There are 9 recordings of Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini on file

(This "Discography" was generated by CLOR for THE COMPILER )

1 1983(STU) - Scimone Claudio - Philharmonia Orchestra*

2 1985(LI) - Scimone Claudio - Prague Philharmonic Orchestra**

3 1988(LI) - Zedda Alberto - San Francisco Opera*

4 1993(LI) - Gelmetti Gianluigi - Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart*

5 1994(LI) - Ferro Gabriele - Teatro alla Scala*

6 2002(LC) - Cohen Brad - Czech Chamber Soloists*

7 2005(LI) - Scimone Claudio - Teatro La Fenice di Venezia**

8 2007(LI) - Brignoli Roberto Rizzi - Radio Kamer Filharmonie*

9 2008(LI) - Kuhn Gustav - Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano e Trento*

*AUDIO ---- **VIDEO ---- ***AUDIO & VIDEO


Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini performed in Italian

Conductor Claudio Scimone - 1983(STU)

Orchestra - Philharmonia Orchestra

Chorus - Ambrosian Opera Chorus

Anna Erisso - June Anderson

Calbo - Margarita Zimmermann

Paolo Erisso - Ernesto Palacio

Maometto II - Samuel Ramey

Condulmiero - Laurence Dale

Selimo - Laurence Dale


Black Disc; - Philips 412 148-1 {3LPS} (1985)�

Compact Cassette; - *Philips 412 148-4 (1985)�

Compact Disc; - Philips 412 148-2 {3CDS} (1985)�; Philips 475 509-2 {3CDS} (2004)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLINI p.732; GIUDICI p.737 (2) p.1220

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - June 1985 p. [RO]; September 1985 p. [RO]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.72 juLio-agosto 2004 p.86 [MC]

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Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini performed in Italian

Conductor Claudio Scimone - 1985(LI)

Orchestra - Prague Philharmonic Orchestra

Chorus - European Festival Chorus

Anna Erisso - Cecilia Gasdia

Calbo - Lucia Valentini-Terrani

Paolo Erisso - Chris Merritt

Maometto II - Samuel Ramey

Condulmiero - William Matteuzzi

Selimo - Oslavio Di Credico


DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 5187

VHS Video Cassette - Premiere Opera Ltd. Video 2254 (PAL)

Recordings of Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLINI p.732; GIUDICI p.737 (2) p.1220

Comments:- *Video recording of a performance at the Pesaro Rossini Festival. See OPÉRA INTERNATIONAL octobre 1985 No.85 p.22.

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Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini performed in Italian

Conductor Alberto Zedda - 1988(LI)

Orchestra - San Francisco Opera

Chorus - San Francisco Opera

Anna Erisso - June Anderson

Calbo - Marilyn Horne

Paolo Erisso - Chris Merritt

Maometto II - Simone Alaimo

Condulmiero - Robert Tate

Selimo - Douglas Wunsch


Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 3356-3 {3CDRS} (2009)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLINI p.732; GIUDICI p.737 (2) p.1220

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the War Memorial Opera House, San Francisco (September or October 1988). The cast listed above is that given in the online performance chronology of the San Francisco Opera (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM). The CDRS issued by Premiere are included in their list of new CD releases - April 2009.

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Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini performed in Italian

Conductor Gianluigi Gelmetti - 1993(LI)

Orchestra - Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart

Chorus - Prague Chamber Chorus

Anna Erisso - Cecilia Gasdia

Calbo - Gloria Scalchi

Paolo Erisso - Ramón Vargas

Maometto II - Michele Pertusi

Condulmiero - Francesco Piccoli


Compact Disc - Ricordi Fonit Cetra RFCD 2021 {3CDS}; Premiere Opera Ltd.CDNO 547-3 {3CDRS}

Recordings of Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLINI p.732; GIUDICI p.737 (2) p.1220

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Opéra International - septembre 1995 No.194 p.70

Classical Express - Issue 93 December 1997 p.1 [RB]

Répertoire - No.107 novembre 1997 p.51 [LC]

Le Monde de la Musique - No.215 novembre p.92 [GG]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - junio-agosto 1998 No.28 p.102 [RA]

Das Opernglas - Mai 2000 S.78 [SM2]

Comments:- Recording of a performance at the Pesaro Festival (see OPERA, Festival Issue 1993 p.110)

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Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini performed in Italian

Conductor Gabriele Ferro - 1994(LI)

Orchestra - Teatro alla Scala

Chorus - Teatro alla Scala

Anna Erisso - Cecilia Gasdia

Calbo - Gloria Scalchi

Paolo Erisso - Bruce Ford

Maometto II - Samuel Ramey

Condulmiero - Juan Luque


Compact Disc - Serenissima C 360 128-30 {3CDS}

Recordings of Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLINI p.732; GIUDICI p.737 (2) p.1220

