There are 34 recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana on file

Order by year

(This "Discography" was generated by CLOR for THE COMPILER )

1 Ancerl Karel - 1947(RA) - Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra*

2 Beecham Thomas - 1939(LI) - London Philharmonic Orchestra*

3 Belohlávek Jirí - 2008(LI) - L'Opéra National de Paris*

4 Chalabala Zdenek - 1959(STU) - Prague National Theatre*

5 Douglas Clive - 1957(FI) - Victoria Symphony Orchestra**

6 Elmendorff Karl - 1953(RA) - Sinfonie-Orchester des Hessischen Rundfunks*

7 Fischer Adám - 1982(LI) - Wiener Staatsoper**

8 Gebré Dimitri - 1956(STU) - Slovenian National Opera*

9 Goehr Walter - 1954(LI) - Frankfurter Opernhaus- und Museumorchester*

10 Haitink Bernard - 1998(LI) - Covent Garden**

11 Hollreiser Heinrich - 1964?(SE) - Deutsche Oper Berlin*

12 Keilberth Joseph - 1958(RA) - Münchner Rundfunkorchester*

13 Kempe Rudolf - 1962(STU) - Bamberger Symphoniker*

14 Klobucar Berislav - 1960 - Wiener Staatsoper*

15 Kondrashin Kiril - 1949(STU) - Bolshoi Theatre*

16 Kosler Zdenek - 1981(STU) - Czech Philharmonic Orchestra***

17 Krombholc Jaroslav - 1965(LI) - Wiener Staatsoper*

18 Krombholc Jaroslav - 1975?(FI) - Münchner Rundfunkorchester***

19 Lehmann Fritz - 195?(SE) - Orchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks*

20 Lenzer Hans - 1951(STU) - Städtische Oper Berlin*

21 Levine James - 1978(LI) - Metropolitan Opera*

22 Lockhart James - 1962(SE) - Sadler's Wells Opera*

23 Loibner Wilhelm - 1955(SE) - Wiener Symphoniker*

24 Macal Zdenek - 1999(LI) - Opéra de Nancy*

25 Mackerras Charles - 2004(STU) - Philharmonia Orchestra*

26 Moralt Rudolf - 1942(LE) - Wiener Staatsoper*


28 Ostrcil Otakar - 1933(STU) - Prague National Theatre*

29 Pelletier Wilfred (Wilfrid) - 1937(LI) - Metropolitan Opera*

30 Piollet Marc - 2005(LE) - Wiener Volksoper*

31 Schüchter Wilhelm - 1954-55(SE) - Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie*

32 Suitner Otmar - 1962(STU) - Dresdner Staatskapelle*

33 Vasata Rudolf - 194?(SCE) - Prague National Theatre*

34 Vogel Jaroslav - 1952(STU) - Prague National Theatre*

*AUDIO ---- **VIDEO ---- ***AUDIO & VIDEO


The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in Czech

Conductor Karel Ancerl - 1947(RA)

Orchestra - Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra

Chorus - Prague Radio Chorus

Krusina - Ladislav Mraz

Ludmilla - Jarmila Palivcova

Marenka - Ludmila Cervinková

Micha - Josef Heriban

Hata - Vera Krilová

Vasek - Rudolf Vonásek

Jenik - Beno Blachut

Kecal - Karel Kalas

Circus master - Bohumir Vich

Esmeralda - Jarmilla Pechová

Indian - Jan Soumar


Compact Disc; - Multisonic 310 185-2 {2CDS}; Grammofono 2000 AB 78 756-757 {2CDS} Arkadia 78757 {2CDS}; Opera d'Oro OPD 1354 {2CDS} (2002)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - September 1994 p.138 [AB]

Opera Now - May/June 1998 p.103 [GH]

Opera News - April 15 1995 p.35

Opéra International - No.182 juillet-aoüt 1994 p.83

Diapason - No.444 janvier 1998 p.96 [PK]

American Record Guide - September/October 1998 Vol.61 No.5 p.312 [KM]

Répertoire - No.66 février 1994 p.75

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.115 noviembre 1998 p.38 (mention) [SV]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.30 noviembre-diciembre 1998 p.78 [MH]

Comments:- Recording of a performance on Czech Radio

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Thomas Beecham - 1939(LI)

