(This "Discography" was generated by CLOR for THE COMPILER )
1 1948(RA) - Gressier Jules - Orchestre Radio-Lyrique*
2 1948(STU) - Akulov Yevgeni - Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre*
3 1951?(SE) - Gressier Jules - Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux*
4 1952(STU) - Leibowitz René - Orchestre Philharmonique de Paris*
5 1955(RE) - Walter Fried - RIAS Unterhaltungsorchester*
6 195?(SE) - Rosenthal Manuel - L'Opera-Comique Paris*
7 1960?(SE) - Kegel Herbert - Großes Rundfunkorchester Leipzig*
8 1962?(SE) - Matheson John - Sadler's Wells Opera*
9 1970(STU) - Marty Jean-Pierre - Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux*
10 1974?(FI) - Allers Franz - Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart***
11 1976(STU) - Calvi Gérard - L'Opéra Comique de Paris*
12 1977-78(STU) - Lombard Alain - Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg*
13 1980 - Mattes Willy - Münchner Rundfunkorchester*
14 1984(STU) - Plasson Michel - Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse*
15 1986?(LI) - Burdekin John - Nouvel Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France**
16 198?(STU) - Yesipov Vladimir - Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre*
17 1997 - Harnoncourt Nikolaus - Opernhaus Zürich**
18 19??(STU) - Bredemeyer Reiner - Instramentalgruppe*
19 2000(STU & LI) - Minkowski Marc - Les Musiciens du Louvre-Grenoble***
*AUDIO ---- **VIDEO ---- ***AUDIO & VIDEO
Conductor Jules Gressier - 1948(RA)
Orchestra - Orchestre Radio-Lyrique
Pâris - Louis Arnoult
Ménélas - Maurice Porterat
Calchas - René Ronsi
Achille - Willy Clément
Oreste - Marcelle Sansonetti
Ajax I - André Gueho
Ajax II - Marcel Génio
Hélène - Fanély Revoil
Compact Disc; - Malibran Music MR 546 {1CDR} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Orpheus - Mai+Juni 2004 S.64 [GH]
Opéra International - No.288 mars 2004 p.79 [JP]
Classic Record Collector - Winter 2003 pp.100-101 [JTH]
Comments:- Recording of an abridged version broadcast on 9 May 1948.
Conductor Yevgeni Akulov - 1948(STU)
Orchestra - Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre
Chorus - Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre
Pâris - Anatole Orfenov
Ménélas - Sergei Tsenin
Agamemnon - P. Mokeyev
Calchas - Vladimir Kandelaki
Oreste - Tamara Yanko
Bacchis - Nadezhda Kemarskaya
Anhises - N. Kedrov
Nicomedes - V. Donets
Diomedes - I. Iagodkin
Rabinia - Z. Tsarenko
Black Disc - Melodiya D 031763-66 {2LPS}
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
Comments:- The LPs issued by Melodiya are listed in the online catalogue of the Durbeck Archive (http://www.datalogue.info)
Conductor Jules Gressier - 1951?(SE)
Orchestra - Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux
Chorus - Choeurs Raymond Saint-Paul
Pâris - Claude Devos
Ménélas - Christian Duvaleix
Agamemnon - Willy Clément
Calchas - Lolita Rovira
Achille - Bernard Demigny
Oreste - Liliane Berton
Ajax I - Gaston Rey
Ajax II - Aimé Doniat
Hélène - Deva Dassy
Black Disc - Pathé DTX 118 {1LP}; Pathé DTX 30137 {1LP} EMI Pathé 2C 051 10852 {1LP}; {1LP}; Vox PL 20500 {1LP}
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
The Gramophone Shop Inc Record Supplement - August 1952 Vol.15 No.8 p.5
American Record Guide - April 1953 Vol.19 No.8 p.272 (mention) p.272 (mention) [FAL]: November 1959 Vol.26 No.3 p.171 [PLM]
The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.8
