There are 8 recordings of Maruxa by Amadeo Vives on file

(This "Discography" was generated by CLOR for THE COMPILER )

1 1914-15(SCE) - Marquina - Concordio Gelabert Pascual - Orquesta*

2 1930(STU) - Capdevila Antonio - Gran Teatro del Liceo*

3 1930?(SE) - Gelabert Concordio - Orquesta Sinfónica del Gramófono*

4 1954(STU) - Argenta Ataúlfo - Orquesta de Cámara de Madrid*

5 1969(FI) - Moreno Torroba Federico - Orquesta Lírica Española***

6 196?(STU) - Marco Eugenio Mario - Orquesta Filarmonia de Barcelona*

7 1974(STU) - García Asensio Enrique - Orquesta Sinfónica de Barcelona*

8 1979(LI) - Pérez Busquier Gerard - Gran Teatro del Liceo**

*AUDIO ---- **VIDEO ---- ***AUDIO & VIDEO

Maruxa by Amadeo Vives performed in Spanish

Conductor Pascual Marquina_-_Concordio_Gelabert - 1914-15(SCE)

Orchestra - Orquesta

Chorus - Coros

Maruxa - Ofelia Nieto

Pablo - Inocencio Navarro

Rosa - Emilia Iglesias

Antonio - Rafael López

Rufo - Enrique Beut


Black Disc; - Discos Gramófono (Barcelona) �La Voz de su Amo� C 2-62150, C 2-62151, C 64401, C 2-62166, C 64399 {5x10in-78s}, M 064096, M 064094;; {2x12in 78s} (all black label); Discos Gramófono (Barcelona) �La Voz de su Amo� AA 52, AA 94, AA 57, AA 93 ; {4x10in-78s}, AB 133, AB 132 {2x12in 78s} (all black label) (1922)�

Compact Disc; - Aria 1031 (+another recording - Capdevila) {2CDS} (1999)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)


This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

The Record Collector - Vol.46 No.1 March 2001 pp.35-38 [JMB]


Comments:- Gramófono's 78s are listed in their catalogue dated junio de 1917. Part of the role of Rufo is sung by Inocencio Navarro and Sr. Miracle. The following excerpts are performed: Canción de Rufo; Canción de Maruxa (I acto); Duo de Maruxa y Pablo; Canción de Rufo (II acto); Terceto; Dúo de Rosa y Rufo; Terceto de la carta; Cuarteto del borreguito; Final I acto

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Maruxa by Amadeo Vives performed in Spanish

Conductor Antonio Capdevila - 1930(STU)

Orchestra - Gran Teatro del Liceo

Chorus - Gran Teatro del Liceo

Maruxa - Ofelia Nieto

Pablo - Carlo Galeffi

Rosa - Ángeles Ottein

Antonio - Jaime Ferré

Rufo - Aníbal Vela


Black Disc; - Odeón 121.070, 121.139, 121.140, 121.141, 122.014, 122.015, 122.016, 122.017, 129.018, 129.031, 129.034, 173.188, 173.189 (13x78s) (Spain) (1931)�

Compact Disc; - *Blue Moon BMCD 7530 {2CDS} (1999)�; Aria SL 1031 (+excerpts -1914/15) {2CDS} (1999)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)


This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

The Record Collector - Vol.46 No.1 March 2001 pp.35-38 [JMB]


Comments:- Recorded January - March 1930. The Aria CD is reviewed by Christopher Webber on the Zarzuela Website

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Maruxa by Amadeo Vives performed in Spanish

Conductor Concordio Gelabert - 1930?(SE)

Orchestra - Orquesta Sinfónica del Gramófono

Chorus - Coro

Maruxa - Luisa Vela

Pablo - Emilio Sagi-Barba

Rosa - Luisa Vela

Rufo - Emilio Sagi-Barba


Black Disc - Discos Gramófono (Barcelona) �La Voz de su Amo� AC 144-145 (violet label) {2x10in-78s}, AD 32, AD 34, AD 35, AD 36 (+El puñao de rosas - excerpt) (violet label) {3x12in-78s), AF 271 (green label) {1x12in-78}


Comments:- Gramófono's 78s are listed in their catalogue dated enero de 1932. Enrique Sagi-Barba also takes part. The following excerpts are performed: Romanza de Borreguito (Luisa Vela); Golodrón (Emilio Sagi-Barba); Dúo de Rosa y Rufo (Emilio Sagi-Barba, Vela); Dúo de Maruxa y Pablo (Emilio Sagi-Barba, Vela);Dúo de Rosa y Pablo (Emilio y Enrique Sagi-Barba, Vela); Baile y Coro (Coro); Preludio Acto II; Romanza de Pablo (Emilio Sagi-Barba)