Orchestra - London Philharmonic Orchestra

Chorus - Covent Garden

Kruschina - Marko Rothmüller

Kathinka - Sabine Kalter

Marie - Hilde Konetzni

Agnes - Mary Jarred

Wenzel - Heinrich Tessmer

Hans - Richard Tauber

Kezal - Fritz Krenn

Springer - Gerhardt Hinze

Esmeralda - Stella Andreva

Muff - Grahame Clifford

Tobias - Arnold Matters


Compact Disc; - Standing Room Only SRO 830-2 {2CDS}; Radio Years RY 79/80 {2CDS}; Somm-Beecham 14-2 {2CDS} (2002)�; *Mike Richter Audio Encyclopedia AE 103 �Sir Thomas Beecham� {1xCD-ROM} (2004)�; Radio Years RY 79/80 {2CDS} (2005)�; Urania URN 22286 {2CDS} (2006)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - February 1992 p.95; January 2003 pp.78-79 [EG]

Fanfare - Vol.27 No.1 September/October 2003 p.223 [BR]

International Record Review - April 2003 pp.24-25 (mention) [MVA]

American Record Guide - July/August 2003 Vol.66 No.4 pp.229-230 [KM]

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in The Royal Opera House (1 May 1939). The sound is not very good

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in Czech

Conductor Jirí Belohlávek - 2008(LI)

Orchestra - L'Opéra National de Paris

Chorus - L'Opéra National de Paris

Krusina - Oleg Bryjak

Ludmilla - Martina Dike

Marenka - Christiane Oelze

Micha - Stefan Kocan

Hata - Helene Schneiderman

Vasek - Christoph Homberger

Jenik - Ales Briscein

Kecal - Franz Hawlata

Circus master - Heinz Zednik

Esmeralda - Elena Tsallagova

Indian - Ugo Rabec


Compact Disc; - Premiere Opera Ltd. CDNO 3162-2 {2CDRS} (2009)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

Comments:- *Recording of a performance in the Palais Garnier, Paris (19 October 2008). The CDRs issued by Premiere are listed in �Premiere Opera New Releases� January 2009.

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in Czech

Conductor Zdenek Chalabala - 1959(STU)

Orchestra - Prague National Theatre

Chorus - Prague National Theatre

Krusina - Václav Bednár

Ludmilla - Jaromira Dobrá

Marenka - Drahomira Tikalová

Micha - Jaroslav Horácek

Hata - Stepánka Stepánová

Vasek - Oldrich Kovár

Jenik - Ivo Zidek

Kecal - Eduard Haken

Circus master - Rudolf Vonásek

Esmeralda - Jarmilla Pechová

Indian - Jiri Joran


Black Disc - Supraphon SUA 10397-10399 {3LPS}; Supraphon SUAST 50017-50019 {3LPS}Supraphon SUAST 50397-9 {3LPS} Artia ALPO 82 C/L {3LPS} (USA); Artia ALPO(S) 82 C/L {3LPS}

Compact Disc - Supraphon SU 0040-2 612

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - November 1960 p.289 [AP]; September 1964 p.150; December 1972 p.1210 [JW]

Fanfare - Vol.19 No.5 May/June 1996 p.283

Opéra International - avril 1996 No.201 p.68

Diapason - No.432 décembre 1996 p.130

L'Avant Scène Opéra - No.173 p.169

American Record Guide - September 1960 Vol.27 No.1 p.45 [AR]

High Fidelity Magazine - September 1960 Vol.10 No.9 p.65 [CLO]

Classic CD - April 1996 p.70

BBC Music Magazine - May 1996 p.78

Répertoire - No.92 juin 1996 p.64: No.99 février 1997 p.90 (mention)

American Record Guide - May/June 1996 Vol.59 No.3 p.201

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in English

Conductor Clive Douglas - 1957(FI)

Orchestra - Victoria Symphony Orchestra

Chorus - Melbourne Singers

Ludmilla - Muriel Luyk

Marenka - Elsie Morison

Micha - Alan Eddy

Jenik - Victor Frankln

Kecal - Keith Nelson

Esmeralda - June Barton

Wenzel - Raymond MacDonald

Kezal - Keith Nelson


DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 6241 (2007)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

Comments:- *Video recording of an ABC Television film. The cast listed above is that given in �Encyclopedia of Opera on Screen� by Ken Wlaschin p.53. The DVD issued by Premiere is listed in �Premiere Opera New Releases� dated 11 July 2007. Here the year is given as 1960.

