made at performances in the Antiche Terme Romane, Baia (July 2007).
Recordings of Cavalleria rusticana by Pietro Mascagni are surveyed in the following publications:-
High Fidelity November 1962 p.53; HARRIS p.64; Opera on Record p.542; CELLETTI p.380; MARINELLI p.435; Opera on CD(1) p.114 (2) p.126 (3) p.141; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.50 p.130; MET p.220; MET(VID) p.124; PENGUIN p.195; GIUDICI p.140; Opéra International mai 1999 No.235 p.66; Répertoire No.130 décembre 1999 p.86; American Record Guide September/October 2000 Vol.63 No.5 pp.73-83
Comments:- Recording of a concert performance in the Large Hall of the Moscow Comservatory.The LPs issued by Melodiya are listed �Soviet Records� Supplement to the Main Catalogue 1984 p.119.