Conductor René Leibowitz - 1952(STU)
Orchestra - Orchestre Philharmonique de Paris
Chorus - Choeurs
Pâris - André Dran
Ménélas - Roger Giraud
Agamemnon - Jacques Linsolas
Calchas - Lucien Mans
Achille - Jean Mollien
Oreste - Loly Valdarnini
Ajax I - Armand Duval
Ajax II - Jean Hoffman
Hélène - Janine Linda
Bacchis - Janine Weisshardt
Léoena - Jacqueline Vitry
Parthénis - Annette Martineau
Black Disc; - Classic C 6140/1 {2LPS} (France) (1953)�; Musidisc Festival 253 {2LPS}; Renaissance SX-206 {2LPS}; Nixa PLP 206/1-2 {2LPS}Peerless Everest S458/2 {2LPS}; Vogue MCM 120006 {2LPS} (France)
Compact Disc; - Preiser Records 20026 {2CDS} (2003)�; Celestial Audio CA 282 {2CDS} (2003)�; Regis Records RRC 2062 (+L'Étoile - excerpts) {2CDS} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - March 1953 p.263; January 1977 p.1187 [AML]; September (published July) 2003 pp.78-79 [AB]
Opera - September 1953 pp.563-564 [H]; January 1999 p.128 [RM] Summer 2002 Supplement �Thirty all-time great recordings� p.7 [AP]
Orpheus - Heft 11+12 November+Dezember 2003 S.64 [GH]
American Record Guide - November 1952 Vol.19 No.3 p.75 [PHR]: March/April 2004 Vol.67 No.2 pp.259-260 [RT]
The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.8
International Record Review - July/August 2003 p.74 [AP]
Classic Record Collector - Winter 2003 pp.100-101 [JTH]
Disques (Nouvelle Série) - No.58 Eté 1953 p.452 [HJ]
Comments:- According to AP in the supplement to OPERA �Thirty all-time great recordings� the singer of Hélène is named Linda Felder on the cover of the LPs issued by Nixa.
Conductor Fried Walter - 1955(RE)
Orchestra - RIAS Unterhaltungsorchester
Chorus - RIAS Kammerchor
Pâris - Rudolf Schock
Ménélas - Karl Hellmer
Agamemnon - Hanns-Heinz Nissen
Calchas - Bruno Fritz
Achille - Hans Fidesser
Oreste - Wolfgang Gruner
Ajax I - Armin Münch
Hélène - Anneliese Rothenberger
Compact Disc; - *Gala GL 100.565 (+Gräfin Mariza - Stephan) {2CDS} (2002)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Orpheus - März 2002 S.56 (mention) [GH]
Comments:- Recording of part of a performance of the German version �Die schöne Helena�
Conductor Manuel Rosenthal - 195?(SE)
Orchestra - L'Opera-Comique Paris
Chorus - L'Opera-Comique Paris
Pâris - Bernard Plantey
Ménélas - Jean Giraudeau
Agamemnon - Jacques Doucet
Calchas - Bernard Demigny
Achille - Michel Hamel
Oreste - Andrine Forli
Ajax I - Robert Andreozzi
Ajax II - Jean-Paul Vauquelin
Hélène - Jane Rhodes
Black Disc - Philips GL 5664 {1LP}
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
(The) Gramophone - September 1963 p.150
Conductor Herbert Kegel - 1960?(SE)
Orchestra - Großes Rundfunkorchester Leipzig
Chorus - Großer Rundfunkchor Leipzig
Black Disc - VEB Deutsche Schallplatten �Amiga� 7 40 031 {1x10in-LP} (DDR) VEB Deutsche Schallplatten �Amiga� 5 40 149 {1LP} (DDR)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
Comments:- The following take part in this recording of excerpts from the German version �Die schöne Helena�: Erna Roscher, Manfred Jungwirth, Wilhelm Klemm, Gerd Pallesche, Charles Geerd, Gisela Morgen, Paul Reinecke, Hans-Peter Schwarzbach, Friedrich Steffens. The following excerpts are performed: Einleitung; Tsing la la; Des Gatten Ehre zu bewahren; Es nahen schon im Festgewande; Couplets der Könige (Bin Menelaus: Ein König tritt unter sie); Nimbus und olympische Macht; Ehre, Ehre; O Gott! Es ist der Apfelmann; Es is ein Traum; Finale (Seht, dort kommt sie selber; Hier steht der Venus Groß-Augur; Geh' nach Cythere)