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Karl Elmendorff - 1953(RA)

Orchestra - Sinfonie-Orchester des Hessischen Rundfunks

Chorus - Chor des Hessischen Rundfunks

Kruschina - Fritjof Sentpaul

Kathinka - Martha Geister

Marie - Elfride Trötschel

Micha - Heinz Prybit

Agnes - Christa Ludwig

Wenzel - Willy Hofmann

Hans - Richard Holm

Kezal - Georg Stern

Esmeralda - Maria Madlen Madsen


Compact Disc; - Relief CD 1916 {2CDS} (2005)�; Cantus Classics 500675 {2CDS} (2005)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Classic Record Collector - Autumn 2005 p.103 [JTH]

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Adám Fischer - 1982(LI)

Orchestra - Wiener Staatsoper

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kruschina - Alfred Sramek

Kathinka - Gertrude Jahn

Marie - Lucia Popp

Micha - Walter Fink

Agnes - Cseslawa Slania

Wenzel - Heinz Zednik

Hans - Siegfried Jerusalem

Kezal - Karl Ridderbusch

Springer - Erich Kunz

Esmeralda - Gabriele Sima

Muff - Hans Christian


DVD (Video) - DG 073 4360 (2007)�; DG 001005109 (USA) (2008)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Opera News - May 2008 pp.85-86 [RB]

Fanfare - Vol.31 No.5 May/June 2008 p.356 [BB]

Orpheus - Januar + Februar 2008 S.67 [IW]

Diapason - No.553 décembre 2007 p.120 [MP]

American Record Guide - March/April 2008 Vol.71 No.2 p.283 [KM]

Classica Répertoire - No.96 octobre 2007 pp.118-119 [AT]

Opéra Magazine - No.23 novembre 2007 pp.82-83 [LB]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.113 septiembre 2008 pp.89-90 [MCP]

Comments:- *Video recording of a performance at the Vienna State Opera (April or May 1982).

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in Czech

Conductor Dimitri Gebré - 1956(STU)

Orchestra - Slovenian National Opera

Chorus - Slovenian National Opera

Krusina - Vekoslav Yanko

Ludmilla - Bogdana Stritar

Marenka - Vilma Bukovetz

Micha - Vladimir Dolnichar

Hata - Elza Carlovatz

Vasek - Janec Lipusek

Jenik - Miro Branjnik

Kecal - Latko Koroshetz

Circus master - Slavko Shtrukel

Esmeralda - Sonia Khochevar

Indian - Mirko Chernigoj


Black Disc; - Philips A 00354-00356 L {3LPS} (Holland) (1957)�; Philips ABL 3179-3181 {3LPS} (UK) (1957)�;; Epic SC 6020 {3LPS} (USA) (1957)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - October 1957 p.190

Opera - January 1958 p.54

American Record Guide - June 1957 Vol.23 No.9 p.144 [PLM]

High Fidelity Magazine - June 1957 Vol.7 No.6 p.62 [CMS]

Gramophone Record Review - November 1957 p.58 [DH]

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Walter Goehr - 1954(LI)

Orchestra - Frankfurter Opernhaus- und Museumorchester

Chorus - Frankfurter Oper

Kruschina - Karl Kümmel

Kathinka - Helene Bindhardt

Marie - Elfride Trötschel

Micha - August Heimpel

Agnes - Anneliese Schlosshauer

Wenzel - Willy Müller

Hans - Kurt Wolinsky

Kezal - Heinz Rehfuss

Springer - Carl Ebert

Esmeralda - Hela Rosenthal

Muff - Ernst Altmann


Compact Disc; - Gala GL 100810 (+Elfride Trötschel - recital) {2CDS} (2009)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in Czech

Conductor Bernard Haitink - 1998(LI)

Orchestra - Covent Garden

Chorus - Covent Garden

Krusina - Gwynne Howell

Ludmilla - Heather Begg

Marenka - Soile Isokoski

Micha - Jeremy White

Hata - Anne Howells

Vasek - Ian Bostridge

Jenik - Jorma Silvasti

Kecal - Franz Hawlata

Circus master - Robert Tear

Esmeralda - Colette Delahunt

Indian - Roberto Salvatori


DVD (Video) - House of Opera DVD 438; Encore DVD 2222 (2006)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

Comments:- *Video recording of a performance given by the Royal Opera in the Sadler's Wells Theatre, London (December 1998; see OPÉRA INTERNATIONAL février 1999 pp.35-36). This is predumably of the performance on 19 December 1998 which was televised by BBC 2. See Radio Times dated 19 December 1998-1 January 1999 p.84. The DVD-R issued by House of Opera is listed in their online DVD catalogue and that issued on the Encore label is (was?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Heinrich Hollreiser - 1964?(SE)

