Compact Disc; - Walhall WHL 26 {2CDS} (1996)�; Guild Immortal Performances GHCD 2273/74 (+excerpts with Vezzani and Duchêne);; {2CDS} (2004)�; Bensar OL 122636 (BRO 125865) {2CDRS} (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - August 2004 p.77 [AB]
Opera Now - May/June 1997 p.95
Orpheus - Mai 1997 S.61; August-September 1997 S.79
Diapason - No.172 p.223
Classical Express - Issue No.75 May 1996 p.6
Classic Record Collector - Summer 2004 p.103 (mention) [JTH]
The Record Collector - Vol.49 No.3 September 2004 pp.225-227 [NGO]
International Record Review - December 2004 p.42 [MT]
L'opera (Milano) - Anno X - N.98 - Giugno 1996 p.82
CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.91 septiembre 1996 p.40
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (26 December 1936). The CDRs issued on the Bensar label are (were?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *�Almost complete� recording of a performance at the MET (13 December 1941). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.php) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�.
Black Disc - Melodiya D 014905-6 (+Wesendonck Lieder) {1LP}
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- The following excerpts are performed: Dalila's Aria (Act 1); Dalila's Aria (Act 2); Dalila's Aria, Duet of Samson and Dalila, and Finale (Act 3). The LP issued by Melodiya is listed in �Soviet Long Playing Records� 1965 No.3 p.18.
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - January 1951 p.167; September 1995 p.124; December 2000 p.132 [RN]
Opera - January 1996 p.20
Opera Now - November 1995 p.62
Opera News - May 1996 p.26
Orpheus - Februar 1995 S.56
Opera Quarterly - Vol.18 No.2 Spring 2002 pp.287-288 [GJ]
Opéra International - décembre 1995 No.197 p.59
Diapason - No.412 février 1995 p.120
L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.164 p.168
High Fidelity Magazine - March 1954 Vol.4 No.1 p.57 [JH]: December 1959 Vol.9 No.12 p.99 [RD]
American Record Guide - February 1960 Vol.26 No.6 p.452 [PLM]: January/February 2001 Vol.64 No.1 p.266 [DA]
Répertoire - No.77 février 1995 p.65: No.144 mars 2001 p.90 [JB]
Le Monde de la Musique - No.185 février 1995 p.100
Classic CD - November 2000 p.66 [ST]
Classic Record Collector - Autumn 2001 pp.100-101 [JTH]
The Record Collector - Vol.2 April 1947 p.46
ARSC Journal - 1980 Vol.XII No.1-2 p.103 [PLM]
CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - diciembre 2000 No.138 p.41 [JS]
Musica (Milano) - N.122 dicembre 2000 - gennaio 2001 p.98 [MA]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.44 marzo-abril 2001 p.90 [MC]
Comments:- Recorded between 17 and 27 September 1946. More details can be found in �Complete Operas on 78 R.P.M.� by Tom Peel
Compact Disc; - Malibran Music MR 502 {1CDR} (2002)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Orpheus - Heft 7+8 Juli+August 2003 S.78 [SL]
Opéra International - No.275 janvier 2003 p.64 [JP]
Classic Record Collector - Spring 2003 pp.100-101 [JTH]
Comments:- *Recording of an (abridged?) performance at Geneva (21 April 1948). The CDR issued by Malibran Music is listed in their online catalogue:-
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- Recording of a performance broadcast on 8 October 1948.
Compact Disc; - Omega Opera Archive 657 (& 420); The Opera Lovers SAMD 194901 {2CDRS} (2008)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (26 November 1949). See �Saturday Afternoons at the Old Met� pp.459-461. The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.php). The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (14 March 1953). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.php) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�.
