There are 13 recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer on file

(This "Discography" was generated by CLOR for THE COMPILER )

1 1952(LI) - Schmitz Paul - Sinfonieorchester des Hessischen Rundfunks*

2 1963(LI) - Capuana Franco - Teatro San Carlo di Napoli*

3 1963(RA) - Wurmser Leo - BBC Concert Orchestra*

4 1964?(SE) - Wagner Robert - Orchestre*

5 1971(LI) - Muti Riccardo - Maggio Musicale Fiorentino*

6 1972(LI) - Périsson Jean - San Francisco Opera*

7 1972(LI) - Queler Eve - Opera Orchestra of New York*

8 1977(LI) - Albrecht Gerd - Bayerische Staatsoper*

9 1977(LI) - Almeida Antonio de - Teatro Liceo (Barcelona)*

10 1978(LI) - Maag Peter - Covent Garden*

11 1981(LI) - Atherton David - Covent Garden*

12 1981(LI) - Morelli Giuseppe - Teatro Municipal de Caracas Venezuela*

13 1988 - Arena Maurizio - San Francisco Opera***

*AUDIO ---- **VIDEO ---- ***AUDIO & VIDEO


L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in German

Conductor Paul Schmitz - 1952(LI)

Orchestra - Sinfonieorchester des Hessischen Rundfunks

Chorus - Chor des Hessischen Rundfunks

Selika - Aga Joesten

Vasco da Gama - Heinrich Bensing

Ines - Olga Moll

Nelusko - Carl Kronenberg

Don Pedro - Hans Dahmen

Don Diego - Georg Stern

Grand Inquisitor - Arnold Van Mill

Alvar - Herbert Hess

Anna - Helene Bindhardt

High Priest of Brahma - Heinz Prybit

Priest - Eugen Willmann


Compact Disc; - *Walhall �Eternity Series� WLCD 0025 {2CDS} (2004)�; Cantus Classics 500805 {2CDS} (2005)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Classic Record Collector - Autumn 2004 pp.102-103 [JTH]

International Record Review - November 2004 p.36 [JTH]

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in Italian

Conductor Franco Capuana - 1963(LI)

Orchestra - Teatro San Carlo di Napoli

Chorus - Teatro San Carlo di Napoli

Selika - Antonietta Stella

Vasco da Gama - Nikola Nikolov

Ines - Margherita Rinaldi

Nelusko - Aldo Protti

Don Pedro - Ivo Vinco

Don Diego - Enrico Campi

Grand Inquisitor - Plinio Clabassi

Alvar - Paride Venturi

Anna - Armanda Bonato

High Priest of Brahma - Plinio Clabassi


Black Disc; - E.J. Smith �The Golden Age of Opera� EJS 286 {2LPS} (1964)�; Melodram MEL 459 {3LPS}

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

Comments:- Recording of a performance at Naples (18 December 1963)

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in French

Conductor Leo Wurmser - 1963(RA)

Orchestra - BBC Concert Orchestra

Chorus - Chorus

Selika - Josephine Veasey

Vasco da Gama - Robert Thomas

Ines - Heather Harper

Nelusko - Raimund Herincx

Don Pedro - Forbes Robinson

Don Diego - Roger Stalman

Grand Inquisitor - Stanislav Pieczora

Alvar - Max Worthley

Anna - Rosemary Phillips


Compact Disc - Premiere Opera (Italy) {3CDRS}

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

Comments:- *Recording which was originally broadcast by the BBC Third Programme in 1963 and then again on 10 May 1964. See OPERA July 1964 pp.502-503. The CDRs issued by Premiere Opera (Italy) are (were?) listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in French

Conductor Robert Wagner - 1964?(SE)

Orchestra - Orchestre

Chorus - Choeurs

Selika - Denise Monteil

Vasco da Gama - Tony Poncet

Ines - Andrée Esposito

Nelusko - Henri Peyrotte

Don Pedro - Felix Giband

Grand Inquisitor - Felix Giband


Black Disc; - Philips 3484 {1LP} (1965)�; Philips 837.490 {1LP} (stereo) (1965)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Diapason - No.102 décembre 1965 p.22 [JG]