Orchestra - Deutsche Oper Berlin

Chorus - Deutsche Oper Berlin

Kruschina - Barry McDaniel

Kathinka - Cvetka Ahlin

Marie - Melitta Muszely

Micha - Martti Talvela

Agnes - Ruth Hesse

Hans - Rudolf Schock

Kezal - Kurt Böhme


Black Disc; - Eurodisc 70 213 {1LP} (1965)�; Eurodisc S 70 213 {1LP} (1965)�; Eurodisc 86815 {1LP}; World Record Club OHP 130 {1LP}

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Fono Forum - Mai 1965 S.216 [CH]

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Joseph Keilberth - 1958(RA)

Orchestra - Münchner Rundfunkorchester

Chorus - NOT KNOWN

Kruschina - Karl Schmitt-Walter

Kathinka - Maria von Ilosvay

Marie - Dorothea Siebert

Hans - Rudolf Francl

Kezal - Kurt Böhme

Esmeralda - Dagmar Hermann


Compact Disc - Pantheon PHE 6652.3

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Orpheus - März 1996 S.59

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Rudolf Kempe - 1962(STU)

Orchestra - Bamberger Symphoniker

Chorus - RIAS Kammerchor

Kruschina - Marcel Cordes

Kathinka - Nada Puttar

Marie - Pilar Lorengar

Micha - Ivan Sardi

Agnes - Sieglinde Wagner

Wenzel - Karl-Ernst Mercker

Hans - Fritz Wunderlich

Kezal - Gottlob Frick

Springer - Ernst Krukowski

Esmeralda - Gertrud Freedman

Muff - Walter Stoll


Black Disc; - Electrola 91226-91228 E {3LPS 5-sides) (1963)�; Electrola 91226-91228 SME {3LPS 5-sides) (1963)�; HMV ALPS 1971 ALP 1972-1973 {3LPS 5-sides} (1963)�; HMV ASDS 522 ASD 523-524 {3LPS 5-sides} (1963)�; HMV HQS 1132-1134 (+Gottlob Frick - recital) {3LPS} (1968)�; EMI Electrola 1C 149 30967/9 {3LPS}; EMI Electrola 1 C 153 28922/23 {2LPS} (1972)�; Angel 3642 C/L {3LPS} (1964)�;; Angel S 3642 C/L {3LPS} (1964)�

Compact Disc; - *EMI CMS 7 64002 2 {2CDS}; EMI 81872 {2CDS} (2007)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - April 1963 p.478; May 1968 p.610

Opera - July 1963 p.485 [HDR]; July 1968 pp.583-584 [HDR]

Fanfare - Vol.31 No.2 November/December 2007 pp.256-257 [BB]

Orpheus - Januar 1973 S.63 [CK]

American Record Guide - April 1964 Vol.30 No.8 p.662 [HG]

High Fidelity Magazine - April 1964 Vol.14 No.4 p.90 [CLO]

L'opera (Milano) - - ANNO V - N.49 - September 1991 p.104

Comments:- Recording of the German version �Die verkaufte Braut�. See HIGH FIDELITY September 1962 Vol.12 No.9 p.48

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Berislav Klobucar - 1960

Orchestra - Wiener Staatsoper

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kruschina - Hans Braun

Kathinka - Hilde Konetzni

Marie - Irmgard Seefried

Micha - Ludwig Welter

Agnes - Rosette Anday

Wenzel - Murray Dickie

Hans - Waldemar Kmentt

Kezal - Oskar Czerwenka

Esmeralda - Liselotte Maikl

Muff - Hans Schweiger


Compact Disc; - Orfeo C 785092 {2CDS} (2009)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Vienna State Opera of the German version �Die verkaufte Braut�. (11 November 1960).