Black Disc; - RCA Victor LM 1848 {1LP}; HMV ALP 1308 {1LP} (1955)�; Leopold Stokowski Society LS 15 {1LP}
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 124-1 {1CDR} (2001)�; Cala Records CACD 0540 (+Licia Albanese - Tatiana's Letter Scene) {1CD} (2005)�
Open Reel Tape - RCA Victor DC-35
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - January 1956 pp.321-322 [PHW]; February 1991 p.1574; July 2005 p.100 [JBS]
American Record Guide - February 1955 Vol.21 No.6 p.182 [PHR]: September/October 1990 Vol.53 No.5 p.110 [DR2]: July/August 2005 Vol.68 No.4 pp.174-175 [MM]
High Fidelity Magazine - April 1955 Vol.5 No.2 p.60, p.62 [JH]
E.M.G. Monthly Letter - March 1956 p.14
Gramophone Record Review - January 1956 p.152
Classic Record Collector - Summer 2005 p.97 [TP]
Comments:- The CDRs issued by Premiere were advertized as �New� in �Fall 2001�.
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.86 diciembre 2005 pp.88-89 [LB]
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Teatro di San Carlo di Napoli (February or March 1955). See �ll Teatro di San Carlo - La Cronologia 1737-1987� by Carlo Marinelli Rosconi p.671. The sound of the recording is very poor.
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Orpheus - September+Oktober 2004 S.57 [GH]
Classic Record Collector - Spring 2005 p.102 [JTH]
The Record Collector - Vol.50 No,1 March 2005 pp.47-49 [MS]
Comments:- *Recording of part of a performance at the Royal Swedish Opera, Stockholm (September 1956).
Compact Disc; - *Audio Encyclopedia AE 202 - Opera in Paris (A Mike Richter CD-ROM) (1999)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- Recording of a broadcast performance of Act 2 (28 February 1957)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires (1 August 1958, seeOPERA October 1958 p.655). It is sometimes incorrectly stated that this perfor-mance took place in Mexico City
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (12 April 1958). See �Sign-Off for the Old Met� by Paul Jackson pp.339-340; ICRC Winter edition 1998 No.15 p.5 (letter). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.php).
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 1130-1 {1CD} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - August 1959 p.89 [HCS]; September 1959 p.134 [PHW]; February 1960 p.427 [PHW]
Opera - November 1959 p.751
High Fidelity Magazine - September 1959 Vol.9 No.9 p.79 [RE]
E.M.G. Monthly Letter - September 1959 p.8
Records and Recordings - September 1959 p.14 [FGB]: January 1960 p.17 [FGB]
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Fanfare - Vol.6 No.1 p.333 [ADC]
Orpheus - Februar 2000 S.65-S.66 [GH]
Classic Record Collector - Spring 2003 pp.100-101 [JTH]
L'opera (Milano) - Anno XIII N.132 settembre 1999 p.94 [GL]
Comments:- *It has been claimed that the recording on the Melodram LPs is in fact (i) a recording of a performance in 1960 at the Paris Opera conducted by Louis Fourestier with Denise Scharley as Dalila (ii) a recording in the Teatro di San Carlo in 1970 with Vioric (sic) Cortez as Dalila (See FANFARE March/April 1983 Vol.6 No.4 p.26, IOC Spring 1998 No.7 pp.30-37, Summer 1998 No.8 p.7, Autumn 1998 No.9 p.7). A performance at the Paris Opera conducted by Fourestier is reviewed in OPERA November 1960 p.763 and a performance in Naples in 1970 with Viorica Cortez is reviewed in OPERA May 1971 p.434. The Hardy CDs are advertized in ORPHEUS Juli 1999 S.17 where the date of the performance is given as 5 May 1959. According to the review of the Hardy Classic CDs in L'OPERA Del Monaco and Madeira sing in French and the rest of the cast in Italian. In �Il Teatro di San Carlo - La Cronologia� p.706 Del Monaco and Madeira are listed as singing in three performances, the first of which was on 5 April 1959. JTH states in his review in CLASSIC RECORD COLLECTOR that the performance on the CDs issued by Hardy Classic is �audibly different from Melodram's�.
Compact Disc; - VAI Audio VAIA 1055-2 {2CDS}; Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 758-2 {2CDS} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Opera News - February 18 1995 p.37
Orpheus - April 1995 S.62
Opera Quarterly - Vol.12 No.1 Autumn 1995 p.177
American Record Guide - May/June 1995 Vol.58 No.3 p.162
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in New Orleans (2 April 1960). The review in OPERA NEWS wrongly states that the performance was at the St Louis Opera. The CDs issued by Premiere are listed in �New Compact Disc Releases from Premiere Opera� dated February/March 2003.
