There are 9 recordings of Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti on file

(This "Discography" was generated by CLOR for THE COMPILER )

1 1963 - Rigacci Bruno - Orchestra dell'Angelicum di Milano*

2 1972(LI) - Hill Mary - Piano*

3 1975(LI) - Auerbach Cynthia - Chanber Ensemble [String Quartet]*

4 1976(LI) - Franci Carlo - Wiener Symphoniker*

5 1981(LI) - Allemandi Antonello - Sinfonica Estense*

6 1990(LI) - Rigacci Bruno - Orchestra Sinfonica dell Emilia Romagna �Arturo Toscanini�*

7 1995(LI) - Carminati Fabrizio Maria - Orchestra dei Pommeriggi Musicali*

8 2000(LI) - Mazzola Enrique - The Orchestra of the Royal College of Music Manchester***

9 2002(LI) - Frangi Susana - Orquesta de la Casa de la Opera de Buenos Aires***

*AUDIO ---- **VIDEO ---- ***AUDIO & VIDEO


Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti performed in Italian

Conductor Bruno Rigacci - 1963

Orchestra - Orchestra dell'Angelicum di Milano

Chorus - Coro dell'Angelicum di Milano

Corilla - Mariella Adani

Procolo Cornachia - Giorgio Tadeo

Luigia Scannagalli - Alberta P. Gonzales

Mamma Agata - Renato Capecchi

Guglielmo Antolstoinolonoff - Herbert Handt

Biscroma Stappaviscere - Paolo Montarsolo

Prospero Salsapariglia - Dino Mantovani

L'Impresario - Paolo PedanI

Dorotea - Stefania Malagù


Black Disc; - E.J. Smith �The Golden Age of Opera� EJS 296 (+Il Pigmalione) {2LPS} (1964)�; Voce 5 {1LP}

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti are surveyed in the following publications:-


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Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti performed in English

Conductor Mary Hill - 1972(LI)

Orchestra - Piano

Corilla - Lissa Gray

Procolo Cornachia - Peter Lyon

Luigia Scannagalli - Rosemary Williams

Mamma Agata - Michael Aspinall

Guglielmo Antolstoinolonoff - Noel Brennan

Biscroma Stappaviscere - Wyndham Parfitt

Prospero Salsapariglia - William Bradley

Neocle Frescopane - Sylvia Eaves

L'Impresario - Paschal Allen

Repetiteur - Mary Hill


Black Disc - Voce 5 {1LP}

Recordings of Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti are surveyed in the following publications:-


Comments:- *Recording of a performance given in an English translation with the title �Viva la Mamma�. The LP issued by Voce is listed in the online catalogue of the Durbeck Archive:-

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Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti performed in English?

Conductor Cynthia Auerbach - 1975(LI)

Orchestra - Chanber Ensemble [String Quartet]

Corilla - Marilynne Bird

Procolo Cornachia - Robert Guarino

Luigia Scannagalli - Anne Lynn Bornstein

Mamma Agata - Harlan Foss

Guglielmo Antolstoinolonoff - Jonathan Rigg

Biscroma Stappaviscere - John Thomas

Prospero Salsapariglia - Willie Drake

Neocle Frescopane - Judy Blazer

Conductor/Composer - Edgar Dittemore

Repetiteur - Cynthia Auerbach


Black Disc - Raritas OPR 410 {2LPS-3sides}

Recordings of Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti are surveyed in the following publications:-


Comments:- *The LPs issued by Raritas are listed in the online catalogue of the Durbeck Archive:-

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Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti performed in Italian

Conductor Carlo Franci - 1976(LI)

Orchestra - Wiener Symphoniker

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

L'Impresario - Leo Nucci

Prima Donna - Daniela Mazzucato (Meneghini)

Luigia - Alberta Valentini

First Musician - Laura Zannini

Madama Agata - Giuseppe Taddei

German Tenor - Sergio Tedesco

Conductor/Composer - Federico Davià

Procolo - Walter Alberti


Compact Disc - Bella Voce BLV 107232 (+Belisario - highlights) {2CDS}

Recordings of Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti are surveyed in the following publications:-


This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Orpheus - Juni 2000 S.61 [GH]

American Record Guide - July/August 2000 Vol.63 No.4 p.113 [CHP]

Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Theater am Kornmarkt, Bregenz as part of the Bregenz Festival (see OPERA Festival Issue 1976 pp.71-72). The cast also includes Alfredo Giacomotti, Leonardo Monreale, Elisabeth Fez

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Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti performed in Italian

Conductor Antonello Allemandi - 1981(LI)

Orchestra - Sinfonica Estense

Chorus - Opera Giocosa di Genova

Corilla - Daniela Dessi

Procolo Cornachia - Franco Sioli

Luigia Scannagalli - Lauretta Perasso

Mamma Agata - Simone Alaimo

Guglielmo Antolstoinolonoff - William Matteuzzi

Biscroma Stappaviscere - Antonio Lamazzi

Prospero Salsapariglia - Armando Ariostini

Neocle Frescopane - Guglielmo Gazzani


Black Disc - Ars Nova AVST 36222 {2LPS}

Compact Disc - Sarx SXAM 2021

Recordings of Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti are surveyed in the following publications:-


This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Musica (Milano) - No.28 Anno 7 marzo 1983 pp.89-90 [GG]: No.97 Anno 20 Aprile-Maggio 1996 p.102