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in Russian

Conductor Kiril Kondrashin - 1949(STU)

Orchestra - Bolshoi Theatre

Chorus - Bolshoi Theatre

Krusina - Mikhail Skazin

Ludmilla - Nina Ostrumova

Marenka - Elisabeta Shumilova

Micha - Mikhail Soloviev

Hata - Eugenia Verbitskaya

Vasek - Anatole Orfenov

Jenik - Georgi Nelepp

Kecal - Nikolai Shchelgolkov

Circus master - Vassili Yakuschenko

Esmeralda - Vera Firsova

Indian - Georgi Korolkov


Black Disc - Melodiya D 045-50 {3LPS}; Melodiya M10 035493-8 {3LPS} Concert Hall CHS 1318 {2LPS}

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

High Fidelity Magazine - July 1956 Vol.6 No.7 p.47 [JH]

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in Czech

Conductor Zdenek Kosler - 1981(STU)

Orchestra - Czech Philharmonic Orchestra

Chorus - Czech Philharmonic Chorus

Krusina - Jindrich Jindrák

Ludmilla - Marie Veselá

Marenka - Gabriela Benacková

Micha - Jaroslav Horácek

Hata - Marie Mrázová

Vasek - Miroslav Kopp

Jenik - Peter Dvorsky

Kecal - Richard Novák

Circus master - Alfred Hampel

Esmeralda - Jana Jonásová

Indian - Karel Hanus


Black Disc; - Supraphon 1116 3511-3 {3LPS} (1982)�

Compact Disc; - Supraphon 90C37 7309 11 {3CDS}; Supraphon 10 3511-2 {3CDS}; Supraphon SU 3703-2 {2CDS} (2003)�

Laser Disc - Supraphon COL 01104-5 (Japanese NTSC)

DVD (Video) - Supraphon SU 7011-9 (2006)�

VHS Video Cassette - Topaz Classic TCO 112 (PAL) (Germany)

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - July 1982 p.168 (audio) [JW] ; October 1982 pp.407-408 (audio) [JBS]; December 1982 p.775 (audio) [SIR]; October 1991 p.190 (audio) [JW];January 2007 p.99, p.101 (DVD) [MA]

Fanfare - Vol.30 No.4 March/April 2007 pp.306-308 (DVD) [BB] [JHN]

American Record Guide - November/December 1986 Vol.49 No.6 p.80 (audio) [RL]

The Record Shelf Guide - (4) p.503 (audio)

International Record Review - February 2007 p.24 (DVD) [RP]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.66 diciembre 2003 p.86 [JR]

Comments:- The video is of a Prague TV production which uses the same cast that is on the CD

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Jaroslav Krombholc - 1965(LI)

Orchestra - Wiener Staatsoper

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Marie - Gundula Janowitz

Wenzel - Murray Dickie

Hans - Waldemar Kmentt

Kezal - Otto Edelmann


Compact Disc - Omega Opera Archive 4122

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Vienna State Opera. The CDRs issued by Omega are listed in their online catalogue (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Jaroslav Krombholc - 1975?(FI)

Orchestra - Münchner Rundfunkorchester

Chorus - Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks

Krusina - Jörn W Wilsing

Ludmilla - Margarethe Bence

Marenka - Teresa Stratas

Micha - Alexander Malta

Hata - Gudrun Wewezow

Vasek - Heinz Zednik

Jenik - René Kollo

Kecal - Walter Berry

Circus master - Karl Dönch

Esmeralda - Janet Perry

Indian - Theodor Nicolai


Black Disc; - Eurodisc 89 036 {3LPS} (1975)�

Compact Cassette - Eurodisc ZC 57 640

Compact Disc - BMG-RCA 74321 40576-2

DVD (Video) - Premiere Opera Ltd. DVD 6162 (2007)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Opera Now - March/April 1997 p.97 (audio)

Orpheus - No.12 15 Dezember 1975 - 15 Januar 1976 S.289-S.290 (audio) [KL]

Opéra International - avril 1997 No.212 p.58 (audio)

Diapason - No.435 mars 1997 p.101 (audio)

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - No.95 enero 1997 p.71 (audio) (mention)

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.23 marzo-mayo 1997 p.63 (audio)

L'opera (Milano) - Anno XI - N.109 - giungo 1997 p.91 (audio)

Comments:- *Video recording of a television film and audio recording of its sound-track. The DVD issued by Premiere is listed in �Premiere Opera New Releases� dated 21 May 2007. The first ten minutes are missing.