Conductor John Matheson - 1962?(SE)
Orchestra - Sadler's Wells Opera
Chorus - Sadler's Wells Opera
Pâris - Kevin Miller
Ménélas - John Fryatt
Agamemnon - John Heddle Nash
Calchas - Derek Hammond-Stroud
Achille - John Carolan
Oreste - Patricia Kern
Ajax I - Lawrence Folley
Ajax II - Tom Swift
Hélène - Joyce Blackham
Daphne - Joan Davies
Black Disc; - HMV CLP 1665 {1LP} (1963)�;; HMV CSD 1505 {1LP} (1963)�
Compact Disc; - EMI �Classics for Pleasure� 575 999-2 (+Orpheus in the Underworld +La Vie Parisienne - excerpts) {2CDS} (2003)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - September 1963 p.150
The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.10
International Record Review - September 2003 pp.30-31 (mention) [MVA]
Conductor Jean-Pierre Marty - 1970(STU)
Orchestra - Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux
Chorus - Choeur René Duclos
Pâris - Charles Burles
Ménélas - Jean-Christophe Benoit
Agamemnon - Michel Dens
Calchas - Luis Masson
Oreste - Bernadette Antoine
Ajax I - Michel Hamel
Hélène - Danièlle Millet
Bacchis - Sylvia Paule
Black Disc - EMI Pathé 2C 193-11 194/95 {2LPS}
Compact Cassette - EMI 7 69844-4
Compact Disc; - EMI 7 69844-2; EMI 5 74085-2 {2CDS} (2001)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.9
Classic Record Collector - Summer 2002 p.99 [PO'C]
Répertoire - No.152 décembre 2001 pp.73-74 [JB]
Conductor Franz Allers - 1974?(FI)
Orchestra - Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart
Chorus - Chor des Süddeutschen Rundfunks
Pâris - René Kollo
Ménélas - Josef Meinrad
Agamemnon - Hans Krämer
Calchas - Ivan Rebroff
Achille - Harald Serafin
Ajax I - Dieter Ballmann
Ajax II - Hans-Jürgen Ballmann
Hélène - Anna Moffo
Pandora - Karin Meier
Medusa - Urda Meier
Black Disc - Philips 6623 117 (+Der Zarewitsch - Mattes -excerpts) {2LPS} VEB Deutsche Schallplatten 845194 {1LP}
Compact Cassette - Philips 7585 352 (+Der Zarewitsch - excerpts)
Compact Disc - Philips 420 662-2 {1CD}
DVD (Video) - Dreamlife Classics DLVC 1120 (Japan) (2004)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
Comments:- Video recording of a television film and the audio recording of its soundtrack.
Conductor Gérard Calvi - 1976(STU)
Orchestra - L'Opéra Comique de Paris
Chorus - L'Opéra Comique de Paris
Pâris - André Battedou
Ménélas - Jean-Laurent Cochet
Agamemnon - Michel Roux
Calchas - Pierre Tornade
Achille - Jean-Luc Tardieu
Oreste - Marcel Philippot
Ajax I - Jacques Ramade
Ajax II - Georges Montillier
Hélène - Nicky Nancel
Bacchis - Annie Lancastre
Léoena - Joëlle Vautier
Parthénis - Michele Mellory
Philocome - Jean-Marie Martin
Black Disc - Carrere 67.687 {2LPS}
Compact Disc - Accord 290002 {2CDS}
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-
Fanfare - Vol.12 No.5 May/June 1989 p.260 [JD]
Comments:- According to John Philbrook on �operetta-l� 22 Oct 2001 16:46 this recording is �By common concensus THE worst BELLE HELENE ever to hit record�
Conductor Alain Lombard - 1977-78(STU)
Orchestra - Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg
Chorus - Opéra du Rhin
Pâris - Rémy Corazza
Ménélas - Jacques Martin
Agamemnon - Jules Bastin
Calchas - Michel Trempont
Achille - Gérard Friedman
Oreste - Renée Auphan
Ajax I - Paul Guigue
Ajax II - Jacques Trigeau
Hélène - Jane Rhodes
Bacchis - Christine Barbaux