Comments:- Recording of a performance of the second version (1831) at Savona

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Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti performed in Italian

Conductor Bruno Rigacci - 1990(LI)

Orchestra - Orchestra Sinfonica dell Emilia Romagna �Arturo Toscanini�

Chorus - Teatro Rossini di Lugo

Daria - Maria Angeles Peters

Procolo Cornachia - Roberto Scaltriti

Luigia Scannagalli - Susanna Rigacci

Mamma Agata - Domenico Trimarchi

Guglielmo Antolstoinolonoff - Sergio Tedesco

Pippetto - Adriana Cicogna


Compact Disc - Bongiovanni GB 2091/92-2 (+Betly)

Recordings of Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti are surveyed in the following publications:-


This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Fanfare - Vol.14 No.4 March/April 1991 p.200

Comments:- Recording of the first version

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Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti performed in Italian

Conductor Fabrizio Maria Carminati - 1995(LI)

Orchestra - Orchestra dei Pommeriggi Musicali

Chorus - Teatro Donizetti di Bergamo

Daria - Maria Costanza Nocentini

Procolo Cornachia - Alberto Noli

Luigia Scannagalli - Cristina Rubin

Mamma Agata - Bruno De Simone

Guglielmo Antolstoinolonoff - Bruno Lazzaretti

Biscroma Stappaviscere - Mario Utzeri

Pippetto - Elisabetta Andreani

Cesare Salzapariglia - Andrea Concetti

L'Impresario - Enrico Turco

Il Direttore del Palcoscenico - Angelo Nosotti


Compact Disc; - BMG Ricordi 74321 40587-2 {1CD} (1997)�; Ricordi RFCD 2026.1 {1CD} (distributed by Agorá) (1999)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti are surveyed in the following publications:-


This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - September 1999 p.95 [JBS]

Orpheus - Juli 1998 S.56 [AH]

Opéra International - février 1998 No.221 p.58 [SS]

Classical Express - Issue 93 December 1997 p.1 [RB]

L'opera (Milano) - Anno Xi - N.107 - aprile 1997 p.93

Répertoire - No.109 janvier 1998 p.32 [PT]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - diciembre 1997 - febrero 1998 No.26 p.82 [MH]

Comments:- Recording of the edition prepared by Roger Parker and Anders Wiklund and performed in the Teatro Donizetti di Bergamo (November 1995)

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Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti performed in Italian

Conductor Enrique Mazzola - 2000(LI)

Orchestra - The Orchestra of the Royal College of Music Manchester

Corilla - Luciana Serra

Procolo Cornachia - Maurizio Leoni

Luigia Scannagalli - Sabrina Vitali

Mamma Agata - Andrea Concetti

Guglielmo Antolstoinolonoff - Javor Torolov

Biscroma Stappaviscere - Enrico Marabelli

Prospero Salsapariglia - Davide Rocca

Ispettore del teatro - Massimo Rossetti

L'Impresario - Giuseppe Nicodemo

Dorotea - Daniela Ciliberti


Compact Disc; - Kicco Classics 65 {2CDS} (2001)�

VHS Video Cassette; - OperaUniverse OU 9001 (PAL) (2001)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti are surveyed in the following publications:-


This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Opera Quarterly - Vol 19 No.2 Spring 2003 pp.297-301 [WA]

American Record Guide - September/October 2001 Vol.64 No.5 pp.112-114 (audio) [DA]

L'opera (Milano) - Anno XV N.152 giugno 2001 p.93 (video) [EE]

Comments:- Audio and video recordings of a performance in the Teatro Poliziano di Montepulciano (9 July 2000)

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Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti performed in Italian & Spanish

Conductor Susana Frangi - 2002(LI)

Orchestra - Orquesta de la Casa de la Opera de Buenos Aires

Chorus - Coro de Cámara de la Casa de la Ópera de Buenos Aires

Montserrat Deulofeu - Adelaide Negri

Bernabé López García - Roberto Falcone

Ágata Napolitani - la mamma - Leonardo López Linares

Luigia Napolitani - Virginia Videla

Wolfgang Krautenmitkrafen - Norberto Lara

Doroteo Panfresco - countertenor - Vanesa Mautner

Richard Mutisky - Polish composer - Pablo Toyo

Mariano De Huga - regisseur argentino - Jorge Contegni

Empresario - Mario De Salvo

Pepe Fraile - tenor porteño - Miguel Facal


Compact Disc - New Ornamenti NOM 201-2 {2CDS}

DVD (Video) - New Ornamenti DNO 309

Recordings of Le convenienze ed inconvenienze teatrali by Gaetano Donizetti are surveyed in the following publications:-


Comments:- *Audio and video recordings of a performance in the Teatro Margarita Xirgu in a version by Andrea Merli with the title �Viva la Mamma� (8 Setember 2002). The recitatives are replaced by a spoken dialogue in Spanish (castellano), but the arias are sung in Italian. There is a review on the internet (click link below). The CDs and DVD issued on the New Ornamenti label are listed on the website

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(STU), "Studio" Recording

(SE), "Studio" Recording of Excerpts

(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source

(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source

(LI), "Live" Recording

(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts

(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance

(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance

(RA), A Radio Performance

(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance

(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast

(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance

(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film

(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film

CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988

EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994

GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)

HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973

MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982

MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993

MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997

More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999

NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli

PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993

Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

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