Black Disc; - HMV �Angel Series� AN 117-119 {3LPS} (1963)�; HMV �Angel Series� SAN 117-119 {3LPS} (1963)�; *EMI 2C 167-12837-9 (France) Angel 3639 C/L {3LPS} (1963)�;; Angel S 3639 C/L {3LPS} (1963)�
Compact Disc; - EMI CDS 7 47895-8 {2CDS} (1988)�; EMI �Great Recordings of the Century� CMS 5 67598-2 {2CDS} (2001)�
Open Reel Tape; - Angel ZC 3639 (7�ips 4-track) (1964)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - December 1963 p.285; July 1988 p. [AB]
Compact Disc; - The Opera Lovers SAMD 196301 {2CDRS} (2009)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires (3 July 1969). The cast listed above is that given in the website of the Teatro Colón (
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 1837-2 {2CDRS} (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco. The cast listed above is that given in the �San Francisco Opera Performance Archive�:-
Compact Disc; - Gala GL 100574 (+excerpts cond. Baudo) {2CDS} (2000)�; live-rare-opera unnumbered (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php) {2CDS} ;; Opera d'Oro �Grand tier� OPD 7028 {2CDS} (2006)�; Bravissimo Opera Library 9802 (French Opera Masterworks) {14CDS} (2007)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Compact Disc - The Opera Lovers SAMD 196401 {2CDRS} (Canada)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (26 December 1964). The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php)
Compact Disc; - The Opera Lovers SAMD 196501 {2CDRS} (2006)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance given by the Metropolitan Opera in Detroit (28 May 1965).
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Chicago Lyric Opera (13 November 1965). The CDRs issued by Omega are listed in their online catalogue (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Orpheus - Oktober 1995 S.60
Diapason - No.425 avril 1996 p.120
L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.170 p.131
Classical Express - September 1995 p.4
Le Monde de la Musique - No.191 septembre 1995 p.85
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.21 septiembre-noviembre 1996 p.67
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at La Scala (25 January 1970). See OPERA, March 1970 p.252. The cassettes issued by Charles Handelman are listed in his catalogue dated November 2000.
Compact Disc - The Opera Lovers SAMD 197101 {2CDRS} (Canada)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *An �in-house� recording of a performance at the MET (18 December 1971). The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php)
Compact Disc; - Charles Handelman - Live Opera (unnumbered) {2CDRS} (2002)�
Open Reel Tape - mr. tape 370
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia (April 1971). The cast listed above is that given by Frank Hamilton in his online chronology of opera performances in Philadelphia (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php). The CDRs issued by Charles Handelman are listed in Addenda No. I to his CD catalogue dated 2002 where the year of the performance recorded is given as 1970.
Compact Disc; - Opera Depot OD 10372-2 {2CDS} (2008)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Teatro Colón, Buenos Aires (1 June 1971). The cast listed above is that given in the website of the Teatro Colón ( The CDRs issued by �Opera Depot� are listed on the website (hyperlinks in CLORLINK.php).
Compact Disc - The Opera Lovers SAMD 197201 {2CDRS} (Canada)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (8 January 1972). The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php)
Compact Disc; - The Opera Lovers SAMD 197202 {2CDRS} (2008)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (1 January 1972). This performance was not broadcast so, presumably, the recording was made �in-house�. The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a concert performance (15 May 1972). A recording of this performance was broadcast by BBC Radio 3 on 24 June 1973. See Radio Times Issue dated 23-29 June 1973 p.29.
Black Disc - Electrecord ST-ECEO 428-30 {3LPS}; Select CC 15063 {3LPS} (Canada)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Compact Disc - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 1622-2 {2CDRS}
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Grand Théâtre de Genève (November 1973; see OPERA July 1973 p.615). The CDRs issued by Premiere are listed in �Premiere Opera Ltd. 2005 Winter/Spring New Releases� where the opera recorded is described as Samson et Dalila (Handel)!