Léoena - Catherine Trigeau
Parthénis - Ghislaine Poulet-Fernand
Black Disc; - Barclay BA 614 {2LPS} (1978)�;; Barclay BAR 90201/2 {2LPS} (1979)�
Compact Disc; - Accord 461 954-2 {2CDS} (2001)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - December 1979 p.1061 [AML]
Fanfare - Vol.5 No.6 July/August 1982 p.161 [JD]; Vol.28 No.4 March/April 2005 pp.172-173 [JK]
Orpheus - Januar + Februar 2004 S.73 [GH]
Diapason - No.488 janvier 2002 p.96 (mention) [MP]
The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.10
Répertoire - No.152 décembre 2001 pp.73-74 [JB]
Comments:- Recorded on 27-3O December 1977, 2 January 1978
Conductor Willy Mattes - 1980
Orchestra - Münchner Rundfunkorchester
Chorus - Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks
Pâris - Nicolai Gedda
Ménélas - Ferry Gruber
Agamemnon - Klaus Hirte
Calchas - Benno Kusche
Achille - Norbert Orth
Oreste - Brigitte Fassbaender
Hélène - Anneliese Rothenberger
Black Disc - EMI Electrola 1C 157 45832/33 {2LPS}
Compact Disc - EMI 5 65366 2
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
Orpheus - Dezember 1980 S.855-S.856 [KL]
The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.10
Comments:- See The Times Weekend Saturday December 30 1995 p.8
Conductor Michel Plasson - 1984(STU)
Orchestra - Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse
Chorus - Choeurs du Capitole de Toulouse
Pâris - John Aler
Ménélas - Charles Burles
Agamemnon - Gabriel Bacquier
Calchas - Jean-Philippe Lafont
Achille - Jacques Loreau
Oreste - Colette Alliot-Lugaz
Ajax I - Roger Trentin
Ajax II - Gérard Desroches
Hélène - Jessye Norman
Bacchis - Nicole Carreras
Black Disc; - EMI EX 27017-3 {2LPS} (1985)�;; Angel DSB 3981 {2LPS}
Compact Disc; - EMI CDC 7 45157 {2CDS} (1986)�;; Angel CDCB 47156 {2CDS}
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - December 1985 p. [AML]; September 1986 p. [GH]
Opera Quarterly - Vol.4 No.2 Summer 1986 pp.131-132 [AR]
The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.9
Conductor John Burdekin - 1986?(LI)
Orchestra - Nouvel Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France
Pâris - Georges Gautier
Ménélas - Jacques Martin
Agamemnon - Gabriel Bacquier
Calchas - Luis Masson
Oreste - Jean-Marc Salzmann
Hélène - Eva Saurova
DVD (Video) - House of Opera DVDCC 233 (2005)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
Comments:- The DVD issued by House of Opera is listed in their online catalogue of �New DVDs 22 January 2005�. The recording appears to be of a performance in the Théâtre de Paris in November 1986. The performance on 14 November is reviewed in OPÉRA INTERNATIONAL janvier 1987 No.99 pp.32-33. HOO lists an additional cast member �Catala� and gives the year as 1987 which may be when the recording was transmitted.
Conductor Vladimir Yesipov - 198?(STU)
Orchestra - Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre
Chorus - Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theatre
Pâris - Anatoly Mishchevsky
Ménélas - Voinarowski Voinarowski [Viacheslav Voynorovsky]
Agamemnon - Ya. Kratov
Calchas - Vyacheslav Fedorkin
Oreste - K. Morgunova
Hélène - Galina Pisarenko
Anhises - N. Deminov
Nicomedes - V. Gusakov
Diomedes - V. Marutayev
Black Disc - Melodiya C60 19551 002 {2LPS}
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
Comments:- The LPs issued by Melodiya are listed in �Soviet Records� Supplement to the Main Catalogue 1985 p.177.
