There are 3 recordings of L' italiana in Londra by Domenico Cimarosa on file

(This "Discography" was generated by CLOR for THE COMPILER )

1 1954(RE) - Gerelli Ennio - RAI Milano*

2 195?(SE) - Gerelli Ennio - Orchestra Filarmonica di Milano*

3 1986(LI) - Rizzi Carlo - Orchestra Sinfonica di Piacenza***

*AUDIO ---- **VIDEO ---- ***AUDIO & VIDEO


L' italiana in Londra by Domenico Cimarosa performed in Italian

Conductor Ennio Gerelli - 1954(RE)

Orchestra - RAI Milano

Chorus - RAI Milano

Livia - Ilva Ligabue

Fanny - Luisa Villa

Milord Arespingh - Rodolfo Malacarne

Don Polindoro - Paolo Montarsolo


Black Disc; - E.J. Smith �The Golden Age of Opera� EJS 407 (+La reginetta delle;; rose - excerpts) {1LP} (1967)�

Compact Disc - Omega Opera Archive 990

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Comments:- Recording of a broadcast performance (4 July 1954). The recording issued by the Omega Opera Archive is listed in their online catalogue (see CLORLINK.HTM) where it stated that their recordings are available �on CD, cassette or reel-to-reel tape�.

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L' italiana in Londra by Domenico Cimarosa performed in Italian

Conductor Ennio Gerelli - 195?(SE)

Orchestra - Orchestra Filarmonica di Milano

Livia - Ilva Ligabue

Fanny - Luisa Villa

Don Polindoro - Paolo Montarsolo


Black Disc; - Philips S 06083 R {1x10in-LP} (1957)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Luister - April 1957 p.185 [LR]

Comments:- It is not clear if this is the same recording as that issued by EJS, but it probably derives from RAI. Mario Spina also takes part

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L' italiana in Londra by Domenico Cimarosa performed in Italian

Conductor Carlo Rizzi - 1986(LI)

Orchestra - Orchestra Sinfonica di Piacenza

Livia - Patrizia Orciani

Milord Arespingh - Armando Ariostini

Don Polindoro - Bruno Praticò

Madama Brillante - Maria Angeles Peters

Sumers - Maurizio Comencini


Black Disc; - Bongiovanni GB 2040/41/42 {3LPS} (1987)�

Compact Disc; - Bongiovanni GB 2040/41-2 {2CDS} (1998)�

DVD (Video) - House of Opera DVDCC 709 (2005)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Fanfare - Vol.22 No.3 January/February 1999 p.153 (audio) [DJ]; No.5 July 1999 p.4 (letter)

Orpheus - Dezember 1998 S.57 (audio) [MK]; August + September 2002 S.87 (audio) [MK]; Oktober 2002 S.53 (audio) [MK]

Opera Quarterly - Volume 16 No.1 Winter 2000 pp.124-126 (audio) [MLR]

Opéra International - février 1999 No.232 p.71 (audio) [RF]

Musica (Milano) - N.110 Anno 22 ottobre/dicembre 1998 p.86 (audio) [LG]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.33 mayo-junio 1999 p.90 (audio) [RA]

Comments:- Audio and video recordings of a performance (or of performances) in the Teatro Chiabrera di Savona (14 October 1986 (Bongiovanni); see OPERA March 1987 p.315). The DVD issued by House of Opera is listed in their online catalogue of �New DVDs 22 January 2005�.

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(STU), "Studio" Recording

(SE), "Studio" Recording of Excerpts

(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source

(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source

(LI), "Live" Recording

(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts

(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance

(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance

(RA), A Radio Performance

(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance

(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast

(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance

(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film

(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film

CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988

EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994

GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)

HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973

MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982

MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993

MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997

More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999

NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli

PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993

Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

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