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - June 1974 p.111 [RO]; October 1974 p.660 [JBS]
BBC Music Magazine - July 1996 p.75
Répertoire - No.89 mars 1996 p.85
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.21 septiembre-noviembre 1996 p.67
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Verona Arena (28 July 1974; see OPERA Festival Issue 1974 pp.102-103.). The CDRs issued by Omega are listed in their online catalogue (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Orpheus - Februar 1999 SS.53-54 (mention) [GH]
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Palais Garnier (October 1975; see OPERA January 1976 p.58)
Compact Disc; - Bensar OL 41677 (BRO 124187) {2CDRS} (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (16 April 1977). The CDRs issued on the Bensar label are (were?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - October 1979 p.710 [AB] September 1984 p. [JBS]; November 1991 p.161 [AB]
The Record Shelf Guide - (4) p.452
American Record Guide - Movember/December 2005 Vol.68 No.6 pp.188-189 [MM]
DVD (Video) - Warner Music Vision 50-51011-2283-2-2 (2006)�
VHS Video Cassette; - Covent Garden Video Productions/National Video Corporation; TVH 90 2202 2 (BETA TXH 90 2202 4) (PAL) (1984)�; Castle CVI 2026 (PAL); Home Vision SAM 01 (+BETA) (NTSC)
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Compact Disc - The Opera Lovers SAMD198101 {2CDRS} (Canada)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Chicago Lyric Opera (25 September 1981). The cast listed above is that given in �Bravi - Lyric Opera of Chicago� by Skrebneski. The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php)
DVD (Video) - ArtHaus Musik 100 202 (Europe) (2001)�; Kultur 10 (USA) (2001)�
VHS Video Cassette - Home Vision SAM 02 (NTSC); Virgin VVD 39 (PAL) Polygram Vidéo 070 063-3 (SECAM)
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - October 2001 p.113 [AB]
Opera Now - September/October 1996 p.91
Orpheus - Februar 2002 S.64 [MK]
Opéra International - January 1993 p.54; No.266 mars 2002 pp.64-65 (DVD) [SS]
Diapason - No.490 mars 2002 p.117 (mention)
American Record Guide - September/October 2001 Vol.64 No.5 pp.316-317 [RVL]
Répertoire - No.77 février 1995 p.100: No.155 mars 2002 p.38 [PB]
VHS Video Cassette; - Premiere Opera Ltd. 2748 (NTSC) (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Video recording of a performance in the Teatro Municipal de Santiago de Chile (October 1984; see OPÉRA INTERNATIONAL décembre 1984 No.76 p.50). The VHS issued by Premiere is listed in �New Fall 2003 Video Cassette Releases�. I thank Sr. Hernan Torres Moris for information concerning the cast, orchestra and chorus.
Compact Disc; - House of Opera CDBB 543 {2CDRS} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden (May 1985). It does not appear that a performance was broadcast, so this recording was probably made �in-house�. The performance on 17 May 1985 is reviewed in OPERA July 1985 pp.830-831 and in ORPHEUS August 1985 S.629. The CDRs issued by House of Opera are included in the list of new releases added to their website in December 2003 �03/12/22�
Compact Disc; - House of Opera CDBB 548 {2CDRS} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the �Acropolis� Nice (9 June 1985; see OPÉRA INTERNATIONAL juillet/aoüt 1985 No.83 p.37). The CDRs issued by House of Opera are included in the list of new releases added to their website in December 2003 �03/12/22�
Compact Disc; - The Opera Lovers SAMD 198701 {2CDRS} (Canada) ; Celestial Audio CA 647 {2CDRS} (Australia) (2007)�; Celestial Audio CV 039 {Audio DVD} (Australia) (2007)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (18 April 1987). The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php) and the CDRs and Audio DVD-R issued by Celestial Audio are (were?) listed on their website as �WHAT'S NEW; July 2007� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).
DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 6160 (2007)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Opéra International - décembre 1995 No.197 p.59 (audio)
Diapason - No.421 décembre 1995 p.144 (audio)
L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.170 p.131
Classic CD - February 1996 p.66 (audio)
BBC Music Magazine - April 1996 p.75 (audio)
Répertoire - No.87 janvier 1996 p.57 (audio)
L'opera (Milano) - Anno X N.94 Febbraio 1996 p.70 (audio)
CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.86 marzo 1996 p.53 (audio)
Opernwelt - 12/Dezember 1995 S.58 (audio)
Comments:- *Audio and video recordings of a performance (or of performances) at the Bregenz Festival (July 1988, see OPERA Festival Issue 1988 p.49). The DVD issued by Premiere is listed in �Premiere Opera New Releases� dated 21 May 2007.
Compact Disc; - House of Opera CDBB 544 {2CDRS} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Gran Teatro del Liceo (4 July 1989). The cast listed above is that given in �El Gran Teatro del Liceo� by Roger Alier y Aixalà and Francesc X. Mata p.532. The CDRs issued by House of Opera are included in the list of new releases added to their website in December 2003 �03/12/22�
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - January 1991 p. [AB]
Stereophile - March 1992 (Vol.15 No.3) p.183
American Record Guide - January/February 2008 Vol.71 No.1 pp.151-152 [MM]
Compact Cassette; - Lyric Distribution Incorporated ALD 2163 (1991)�
Compact Disc; - House of Opera CDBB 545 {2CDRS} (2003)�; House of Opera CDBB 546 {2CDRS} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recordings of two performances at the Vienna State Opera (22 December 1990 - CDBB 545 and January 1991 - CDBB 546). Domingo and Baltsa sang in five performances of this opera in Vienna between 22 December 1990 and 9 January 1991. Kurt Rydl sung the old Hebrew in all of these except that on 3 January 1991 when Goran Simic sang. It is possible that he appears in the recording issued by House of Opera - CDBB 546 (see Chronik der Wiener Staatsoper 1945-1995). The CDRs issued by House of Opera are included in the list of new releases added to their website in December 2003 �03/12/22�. The Compact Cassettes issued by Lyric are listed in �New Listings - January/February 1991�. where it is stated that the recording is of the performance on 22 December 1990.
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - February 1993 p.76 [AB]; July 1993 p.28 [JBS]
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera (Italy) unnumbered {2CDRS} (2009)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a concert performance in Gent (November 1993). The cast also includes: Gregory MacLeod, Vesselin Ivanov, Herman Bekaert, Christian Serré, Henk Van Heijnsbergen. The CDRS issued by Premiere (Italy) are (were?) advertised on their website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).
VHS Video Cassette - Premiere Opera Ltd. VID 2177 (NTSC)
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Audio and video recordings of a performance (or of performances) in the Arena Sferisterio, Macerata (15 or 22 July 1995; see OPÉRA INTENATIONAL octobre 1995 No.195 pp.30-31). The compact cassettes issued by Legato are listed in �Operatic Audio Cassettes - New Listings - May 1998�.
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Teatro Bellini, Catania (13 March 1996). The cast listed above is that given in �Opera '96 Annuario EDT/CIDIM dell'Opera Lirica in Italia� p.37. The Compact Cassettes issued by Legato are listed in �New Audio Cassette Listing - Summer 1998�.
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Opera News - February 2005 p.78 [WRB]
Opéra International - No.294 octobre 2004 p.89 [PC]
Diapason - No.521 janvier 2005 p.111 [MP]
Classica Répertoire - No.67 novembre 2004 p.126 [PF]
Comments:- *Video recording of a performance at the MET (29 September 1998).
Compact Disc - Celestial Audio CA 182 {2CDRS} (Australia)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- Recording of a performance at the MET. This is probably of the performance on 28 February 1998 which was broadcast.
