There are 11 recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel on file

(This "Discography" was generated by CLOR for THE COMPILER )

1 1971(LI) - Rudel Julius - Orchestra*

2 1971(STU) - Simon Stephen - Wiener Volksoper*

3 1973(RA) - Leppard Raymond - RAI Torino*

4 1975(RA) - Lewis Anthony - English Chamber Orchestra*

5 1978(STU) - Leppard Raymond - English Chamber Orchestra*

6 1995(STU) - McGegan Nicholas - Freiburger Barockorchester*

7 1996(LI) - Bolton Ivor - English National Opera**

8 1997(LC) - Minkowski Marc - Les Musiciens du Louvre*

9 2000(LI) - Bolton Ivor - Bayerische Staatsoper*

10 2007(LI) - Curtis Alan - Il Complesso Barocco**

11 2007(LI) - Montgomery Kenneth - Orchestre de Chambre de Genève*

*AUDIO ---- **VIDEO ---- ***AUDIO & VIDEO


Ariodante by George Frideric Handel performed in Italian

Conductor Julius Rudel - 1971(LI)

Orchestra - Orchestra

Ariodante - Tatiana Troyanos

Ginevre - Beverly Sills

Dalinda - Veronica Tyler


Compact Cassette; - Lyric Distribution Incorporated ALD 4052 (1996)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.59; CELLETTI p.310; GIUDICI p.293 (2) p.504; Fanfare Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162; Opera News July 1996 p.46; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.201 p.96; American Record Guide January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.64

Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC. (16 September 1971). The cast also included Philip Booth, Donald Gramm. The compact cassettes issued by Lyric are listed in �Operatic Audio Cassettes - New Listings - July 1996�.

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Ariodante by George Frideric Handel performed in Italian

Conductor Stephen Simon - 1971(STU)

Orchestra - Wiener Volksoper

Chorus - Wiener Akademie Chor

Ariodante - Sofia Steffan

Ginevre - Graziella Sciutti

Dalinda - Carole Bogard

Polinesso - Bernadette Greevy

Lurcanio - Ian Partridge

Il Re di Scozia - Marius Rintzler

Odoardo - Walter Eder


Black Disc - RCA LSC-6200

Recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.59; CELLETTI p.310; GIUDICI p.293 (2) p.504; Fanfare Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162; Opera News July 1996 p.46; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.201 p.96; American Record Guide January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.64

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Ariodante by George Frideric Handel performed in Italian

Conductor Raymond Leppard - 1973(RA)

Orchestra - RAI Torino

Chorus - RAI Torino

Ariodante - Patricia Kern

Ginevre - Margherita Rinaldi

Dalinda - Emilia Ravaglia

Polinesso - James Bowman

Lurcanio - Werner Krenn

Il Re di Scozia - Sesto Bruscantini

Odoardo - Nicola Tagger


Open Reel Tape - mr. tape 7097

Recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.59; CELLETTI p.310; GIUDICI p.293 (2) p.504; Fanfare Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162; Opera News July 1996 p.46; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.201 p.96; American Record Guide January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.64

Comments:- According to mr. tape's catalogue this performance was recorded (or broadcast) on 21 June 1973. It was broadcast by BBC Radio 3 on 3 July 1976. See Radio Times 3-9 July 1976 p.19.

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Ariodante by George Frideric Handel performed in Italian

Conductor Anthony Lewis - 1975(RA)

Orchestra - English Chamber Orchestra

Chorus - BBC Singers

Ariodante - Janet Baker

Ginevre - Lois McDonall

Dalinda - Wendy Eathorne

Polinesso - Della Jones

Lurcanio - Alexander Young

Il Re di Scozia - Malcolm King

Odoardo - Brian Burrows


Compact Disc; - Oriel Music Society OMS 80/3 {3CDRS} (2001)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.59; CELLETTI p.310; GIUDICI p.293 (2) p.504; Fanfare Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162; Opera News July 1996 p.46; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.201 p.96; American Record Guide January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.64

Comments:- Recording of a performance broadcast by BBC Radio 3 on 20 December 1975 and on 1 October 1978. According to the �Alphabetical Index to BBC Sound Archives Catalogue - Accessions 1973 - April 1984� p.84 this recording was made on 18 August 1975. The CDRs issued by the �Oriel Music Society� are listed in their �List B� .