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in Italian

Conductor Riccardo Muti - 1971(LI)

Orchestra - Maggio Musicale Fiorentino

Chorus - Maggio Musicale Fiorentino

Selika - Jessye Norman

Vasco da Gama - Veriano Luchetti

Ines - Mietta Sighele

Nelusko - Giangiacomo Guelfi

Don Pedro - Agostino Ferrin

Don Diego - Gianfranco Casarini

Grand Inquisitor - Graziano Del Vivo

Alvar - Dino Formichini

Anna - Giuliana Matteini

High Priest of Brahma - Mario Rinaudo

Priest - Ottavio Taddei


Black Disc; - E.J. Smith �The Golden Age of Opera� EJS 555 {2LPS} (1971)�; Mauro R. Fuguette MRF 85 {3LPS}

Compact Disc; - *Memories HR 4213/5 {3CDS}; Myto 3 MCD 912.38 (highlights + Idomeneo) {3CDS} (1991)�; *Mike Richter Audio Encyclopedia AE 006 (The Operas of Giacomo Meyerbeer) {1xCD-ROM} (2001)�; The Opera Lovers AFR 197101 {3CDRS}; Opera d'Oro OPD 1467 {3CDS} (2007)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Fanfare - Vol.30 No.6 July/August 2007 p.172 [BR]

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Maggio Musicale (30 April 1971, see OPERA Festival Issue 1971 p.83

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in French

Conductor Jean Périsson - 1972(LI)

Orchestra - San Francisco Opera

Chorus - San Francisco Opera

Selika - Shirley Verrett

Vasco da Gama - Plácido Domingo

Ines - Evelyn Mandac

Nelusko - Norman Mittelman

Don Pedro - Simon Estes

Don Diego - Daniel Sullivan

Grand Inquisitor - Philip Booth

Alvar - Erik Townsend

Anna - Gwendolyn Jones

High Priest of Brahma - Allan Monk

Priest - Jonathan Huie


Black Disc - BJR BJRS 131 {3LPS}; Opera Disc OD 1003/5 {3LPS}

Compact Disc; - Legato Classics LCD 116-3 (+Samson et Dalila - excerpts) {3CDS};; Gala GL 100.605 {3CDS} (1999)�; John Wegner San Francisco Opera - The Adler Years - 2 SFO-02 (A Mike Richter CD-ROM) (2000)�; Opera d'Oro OPD 1185 {3CDS}; The Opera Lovers AFR 197301 {3CDRS} Celestial Audio CA 614 {2CDRS} (Australia) (2007)�; Celestial Audio CV 096 {1xAudio-DVDR} (Australia) (2007)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Fanfare - Vol.12 No.1 September/October 1988 pp.204-205 [RVL]

Orpheus - Oktober 1999 S.56 [GH]

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the San Francisco Opera (3 November 1972). The year of this recording is given as 1973 by Gala (and The Opera Lovers) and quoted in the review in ORPHEUS, but L'Africaine was not performed at the San Francisco Opera during that year (see �The San Francisco Opera� by Arthur Bloomfield, 1978 pp.401-405). The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website and the CDRs and Audio DVDR issued by Celestial Audio are (were?) listed on their website as �WHAT'S NEW; Second Quarter 2007� (hyperlinks in CLORLINK.php).

