There are 5 recordings of Les Deux journées by Luigi Cherubini on file

(This "Discography" was generated by CLOR for THE COMPILER )

1 1947(RA) - Beecham Thomas - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra*

2 1950(RA) - Täuber Haimo - Radio Symphonieorchester Wien*

3 1955(RA) - Pedrotti Antonio - RAI Milano*

4 1962(RA) - Müller-Kray Hans - Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart*

5 2001 - Spering Christoph - Das Neue Orchester*

*AUDIO ---- **VIDEO ---- ***AUDIO & VIDEO


Les Deux journées by Luigi Cherubini performed in French

Conductor Thomas Beecham - 1947(RA)

Orchestra - Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Chorus - BBC Theatre Chorus

Le Comte Armand - Pierre Gianotti

Constance - Janine Micheau

Mikeli - Charles Paul

Antonio - Eugene Regnier

Daniel - Donald Munro

Marcellina - Marion Davies

Sémos - Donald Munro

Angelina - Winifred Lawson

Le Commandant - Fabian Smith

Le Lieutenant - Ernest Frank

Le Sergeant - Donald Campbell

Le Corporal - David Perrin


Black Disc; - Unique Opera Records Corporation UORC 174 {2LPS} (1973)�; Cetra �Opera Live� LO 49 {2LPS}; *VOCE-73 {2LPS}

Compact Disc; - Intaglio ING CD 7342 {2CDS} (1993)�; Malibran Music MR 554 {1CDR} (2004)�; *Mike Richter Audio Encyclopedia AE 103 �Sir Thomas Beecham� {1xCD-ROM} (2004)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Les Deux journées by Luigi Cherubini are surveyed in the following publications:-


This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Opera - August 1993 p.1002

Opera News - March 5 1994 p.36

Fanfare - May-June 1993 p.184

Orpheus - October 1993 p.56

Comments:- *Recording of a performance broadcast by the BBC Third Programme. There were two separate broadcasts, on 19 and 21 December 1947. See Radio Times Issue dated December 12 1947 p.24 and Issue dated December 19 1947 p.8. These both list Claudine Collart as singing the role of Constance, but when a recording of the performance on 19 December was broadcast on 19 August 1979 Janine Micheau was listed in Radio Times (Issue dated 18-24 August 1979 p.28).

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Les Deux journées by Luigi Cherubini performed in German

Conductor Haimo Täuber - 1950(RA)

Orchestra - Radio Symphonieorchester Wien

Le Comte Armand - Walter Anton Dotzer

Constance - Anny Felbermayer

Mikeli - Walter Berry

Antonio - Kurt Equiluz

Daniel - Karl Loida


Compact Disc; - Walhall �Eternity Series� WLCD 204 {1CD} (2007)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Les Deux journées by Luigi Cherubini are surveyed in the following publications:-


Comments:- *Recording of a (abridged?) version in German with the title �Der Wasserträger�.

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Les Deux journées by Luigi Cherubini performed in Italian

Conductor Antonio Pedrotti - 1955(RA)

Orchestra - RAI Milano

Chorus - RAI Milano

Le Comte Armand - Mirto Picchi

Constance - Ester Orel

Mikeli - Paolo Silveri

Antonio - Tommaso Frascati

Daniel - Paolo Montarsolo

Marcellina - Nicoletta Panni

Sémos - Paolo Montarsolo

Le Commandant - Lino Puglisi

Le Lieutenant - Lino Puglisi

Le Sergeant - Paolo Montarsolo

Le Corporal - Paolo Montarsolo


Black Disc - Mauro R. Fuguette �Cherubini Series� MRF/C-04 (+L'osteria portoghese) {3LPS}

Recordings of Les Deux journées by Luigi Cherubini are surveyed in the following publications:-


Comments:- Recording of a broadcast perfomance in Italian under the name �Le due giornate� (30 October 1955)

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Les Deux journées by Luigi Cherubini performed in German

Conductor Hans Müller-Kray - 1962(RA)

Orchestra - Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart

Chorus - Chor des Süddeutschen Rundfunks

Le Comte Armand - Fritz Wunderlich

Constance - Hildegard Hillebrecht

Mikeli - Marcel Cordes

Antonio - Robert Hoyem

Daniel - Ulrich Messthaler

Marcellina - Christa Lippmann

Sémos - Gustav Adolf Franck

Le Lieutenant - Klaus Bertram

Le Sergeant - Walter Köninger


Compact Disc; - Melodram CDM 19 507 {1CD}; Myto 1 MCD 011 237 {1CD} (2001)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Les Deux journées by Luigi Cherubini are surveyed in the following publications:-


This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Fanfare - Vol.24 No.6 July/August 2001 pp.114-115 [JHN]

Orpheus - Juni 2001 S.60 [GH]

Opéra International - No.277 mars 2003 pp.68-69 [SS]

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - julio/agosto 2001 No.145 pp.44-45 [AV]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.47 septiembre-octubre 2001 p.88 [JV]

Comments:- Recording of a broadcast performance of the German version �Der Wasserträger�. It was recorded on 6,7 November 1962.

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Les Deux journées by Luigi Cherubini performed in French

Conductor Christoph Spering - 2001

Orchestra - Das Neue Orchester

Chorus - Musicus Köln

Le Comte Armand - Yann Beuron

Constance - Mireille Delunsch

Mikeli - Andreas Schmidt

Antonio - Etienne Lescroart

Daniel - Kwangchui Youn

Marcellina - Olga Pasiecznik

Sémos - Miljenko Turk

Angelina - Vera Schoenenberg


Compact Disc; - Opus 111 OP 30306 {1CD} (2002)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of Les Deux journées by Luigi Cherubini are surveyed in the following publications:-


This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - Awards Issue 2002 p.102 [JW]

Opera - October 2002 p.1268 [RM]

Fanfare - Vol.26 No.4 March/April 2003 pp.91-92 [JHN]

Orpheus - November 2002 S.87 [KC]

Opéra International - No.277 mars 2003 pp.68-69 [SS]

Diapason - No.494 juillet-aoüt 2002 p.84, p.86 [MP]

BBC Music Magazine - October 2002 p.76 [JA]

International Record Review - October 2002 p.80 [JK]

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - octubre 2002 No.158 p.40 [JS]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.56 diciembre 2002 p.81 [XC]

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(STU), "Studio" Recording

(SE), "Studio" Recording of Excerpts

(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source

(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source

(LI), "Live" Recording

(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts

(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance

(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance

(RA), A Radio Performance

(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance

(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast

(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance

(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film

(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film

CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988

EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994

GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)

HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973

MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982

MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993

MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997

More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999

NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli

PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993

Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

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