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - January 1999 p.89 [AB]; April 1999 p.44 [JBS]
Opera - February 1999 p.235 [JA]
Opera Now - March/April 1999 p.99 [GH]
Opera News - February 1999 p.65 [JSL]
Fanfare - Vol.22 No.4 March/April 1999 p.324 [JM]
Orpheus - März 1999 S.5 [EP]
Opera Quarterly - Volume 16 No.1 Winter 2000 p.141 [GJ]
Opéra International - décembre 1998 No.230 p.56 [SS]
Diapason - No.454 décembre 1998 p.93 [AT]
L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.189 p.86 [DVM]
Classical Express - Issue 105 December 1998 p.4 [MT]
Classic CD - February 1999 p.106 [MT]
American Record Guide - March/April 1999 Vol.62 No.2 p.205 [DA]
International Opera Collector - Spring 1999 No.11 p.91 [RN]
Répertoire - No.119 décembre 1998 p.69 [LC]
Le Monde de la Musique - No.227 décembre 1998 p.111 [FL]
L'opera (Milano) - Anno XIII N.126 febbraio 1999 p.76 [NS]
Grand Opera (Tokyo) - 1999 Winter No.20 p.166
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.32 marzo-abril 1999 p.96 [LB]
CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.121 mayo 1999 p.70 [JS]
Musica (Milano) - N.112 Anno 23 giugno-luglio 1999 p.83 [SH]
Das Opernglas - Januar 1999 S.63 [ML]
Comments:- See OPERA NOW January/February 1999 p.98
DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 6680 (2009)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Video recording of a performance in the Teatro Real, Madrid (June or July 1999). The cast listed above is that given in the online performance archive of the Teatro Real (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php). The DVD issued by Premiere is included in their list of new DVD releases - January 2009.
Compact Disc; - Mondo Musica MFOH 22253 {2CDS} (2002)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.50 marzo-abril 2002 pp.90-91 [AG]
Comments:- Recording of a performance in the PalaFenice (July 1999)
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 1184-2 {2CDRS} (2004)�
DVD (Video) - Encore DVD 2263 (2006)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Audio and video recordings of a performance (or of performances) in the Teatro degli Arcimboldi, Milan (17 February 2002). The cast listed above is that given in �Opera 2002 Annuario EDT/CIDIM dell'Opera Lirica in Italia� p.149. The CDRs issued by Premiere are listed in �Premiere Compact Disc Releases Winter 2004� and the DVD-R issued on the Encore label is (was?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php). See L'OPERA (Milano) Anno XVI No.159 marzo 2002 pp.22-23.
Compact Disc; - Celestial Audio CA 486 {2CDRS} (Australia) (2007)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (5 March 2005). The CDRs issued by Celestial Audio are listed in their online catalogue as new issues October 2007.
Compact Disc; - House of Opera CDNY 192 {2CDRS} (2008)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *This recording is probably of the performance at the MET on 25 February 2006 which was broadcast. The CDRs issued by House of Opera are included in the list of new releases added to HOO's website on April 9 2008.
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Video recording of a film. The cast also includes Murad Amirkhanian, Vincent Le Texier.
Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 2793-2 {2CDRS} (2008)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the San Diego Opera (February 2007). The CDRs issued by Premiere are listed in �New Releases� dated Tuesday 08 January 2008.
Compact Disc; - Celestial Audio CA 955 {2CDRS} (2009)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *Recording of a concert performance in the Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles (March 2007). The cast and conductor listed above are as given on the website of La Monnaie (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php). The CDRs issued by Celestial Audio are listed in their online catalogue �WHAT'S NEW December 2009�.
Recordings of Samson et Dalila by Camille Saint-Saens are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 2 p.208; CELLETTI p.755; Opera on CD (1) p.85 (2) p.94 (3) p.105; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.15 p.92; MET p.495; MET(VID) p.299; PENGUIN p.376; Opera on Video p.145; GIUDICI p.758 (2) p.1248; American Record Guide May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.67; International Opera Collector Spring 1998 No.7 p.30; Opéra Magazine No.29 mai 2008 p.28
Comments:- *This recording appears to be of a performance in Gent on 24 May 2009. The CDRs issued by are (were?) listed on their website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php). Here the recording is attributed to a performance in Amsterdam. See also the website
(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source
(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source
(LI), "Live" Recording
(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts
(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance
(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance
(RA), A Radio Performance
(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance
(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast
(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance
(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film
(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film
CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988
EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994
GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)
HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973
MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982
MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993
MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997
More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999
NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli
PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993
Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española
Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española