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in Italian

Conductor Eve Queler - 1972(LI)

Orchestra - Opera Orchestra of New York

Chorus - Schola Cantorun - Master Chorales

Selika - Antonietta Stella

Vasco da Gama - Richard Tucker

Ines - Anne Elgar

Nelusko - Matteo Manuguerra

Don Pedro - Malcolm Smith

Don Diego - Paul Aquino

Grand Inquisitor - George Reed

Alvar - Melvin Wallace

Anna - Carol Weiss

High Priest of Brahma - Will Roy


Black Disc; - Historical Recording Enterprises HRE 395-3 {3LPS} (1982)�

Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 103-2 {2CDRS} (2001)�; The Opera Lovers AFR 197201 {3CDRS}

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Opera Quarterly - Vol.2 No.1 p.188

Comments:- *Recording of a concert performance at the Carnegie Hall (see OPERA July 1972 p.617). The HRE LPs are advertized in GRAMOPHONE December 1982 p.722 and the CDRs issued by Premiere were advertized as �New� in �Fall 2001� and those issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php)

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in French

Conductor Gerd Albrecht - 1977(LI)

Orchestra - Bayerische Staatsoper

Chorus - Bayerische Staatsoper

Selika - Martina Arroyo

Vasco da Gama - Giorgio Lamberti (Casellato-Lamberti)

Ines - Evelyn Brunner

Nelusko - Sherrill Milnes

Don Pedro - Alexander Malta

Don Diego - Kurt Rydl

Alvar - Donald Grobe

Anna - Gertraut Stoklassa

High Priest of Brahma - Roland Hermann


Compact Disc; - Myto 3 MCD 011 235 (+highlights cond. Périsson) {3CDS} (2001)�; *Mike Richter Audio Encyclopedia AE 006 (The Operas of Giacomo Meyerbeer) ;; {1xCD-ROM} (2001)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Fanfare - Vol.24 No.6 July/August 2001 pp.176-177 [HF]

Orpheus - Juni 2001 S.57-S.58 [GH]

American Record Guide - July/August 2001 Vol.64 No.4 p.159 [DA]

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - julio/agosto 2001 No.145 pp.44-45 [AV]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.47 septiembre-octubre 2001 p.92 [MC]

Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Nationaltheater, Munich (November 1977). The cast also includes Heinrich Weber, Georg Baumeister.

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in Italian

Conductor Antonio de Almeida - 1977(LI)

Orchestra - Teatro Liceo (Barcelona)

Chorus - Teatro Liceo (Barcelona)

Selika - Montserrat Caballé

Vasco da Gama - Plácido Domingo

Ines - Christine Weidinger

Nelusko - Guillermo Sarabia

Don Pedro - Dimiter (Dimitar) Petkov

Don Diego - Juan (Joan) Pons

Grand Inquisitor - Eduardo Soto

Alvar - Pedro Gilabert

Anna - Miriam Ucelay

High Priest of Brahma - Juan Thomas


Black Disc; - A.N.N.A. Record Company ANNA 1001 {2LPS} (1978)�

Compact Disc; - *Legato Classics LCD 207-2 {2CDS} (1996)�; House of Opera CDBB 337 (2003)�; The Opera Lovers AFR 197801 {3CDRS}

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Opera News - January 25 1997 p.54

Orpheus - Januar 1997 S.58

Opéra International - mars 1998 No.222 p.58 [SS]

Classical Express - Issue No.79 October 1996 p.6

L'opera (Milano) - Anno XI - N.104 gennaio 1997 p.93

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.23 marzo-mayo 1997 p.60

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Teatro Liceo, Barcelona (November 1977; see OPERA, March 1978 p.318). The CDRs issued by House of Opera are listed as new issues in their online catalogue dated �03/12/22� and those issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php). Here the date of the performance recorded is given (incorrectly?) as �01.01.78�.

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in French

Conductor Peter Maag - 1978(LI)

Orchestra - Covent Garden

Chorus - Covent Garden

Selika - Grace Bumbry

Vasco da Gama - Plácido Domingo

Ines - Margherita Rinaldi

Nelusko - Silvano Carroli

Don Pedro - Richard Van Allan

Don Diego - Willard White

Grand Inquisitor - David Ward

Alvar - Robin Leggate

Anna - Elizabeth Bainbridge

High Priest of Brahma - Raimund Herincx

Priest - Edward Sadler


Compact Cassette - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 03264

Compact Disc; - Oriel Music Society OMS 304 {3CDRS} (2002)�; Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 645-3 {3CDRS}; House of Opera CDBB 336 (2003)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Orpheus - Heft 9+10 September+Oktober 2003 S.82 [GH]