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Ariodante by George Frideric Handel performed in Italian

Conductor Raymond Leppard - 1978(STU)

Orchestra - English Chamber Orchestra

Chorus - London Voices

Ariodante - Janet Baker

Ginevre - Edith Mathis

Dalinda - Norma Burrowes

Polinesso - James Bowman

Lurcanio - David Rendall

Il Re di Scozia - Samuel Ramey

Odoardo - Alexander Oliver


Black Disc; - Philips 6769 025 {4LPS} (1980)�

Compact Cassette; - Philips 7699 0112 (1980)�

Compact Disc; - Philips 442 096-2 {3CDS} (1994)�; Musical Heritage Society MHS 534426 {3CDS} (USA) (1998)�; Philips 473 955-2 {3CDS} (2003)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.59; CELLETTI p.310; GIUDICI p.293 (2) p.504; Fanfare Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162; Opera News July 1996 p.46; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.201 p.96; American Record Guide January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - September 1980 p.391 [SS] ; January 1981 p.939 [JBS]; December 1994 p.154 [SS]

HiFi News & Record Review - February 1995 p.83

Fanfare - Vol.22 No.2 November/December 1998 pp.235-237 [RVL]

Orpheus - März 1995 S.62

Opera Quarterly - Vol.3 No.3 Autumn 1985 pp.191-192 [RB]; Vol.13 No.2 p.143

Opéra International - décembre 1994 No.186 p.72

Diapason - No.409 novembre 1994 p.134

L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.164 p.166

Classic CD - December 1994 p.100

Le Monde de la Musique - No.183 décembre 1994 p.90

American Record Guide - January/February 1998 Vol.61 No.1 p.115 [JWB]

Répertoire - No.74 novembre 1994 p.53

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.15 marzo-mayo 1995 p.59

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Ariodante by George Frideric Handel performed in Italian

Conductor Nicholas McGegan - 1995(STU)

Orchestra - Freiburger Barockorchester

Chorus - Wilhelmshaver Vokalensemble

Ariodante - Lorraine Hunt (Lieberson)

Ginevre - Juliana Gondek

Dalinda - Lisa Saffer

Polinesso - Jennifer Lane

Lurcanio - Rufus Müller

Il Re di Scozia - Nicolas Cavallier

Odoardo - Jörn Lindemann


Compact Disc; - Harmonia Mundi HMU 90 7146-7148 {3CDS} (1996)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.59; CELLETTI p.310; GIUDICI p.293 (2) p.504; Fanfare Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162; Opera News July 1996 p.46; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.201 p.96; American Record Guide January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - April 1996 p.111; November 1996 p.54

Opera Now - September/October 1996 p.91

HiFi News & Record Review - September 1996 p.88

Opera News - July 1996 p.47

Fanfare - Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162

Opera Quarterly - Vol.13 no.2 p.141

Opéra International - juillet/aoüt 1996 No.204 p.61

Diapason - No.425 avril 1996 p.102

BBC Music Magazine - April 1996 p.74

Classic CD - April 1996 p.44

CLASSICAL disCDigest - Vol.5 No.1 Issue 15 p.54

American Record Guide - July/August 1996 Vol.59 No.4 p.122: November/December 2007 Vol.70 No.6 pp.118-120 [JWB]

Stereophile - August 1998 (Vol.21 No.8) pp.84-85 [SBM]

Répertoire - No.90 avril 1996 p.38

Classical Express - Issue No.74 April 1996 p.2

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.87 p.45

L'opera (Milano) - Anno X - N.100 - Settembre 1996 p.104

Musica (Milano) - No.99 Anno 20 agosto-settembre 1996 p.107

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.20 junio-agosto 1996 p.61 [FSR]

Comments:- Recorded at the Göttingen Festival (See OPERA Festival Issue 1995 p.89). See The Times Weekend March 23 1996 p.8

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Ariodante by George Frideric Handel performed in English

Conductor Ivor Bolton - 1996(LI)

Orchestra - English National Opera

Chorus - English National Opera

Ariodante - Ann Murray

Ginevre - Joan Rodgers

Dalinda - Lesley Garrett

Polinesso - Christopher Robson

Lurcanio - Paul Nilon

Il Re di Scozia - Gwynne Howell

Odoardo - Mark Le Brocq


DVD (Video) - ArtHaus Musik 100 054 (2000)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.59; CELLETTI p.310; GIUDICI p.293 (2) p.504; Fanfare Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162; Opera News July 1996 p.46; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.201 p.96; American Record Guide January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - Awards Issue (published October) 2000 p.132 [AB]

Orpheus - März 2001 S.63 [MK2]

Opéra International - No.258 juin 2001 pp.66-67 [SS]

Classic CD - November 2000 p.83

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - noviembre 2000 No.137 p.68 [LT]

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Ariodante by George Frideric Handel performed in Italian

Conductor Marc Minkowski - 1997(LC)

Orchestra - Les Musiciens du Louvre

Chorus - Choeur des Musiciens du Louvre

Ariodante - Anne Sofie von Otter

Ginevre - Lynne Dawson

Dalinda - Veronica Cangemi

Polinesso - Ewa Podles

Lurcanio - Richard Croft

Il Re di Scozia - Denis Sedov

Odoardo - Luc Coadou


Compact Disc - Archiv Produktion 457 271-2 {3CDS}

Recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.59; CELLETTI p.310; GIUDICI p.293 (2) p.504; Fanfare Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162; Opera News July 1996 p.46; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.201 p.96; American Record Guide January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - February 1998 pp.100,101 & 104 [SS]