Conductor Nikolaus Harnoncourt - 1997
Orchestra - Opernhaus Zürich
Chorus - Opernhaus Zürich
Pâris - Deon Van Der Walt
Ménélas - Volker Vogel
Agamemnon - Oliver Widmer
Calchas - Carlos Chausson
Achille - Steve Davislim
Oreste - Liliana Nikiteanu
Ajax I - Ruben Amoretti
Ajax II - Cheyne Davidson
Hélène - Veselina Kasarova
Bacchis - Ruth Rohner
Léoena - Ulrika Precht
Parthénis - Lisa Larsson
Philocome - Karl Adam
Euthycles - Jean-Paul Beglin
DVD (Video) - ArtHaus Musik 100 086 (Europe) (2000)�
VHS Video Cassette - Videoland Klassik VLRM 011 (PAL)
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - February 2001 p.110, p.112 (DVD) [AB]
Opera - April 2001 pp.502-506 [AB]
Opéra International - No.250 octobre 2000 p.67 (DVD) [SS]; No.261 octobre 2001 pp.74-75 (mention) [SS]
Diapason - No.480 avril 2001 pp.132-133 (DVD) [MP]
International Record Review - March 2001 p.85 (DVD) [MVA]
CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - diciembre 2000 No.138 p.66 (DVD) [PL]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.46 julio-agosto 2001 pp.104-105 [FGR]
Conductor Reiner Bredemeyer - 19??(STU)
Orchestra - Instramentalgruppe
Chorus - Chor - Kinderchor
Helena - Elsa Grube-Deister
Jupiter - Dieter Franke
Merkur - Peter Dommisch
Venus - Barbara Dittus
Minerva - Barbara Adolph
Juno - Artje Ruge
Paris - Fred Düren
Kalchas - Rolf Ludwig
Agamemmon - Reinmar Johannes Bauer
Achilles - Harry Pietzsch
Ajax I - Hans Lucke
Ajax II - Johannes Maus
Menelaos - Günter Sonnenberg
Bacchis - Johanna Clas
Philokemus - Friedrich Links
Black Disc - Litera 8 60 093/94 {2LPS} (DDR)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
Comments:- Recording of a German arrangement (Die schöne Helena) by Herbert Kawan and Reiner Bredemeyer. The LPs issued by Litera are listed in the online catalogue of the Durbeck Archive (http://www.datalogue.info)
Conductor Marc Minkowski - 2000(STU & LI)
Orchestra - Les Musiciens du Louvre-Grenoble
Chorus - Choeur des Musiciens du Louvre
Pâris - Yann Beuron
Ménélas - Michel Sénéchal
Agamemnon - Laurent Naouri
Calchas - François Le Roux
Achille - Eric Huchet
Oreste - Marie-Ange Todorovitch
Ajax I - Alain Gabriel
Ajax II - Laurent Alvaro
Hélène - Felicity Lott
Bacchis - Hjördis Thébault
Léoena - Stéphanie d' Oustrac
Parthénis - Magali Léger
Philocome - Josè Canalès
Compact Disc; - Virgin Classics 5 45477-2 {2CDS} (2001)�
DVD (Video) - TDK DV OPLBH (Europe) (2001)�; Kultur DVD D 2916 (2004)�
�(year of issue or re-issue)
Recordings of La Belle Hélène by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-
Opera on Record 3 p.156; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 p.42
This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-
(The) Gramophone - Awards Issue 2001 pp.111-112 (audio) [AML]; March 2002 p.95 (video) [MSR]
Opera - January 2002 pp.115-121 (video) [AB]; February 2002 pp.249-250 (audio) [RT]
Opera Now - March/April 2002 p.96 (audio) [ST]
Opera News - January 2002 pp.68-69 (audio) [RT]; October 2004 p.80 (DVD) [RT]
Fanfare - Vol.25 No.4 March/April 2002 pp.149-150 (audio) [JM]; Vol.28 No.3 January/February 2005 pp.263-264 (DVD) [JK]
Orpheus - Juni 2002 S.63 (video) [MK]
Opera Quarterly - Vol.18 No.4 Autumn 2002 pp.636-638 (audio) [JL]
Opéra International - No.262 novembre 2001 p.64 (audio) [PC]; No.266 mars 2002 pp.64-65 (DVD) [SS]
Diapason - No.485 octobre 2001 pp.124-125 (audio) [JC]; No.488 janvier 2002 pp.120-121 (video) [MP]
International Record Review - May 2002 p.90 (audio) [CC]
Répertoire - No.150 octobre 2001 p.104 (audio) [PT]: No.152 décembre 2001 p.21 (video) [PT]
L'opera (Milano) - Anno XVI N.158 febbraio 2002 p.97 (audio) [GC]
Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.55 noviembre 2002 pp.94-95 (DVD) [XC]
Comments:- The audio recording was made at the same time as a series of public performancesat Le Théâtre du Chatelet, Paris, but the video recording on DVD is of one of these performances.
(STU), "Studio" Recording
(SE), "Studio" Recording of Excerpts
(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source
(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source
(LI), "Live" Recording
(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts
(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance
(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance
(RA), A Radio Performance
(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance
(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast
(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance
(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film
(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film
CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988
EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994
GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)
HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973
MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982
MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993
MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997
More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999
NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli
PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993
Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española
Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española