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Fritz Lehmann - 195?(SE)

Orchestra - Orchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks

Chorus - Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks

Marie - Anny Schlemm

Wenzel - Paul Kuen

Hans - Walther Ludwig

Kezal - Josef Greindl


Black Disc - D.G.G. LPEM 19014 {1LP}; Eterna 8 20 130 {1LP}

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Hans Lenzer - 1951(STU)

Orchestra - Städtische Oper Berlin

Chorus - Städtische Oper Berlin

Kruschina - Robert Koffmane

Kathinka - Johanna Blatter

Marie - Traute Richter

Micha - Wilhelm Lang

Agnes - Emmy Hagemann

Wenzel - Rolph (Ralf) Peters

Hans - Sebastian Hauser

Kezal - Kurt Böhme

Springer - Edwin Heyer

Esmeralda - Rita Streich

Muff - Wilhelm Lang


Black Disc - Urania URLP 210 {3LPS}; Nixa ULP 9210 1/3 {3LPS} VOX OPX 148/1-2 {2LPS}

Compact Disc; - *Mike Richter Audio Encyclopedia AE 208 �Opera auf Deutsch� {1CD-ROM} (2002)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - March 1964 p.425 [EG]

American Record Guide - January 1952 Vol.18 No.5 p.162 [PHR]

Disques (Nouvelle Série) - No.57 mai-juin 1951 pp.344-345

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in English

Conductor James Levine - 1978(LI)

Orchestra - Metropolitan Opera

Chorus - Metropolitan Opera

Krusina - Derek Hammond-Stroud

Ludmilla - Elizabeth Coss

Marenka - Teresa Stratas

Hata - Jean Kraft

Vasek - Jon Vickers

Jenik - Nicolai Gedda

Kecal - Martti Talvela

Circus master - Alan Crofoot

Esmeralda - Colette Boky

Indian - Andrij Dobriansky

Tobias - John Cheek


Compact Disc; - Bensar OL 12278 (BRO 125501) {2CDRS} (2005)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (2 December 1978). This was performed in an English translation by T. Harrison. The CDRs issued on the Bensar label are (were?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in English

Conductor James Lockhart - 1962(SE)

Orchestra - Sadler's Wells Opera

Chorus - Sadler's Wells Opera

Krusina - Bryan Drake

Ludmilla - Ann Robson

Marenka - Ava June

Micha - Eric Stannard

Hata - Sheila Rex

Vasek - Kevin Miller

Jenik - Donald Smith

Kecal - John Holmes


Black Disc; - HMV CLP 1609 {1LP} (1962)�;; HMV CSD 1473 {1LP} (1962)�

Compact Disc; - EMI �Classics for Pleasure� 585 010-2 {2CDS} (2003)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - January 1963 p.350

Opera - June 1963 p.412 [HDR]

International Record Review - September 2003 pp.30-31 (mention) [MVA]

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Wilhelm Loibner - 1955(SE)

Orchestra - Wiener Symphoniker

Marie - Hilde Zadek

Hans - Hans Hopf

Kezal - Otto Edelmann


Black Disc; - Philips N 00266 L {1LP} (Germany); Philips NBL 5024 {1LP} (1956)�; Epic LC 3181 {1LP} (USA) (1956)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - January 1956 p.322 [PHW]

E.M.G. Monthly Letter - February 1956 p.10

Gramophone Record Review - February 1956 p.227

High Fidelity Magazine - Vol.6 No.5 May 1956 p.70 [PLM]

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in Czech

Conductor Zdenek Macal - 1999(LI)

Orchestra - Opéra de Nancy

Chorus - Opéra de Nice

Krusina - Jaroslav Kosec

Ludmilla - Antonie Denygrova

Marenka - Oksana Krovytska

Micha - Richard Haan

Hata - Livia Budai

Vasek - John Cogram

Jenik - Miroslav Dvorsky

Kecal - Jiri Sulzenko


Compact Disc; - Celestial Audio CA 003 {2CDRS} (Australia) (2004)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the Nice Opera (February 1999; see OPÉRA INTERNATIONAL avril 1999 No.234 p.42). The CDRs issue by Celestial Audio are listed in �What's New� January 2004. ( audio/WhatsNewCA.php)

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in English

Conductor Charles Mackerras - 2004(STU)

Orchestra - Philharmonia Orchestra

Chorus - Covent Garden

Krusina - Neal Davies

Ludmilla - Yvonne Howard

Marenka - Susan Gritton

Micha - Geoffrey Moses

Hata - Diana Montague

Vasek - Timothy Robinson

Jenik - Paul Charles Clarke

Kecal - Peter Rose

Circus master - Robin Leggate

Esmeralda - Yvette Bonner

Indian - Kit Hesketh-Harvey


Compact Disc; - Chandos CHAN 3128 {2CDS} (2005)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - November 2005 p.86, p.89 [EG]

Opera News - March 2006 pp.80-81 [SFV]