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at Covent Garden (28 November 1978). The CDRs issued by Oriel are listed in �Latest Additions to the Catalogue March 2002� and those issued by House of Opera are listed as new issues in their online catalogue dated �03/12/22�. This performance was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 (see Radio Times (25 November - 1 December 1978) p.48)

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in French

Conductor David Atherton - 1981(LI)

Orchestra - Covent Garden

Chorus - Covent Garden

Selika - Grace Bumbry

Vasco da Gama - Franco Bonisolli

Ines - Miwako Matsumoto

Nelusko - Silvano Carroli

Don Pedro - Richard Van Allan

Alvar - Robert Tear

High Priest of Brahma - Donald McIntyre


Compact Cassette - Charles Handelman - Live Opera 03263

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden (14 March 1981). This performance was not broadcast so, presumably, the recording was made �in-house�. The performance on 3 March 1981 is reviewed in OPERA May 1981 pp.526-527. The cassettes issue by Charles Handelman are listed in his catalogue dated November 2000.

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in Italian

Conductor Giuseppe Morelli - 1981(LI)

Orchestra - Teatro Municipal de Caracas Venezuela

Chorus - Teatro delle Muse di Ancona

Selika - Adelaide Negri

Vasco da Gama - Veriano Luchetti

Ines - Mietta Sighele

Nelusko - Antonio Salvadori

Don Pedro - Georg Pappas

Don Diego - Louis Lebherz


Compact Disc; - New Ornamenti NOC 131-132 {2CDS} (2005)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Teatro Municipal de Caracas, Venezuela (18 January 1981). The CDs issued on the New Ornamenti Label are listed on the website:

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L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer performed in French

Conductor Maurizio Arena - 1988

Orchestra - San Francisco Opera

Chorus - San Francisco Opera

Selika - Shirley Verrett

Vasco da Gama - Plácido Domingo

Ines - Ruth Ann Swenson

Nelusko - Justino Díaz

Don Pedro - Michael Devlin

Don Diego - Philip Skinner

Grand Inquisitor - Joseph Rouleau

Alvar - Kevin Anderson

Anna - Patricia Spence

High Priest of Brahma - Mark Delavan

Priest - S. Seigel


Compact Disc - The Opera Lovers AFR 198801 {3CDRS}

Laser Disc - Pioneer PLMCD 00601 (PAL)

DVD (Video) - ArtHaus Musik 100 216 (Europe) (2001)�; ArtHaus Musik 100 217 (2006)�

VHS Video Cassette - Home Vision AFR 050; CEL C604329 (PAL) Virgin 070 010-3 (PAL); Polygram Vidéo 070 069-3 (SECAM) Polygram Video 079 253-3(PAL)

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of L' Africaine by Giacomo Meyerbeer are surveyed in the following publications:-

CELLETTI p.421; Opera on Video p.43

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - March 1993 p.102; Awards Issue 2001 p.127 (DVD) [JBS]

Opera Now - January 1993 p.48; July/August 1996 p.59

Orpheus - Februar 2002 S.64 [MK]

Opéra International - January 1993 p.54; No.266 mars 2002 pp.64-65 (DVD) [SS]

Diapason - No.488 janvier 2002 pp.120-121 [MP]

L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.163 p.132

Classical Express - Issue No.74 April 1996 p.7

International Record Review - November 2001 pp.89-90 [SP]

Répertoire - février 1993 p.88: No.77 février 1995 p.100: No.154 février 2002 p.25 [PB]

Comments:- *The CDRs issued by �The Opera Lovers� are listed on the website (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php)

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(STU), "Studio" Recording

(SE), "Studio" Recording of Excerpts

(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source

(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source

(LI), "Live" Recording

(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts

(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance

(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance

(RA), A Radio Performance

(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance

(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast

(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance

(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film

(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film

CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988

EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994

GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)

HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973

MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982

MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993

MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997

More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999

NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli

PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993

Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

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