Opera - August 1998 p.1005 [AB]

HiFi News & Record Review - July 1998 p.73 [CM]

Fanfare - Vol 23 No.3 January/February 2000 pp.257-259 [BJ]

Orpheus - März 1998 S.62 [GH]

Opéra International - février 1998 No.221 p.59 [JCL]

Diapason - No.444 janvier 1998 p.78 [PK]

L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.181-182 p.214 [AP]

Classic CD - February 1998 p.6 [PR2]

International Opera Collector - Spring 1998 No.7 p.72 [JK]

American Record Guide - July/August 2000 Vol.63 No.4 p.133 [JWB]

Répertoire - No.110 février 1998 p.36 [LC]

Le Monde de la Musique - No.218 février 1998 p.78 [FL]

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.108 marzo 1998 p.43 [SV]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - marzo-mayo 1998 No.27 p.85 [MC]

L'opera (Milano) - Anno XII - N.118 - aprile 1998 p.100 [AM]

Das Opernglas - März 1998 S.70 [RT]

Comments:- Recorded at performances in the Théâtre de Poissy (January 1997)

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Ariodante by George Frideric Handel performed in Italian

Conductor Ivor Bolton - 2000(LI)

Orchestra - Bayerische Staatsoper

Chorus - Bayerische Staatsoper

Ariodante - Ann Murray

Ginevre - Joan Rodgers

Dalinda - Julie Kaufmann

Polinesso - Christopher Robson

Lurcanio - Paul Nilon

Il Re di Scozia - Umberto Chiummo

Odoardo - James Anderson


Compact Disc; - Farao Classics B 108030 {3CDS} (2000)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.59; CELLETTI p.310; GIUDICI p.293 (2) p.504; Fanfare Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162; Opera News July 1996 p.46; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.201 p.96; American Record Guide January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - December 2000 p.128, p.130 [SS]

Opera News - May 2001 p.69 [WVM]

Fanfare - Vol.28 No.4 March/April 2005 p.131 [BJ]

Opéra International - novembre 2000 No.251 p.64 [JCL]

Diapason - No.474 octobre 2000 p.96 [PK]

International Record Review - October 2000 p.112 [JBK]

Classical Express - Issue No.127 October 2000 p.3 [MT]

Le Monde de la Musique - No.247 octobre 2000 p.91

Répertoire - No.143 février 2001 p.54 [XDG]

L'opera (Milano) - Anno XVII N.177 novembre 2003 p.116 [AM]

Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Nationaltheater, Munich (January 2000)

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Ariodante by George Frideric Handel performed in Italian

Conductor Alan Curtis - 2007(LI)

Orchestra - Il Complesso Barocco

Ariodante - Ann Hallenberg

Ginevre - Laura Cherici

Dalinda - Enrico Giuseppe Iori

Polinesso - Mary Ellen Nesi

Lurcanio - Zachary Stanis

Il Re di Scozia - Carlo Lepore

Odoardo - Vittorio Prato


DVD (Video) - Dynamic 33559 (2008)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.59; CELLETTI p.310; GIUDICI p.293 (2) p.504; Fanfare Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162; Opera News July 1996 p.46; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.201 p.96; American Record Guide January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.64

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Opera - June 2008 pp.858-859 [GL]

Diapason - No.559 juin 2008 p.129 [GN]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.110 mayo 2008 pp.86-87 [JR]

American Record Guide - July/August 2008 Vol.71 No.4 pp.270-271 [JWB]

Opéra Magazine - No.31 juillet-aoüt 2008 p.85, p.87 [PG]

Comments:- Video recording made at performances in the Teatro Caio Melisso, Spoleto (July 2007).

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Ariodante by George Frideric Handel performed in Italian

Conductor Kenneth Montgomery - 2007(LI)

Orchestra - Orchestre de Chambre de Genève

Chorus - Grand Théâtre de Genève

Ariodante - Joyce DiDonato

Ginevre - Patricia Petibon

Dalinda - Amanda Forsythe

Polinesso - Varduhl Abrahamyan

Lurcanio - Charles Workman

Il Re di Scozia - Antonio Abete


Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 3259-2 {2CDRS} (2009)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Ariodante by George Frideric Handel are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.59; CELLETTI p.310; GIUDICI p.293 (2) p.504; Fanfare Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.162; Opera News July 1996 p.46; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.201 p.96; American Record Guide January/February 2003 Vol.66 No.1 p.64

Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Grand Théâtre de Genève (17 November 2007). The CDRS issued by Premiere are included in their list of new CD releases - February 2009. There is a review of the performance on 11 November 2007 on the website: #### review=4248

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(STU), "Studio" Recording

(SE), "Studio" Recording of Excerpts

(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source

(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source

(LI), "Live" Recording

(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts

(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance

(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance

(RA), A Radio Performance

(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance

(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast

(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance

(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film

(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film

CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988

EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994

GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)

HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973

MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982

MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993

MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997

More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999

NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli

PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993

Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

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