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Maruxa by Amadeo Vives performed in Spanish

Conductor Ataúlfo Argenta - 1954(STU)

Orchestra - Orquesta de Cámara de Madrid

Chorus - Cantores de Madrid

Maruxa - Toñy Rosado

Pablo - Manuel Ausensi

Rosa - Pilar Lorengar

Antonio - Enrique de la Vara

Rufo - Luis Corbella


Black Disc; - Alhambra MCC 30003/4 {2LPS}; London International TW 91017/8 {2LPS} (1956)�

Compact Disc; - BMG RCA 74321 35970-2 {2CDS} (1997)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)


This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - May 1956 p.471


Gramophone Record Review - February 1956 p.230


CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.103 octubre 1997 p.60 [SV]


Opera Actual (Barcelona) - diciembre 1997 - febrero 1998 No.26 p.80 [MC]


Comments:- The two CDs are included in the �Edición Ataúlfo Argenta 2�

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Maruxa by Amadeo Vives performed in Spanish

Conductor Federico Moreno_Torroba - 1969(FI)

Orchestra - Orquesta Lírica Española

Chorus - Coros Cantores de Madrid

Maruxa - Dolores Pérez

Pablo - Luis Sagi-Vela

Rosa - Josefina Cubeira

Antonio - Julio Julián

Rufo - Chano Gonzalo


Black Disc - La Voz de su Amo VUL 203/4 {2LPS}

Compact Disc - EMI 7 67452 2

DVD (Video) - RTVE DT 0043 (2003)�

VHS Video Cassette - ~Grupo Metrovideo Multimedia �Las Zarzuelas� (PAL)

�(year of issue or re-issue)


Comments:- Video recording of a television film and audio recording of its soundtrack. A copy of the VHS recording is (was?) in the library of the Instituto Cervantes, 102 Eaton Square, London. The action in the film is portrayed by a separate cast of actors, among whom are María José Alfonso, Ramón Pons, Mary Francis, José María Prades, Rafael Guerrero, Dolores Pérez Guindal. There is a review by Christopher Webber of the DVD in the �Zarzuela Homepage� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).

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Maruxa by Amadeo Vives performed in Spanish

Conductor Eugenio Mario Marco - 196?(STU)

Orchestra - Orquesta Filarmonia de Barcelona

Chorus - Capella Clássica Polifónica del F.A.D.

Maruxa - Ángeles Chamorro

Pablo - Cesar Ponce de Leon

Rosa - Isabel Penagos

Antonio - Carlo Del Monte

Rufo - Raimundo Torres

Eulalia - Pilar Torres

Un Zagal - Carmen Pardo


Black Disc - Vergara 3006-3007 {2LPS}


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Maruxa by Amadeo Vives performed in Spanish

Conductor Enrique García_Asensio - 1974(STU)

Orchestra - Orquesta Sinfónica de Barcelona

Chorus - Coro Orfeó Gracienc

Maruxa - Ana Rieri

Pablo - Vincenzo Sardinero

Rosa - Montserrat Caballé

Antonio - Pedro Lavirgen

Rufo - Victor De Narké

Eulalia - Rosa M. Riba

Un Zagal - Ramón Contreras


Black Disc; - *Discos Columbia (Spanish Columbia) SCE 964/965 {2LPS} (1974)�

Compact Disc - Alhambra WD 71504 {2CDS}

�(year of issue or re-issue)


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Maruxa by Amadeo Vives performed in Spanish

Conductor Gerard Pérez_Busquier - 1979(LI)

Orchestra - Gran Teatro del Liceo

Chorus - Gran Teatro del Liceo

Maruxa - Carmen Hernández

Pablo - Sergio De Sales

Rosa - María (Asunción) Uriz

Antonio - Emilio Belabal

Rufo - Antonio Borras


DVD (Video) - House of Opera DVDCC 884 (2005)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)


Comments:- Video recording of a performance in the Gran Teatro del Liceo, Barcelona. The DVD issued by House of Opera is listed in their online catalogue of �New DVDs 22 January 2005�

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(STU), "Studio" Recording

(SE), "Studio" Recording of Excerpts

(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source

(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source

(LI), "Live" Recording

(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts

(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance

(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance

(RA), A Radio Performance

(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance

(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast

(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance

(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film

(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film

CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988

EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994

GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)

HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973

MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982

MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993

MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997

More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999

NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli

PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993

Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

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