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Orpheus - Januar 1995 S.49

Opéra International - septembre 1995 No.194 p.71

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at La Scala (see OPÉRA INTERNATIONAL mai 1994 No.180 pp.46-47; OPERA June 1994 p.727 & advert Opera News Dec 10 1994 p.727)

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Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini performed in Italian

Conductor Brad Cohen - 2002(LC)

Orchestra - Czech Chamber Soloists

Chorus - Czech Philharmonic Chorus

Anna Erisso - Luisa Islam-Ali-Zade

Calbo - Annarita Gemmabella

Paolo Erisso - Massimiliano Barbolini

Maometto II - Denis Sedov

Condulmiero - Antonio de Gobbi

Selimo - Cesare Ruta


Compact Disc; - Naxos 8.660149-51 {3CDS} (2004)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLINI p.732; GIUDICI p.737 (2) p.1220

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Fanfare - Vol.28 No.5 May/June 2005 pp.188-189 [JS]

Opéra International - No.296 décembre 2004 p.82 [JC]

American Record Guide - May/June 2005 Vol.68 No.3 pp.158-159 [MM]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.78 marzo 2005 pp.88-89 [JS]

L'opera (Milano) - Anno XIX N.193 aprile 2005 pp.90-91 [GL]

Comments:- Recorded at performances in the Kurhaus, Bad Wildbad (15, 17, 20 July 2002).

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Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini performed in Italian

Conductor Claudio Scimone - 2005(LI)

Orchestra - Teatro La Fenice di Venezia

Chorus - Teatro La Fenice di Venezia

Anna Erisso - Carmen Giannattasio

Calbo - Annarita Gemmabella

Paolo Erisso - Maxim Mironov

Maometto II - Lorenzo Regazzo

Condulmiero - Nicola Marchesini

Selimo - Federico Lepre


DVD (Video) - Dynamic DV 33492 (2006)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLINI p.732; GIUDICI p.737 (2) p.1220

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Orpheus - März+April 2006 S.69 [IW]

Diapason - No.538 juillet-aoüt 2006 p.118 [MP]

International Record Review - March 2006 p.76 [JTH]

American Record Guide - September/October 2006 Vol.69 No.5 pp.314-315 [CHP]

L'opera (Milano) - Anno XX N.202 febbraio 2006 pp.78-79 (DVD) [GL]

Opéra Magazine - No.6 avril 2006 p.76 [JC]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.89 abril 2006 p.76, p.78 [FGR]

Comments:- *Video recording of a performance at the Teatro La Fenice di Venezia of the version performed in that theatre in 1822 (February 2005). The performance of 28 January 2005 is reviewed on the internet

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Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini performed in Italian

Conductor Roberto Rizzi Brignoli - 2007(LI)

Orchestra - Radio Kamer Filharmonie

Chorus - Groot Omroepkoor

Anna Erisso - Myrtò Papatanasiu

Calbo - Hadar Halevy

Paolo Erisso - Bruce Ford

Maometto II - Michele Pertusi

Condulmiero - Paul Austin Kelly


Compact Disc; - Celestial Audio CA 679 {3CDRS} (2007)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLINI p.732; GIUDICI p.737 (2) p.1220

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in Amsterdam (12 May 2007). The CDRs issued by Celestial Audio are listed in their online catalogue as new issues October 2007.

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Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini performed in Italian

Conductor Gustav Kuhn - 2008(LI)

Orchestra - Orchestra Haydn di Bolzano e Trento

Chorus - Prague Chamber Chorus

Anna Erisso - Marina Rebeka

Calbo - Daniela Barcellona

Paolo Erisso - Francesco Meli

Maometto II - Michele Pertusi

Condulmiero - Enrico Iviglia

Selimo - Cosimo Panozzo


Compact Disc; - Celestial Audio CA 831 {3CDRS} (2008)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Maometto II by Gioacchino Rossini are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLINI p.732; GIUDICI p.737 (2) p.1220

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Adriatic Arena (Teatro 2), Pesaro (August 2008). The CDRs issued by Celestial Audio are listed in their online catalogue as new issues November 2008.

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(STU), "Studio" Recording

(SE), "Studio" Recording of Excerpts

(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source

(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source

(LI), "Live" Recording

(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts

(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance

(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance

(RA), A Radio Performance

(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance

(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast

(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance

(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film

(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film

CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988

EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994

GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)

HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973

MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982

MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993

MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997

More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999

NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli

PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993

Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

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