Fanfare - Vol.29 No.4 March/April 2006 p.214 [BB]

International Record Review - October 2005 p.88 [JW]

American Record Guide - March/April 2006 Vol.69 No.2 p.174 [RVL]

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Rudolf Moralt - 1942(LE)

Orchestra - Wiener Staatsoper

Chorus - Wiener Staatsoper

Kruschina - Georg Monthy

Marie - Esther Réthy

Hans - Anton Dermota

Kezal - Alois Pernerstorfer


Compact Disc - Koch/Schwann 3-1457-2 (Wiener Staatsoper - Live Vol.7)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - February 1995 p.115

Fanfare - Vol.18 No.3 January/February 1995 p.337

Comments:- Recording of part of a concert performance (13 October 1942)

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor NOT KNOWN - 1932(FI)

Orchestra - ORCHESTRA

Chorus - CHORUS

Marenka - Jarmila Novotná

Micha - Hermann Kner

Vasek - Paul Kemp

Jenik - Willi Domgraf-Fassbaender

Kecal - Otto Wernicke

Esmeralda - Annemarie Sörensen


VHS Video Cassette - Bel Canto Society BCS #671 (+The Last Waltz) (PAL & NTSC)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

(The) Gramophone - July 1997 p.110

Comments:- Video recording of a flim directed by Max Ophuls. The cast also includes Max Nadler and Karl Valentin

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in Czech

Conductor Otakar Ostrcil - 1933(STU)

Orchestra - Prague National Theatre

Chorus - Prague National Theatre

Krusina - Jan Konstantin

Ludmilla - Marie Piková

Marenka - Ada Nordenová

Micha - Zdenek Otava

Hata - Marta Krásová

Vasek - Jaroslav Gleich

Jenik - Vladimir Toms

Kecal - Emil Pollert

Circus master - Karel Hruska

Esmeralda - Otta Horakova

Indian - Vladimir Marek


Black Disc - HMV AN 801-15 {15x78s} (Czechoslovakia) Victor �Musical Masterworks� 193 (11617-11631) {15x78s} Supraphon 1016 3201-03 {3LPS}

Compact Disc; - RCD 70041 {2CDS}; Naxos �Great Opera Performances� 8.110098-99 {2CDS} (2001)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - Awards Issue 2001 p.115 [AB]

Opera News - March 2002 p.70 [GJ]

Orpheus - Dezember 2001 S.57-58 [GH]

Opera Quarterly - Vol 19 No.1 Winter 2003 pp.155-156 [RP]

American Record Guide - November/December 2000 Vol.63 No.6 p.310 [DA]

International Classical Record Collector - Summer 1996 No.5 p.8 p.35

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.50 marzo-abril 2002 p.91 [JV]

Comments:- Recorded between 6 June and 23 June 1933. More details can be found in �Complete Operas on 78 R.P.M.� by Tom Peel

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in English

Conductor Wilfred (Wilfrid) Pelletier - 1937(LI)

Orchestra - Metropolitan Opera

Chorus - Metropolitan Opera

Krusina - Wilfred Engelman

Ludmilla - Lucielle Browning

Marenka - Hilda Burke

Micha - John Gurney

Hata - Anna Kaskas

Vasek - George Rasely

Jenik - Mario Chamlee

Kecal - Louis D' Angelo

Circus master - Norman Cordon

Esmeralda - Natalie Bodanya

Muff - Ludwig Burgstaller


Black Disc; - E.J. Smith �The Golden Age of Opera EJS 523 {2LPS} (1937)�

Compact Disc; - Bensar OL 5837 (BRO 125281) {2CDRS} (2005)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

Comments:- *Recording of a performance at the MET (8 May 1937). This was given in an English translation by M. Marshall. The CDRs issued on the Bensar label are (were?) listed on the website of �berkshire record outlet inc.� (hyperlink in CLORLINK.php).

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Marc Piollet - 2005(LE)

Orchestra - Wiener Volksoper

Chorus - Wiener Volksoper

Marie - Kristiane Kaiser

Wenzel - Dietmar Kerschbaum

Hans - Michael König

Kezal - Bjarni Thor Kristinsson

Esmeralda - Jennifer O'Loughlin

Der Zirkusdirektor - Heinz Zednik


Compact Disc; - ORF-CD LC 464 11428 {1CD} (2006)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Wilhelm Schüchter - 1954-55(SE)

Orchestra - Nordwestdeutsche Philharmonie

Chorus - Landestheater Hanover

Kruschina - Hanns-Heinz Nissen

Kathinka - Christa Ludwig

Marie - Erna Berger

Micha - Theodor Schlott

Agnes - Marga Höffgen

Hans - Rudolf Schock

Kezal - Gottlob Frick


Black Disc - Electrola WALP 1508 {1x10in-LP}; EMI 1C 047 28568M {1LP}

Compact Disc; - EMI 5 74270 2 9 {1CD} (Germany) (2001)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Orpheus - Mai 2001 S.76 (mention) [SS]

Comments:- An EP (HMV 7EG8302) with two selections from this recording is reviewed in THE GRAMOPHONE, April 1958 p.458

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in German

Conductor Otmar Suitner - 1962(STU)

Orchestra - Dresdner Staatskapelle

Chorus - Dresdner Staatsoper

Kruschina - Günther Leib

Kathinka - Annelies Burmeister

Marie - Anny Schlemm

Micha - Fred Teschler

Agnes - Ruth Lange

Wenzel - Harald Neukirch

Hans - Rolf Apreck

Kezal - Theo Adam

Springer - Johannes Kemter

Esmeralda - Eleonore Kistermann

Tobias - Wilfred Schaal


Black Disc; - Eterna 820326-8 {1LP}; Philips 837 066 GY {1LP} (1965)�

Compact Disc - Berlin Classics 0020402BC (Highlights) Berlin Classics 3301 {2CDS}

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

American Record Guide - July/August 2006 Vol.69 No.4 p.158 [KM]

Fono Forum - Januar 1966 S.29 [WB]

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in Czech

Conductor Rudolf Vasata - 194?(SCE)

Orchestra - Prague National Theatre

Chorus - Prague National Theatre

Krusina - Stanislav Muz

Ludmilla - Marie Veselá

Marenka - Miluse Dvorakova

Micha - Zdenek Otava

Hata - Stepánka Stepánová

Vasek - Oldrich Kovár

Jenik - Jindrich Blazicek

Kecal - Eduard Haken

Circus master - Karel Hruska

Esmeralda - Miluse Dvorakova


Black Disc - Ultraphone G 14301-14308 {8x78s}; Ultraphone G 22397-22403 {7x78s}

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

(The) Gramophone - March 1946 p.124 (mention)

Comments:- The following also sing part of the role of Marenka: Ota Horakova, Marie Budikova, and Ludek Mandaus sings part of the role of Kecal

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The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana performed in Czech

Conductor Jaroslav Vogel - 1952(STU)

Orchestra - Prague National Theatre

Chorus - Prague National Theatre

Krusina - Václav Bednár

Ludmilla - Stepánka Stepánová

Marenka - Milada Musilová

Micha - Zdenek Otava

Hata - Marie Veselá(-Kabelacová)

Vasek - Oldrich Kovár

Jenik - Ivo Zidek

Kecal - Karel Kalas

Circus master - Karel Kruska

Esmeralda - Jarmilla Pechová

Indian - Ladislav Mraz


Black Disc - Urania URLP 231 {3LPS}; Supraphon LPV 91-93 {3LPS} Heritage HCNL 8009-8010 {2LPS}

Compact Disc; - Supraphon SU 39802 {2CDS} (2009)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of The Bartered Bride by Bedrich Smetana are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 2 p.248; CELLETTI p.770; Opera on CD (1) p.80 (2) p.89 (3) p.99; MET p.501; PENGUIN p.388; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.246 p.76

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - June 1954 p.29 [PHW]; February 1978 p.1460 [AW]

Opera - July 1954 p.435

Diapason - No.570 juin 2009 p.120 [PK]

American Record Guide - May 1953 Vol.19 No.9 p.276 [JN]: September/October 2009 Vol.72 No.5 p.270 [CB2]

The Gramophone Shop Inc Record Supplement - May 1953 Vol.16 No.5 p.5

High Fidelity Magazine - November 1954 Vol.4 No.9 p.57 [CGB]

Gramophone Record Review - June 1954 p.384

Disques (Nouvelle Série) - No.68 novembre 1954 p.720 [JB]

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(STU), "Studio" Recording

(SE), "Studio" Recording of Excerpts

(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source

(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source

(LI), "Live" Recording

(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts

(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance

(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance

(RA), A Radio Performance

(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance

(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast

(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance

(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film

(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film

CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988

EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994

GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)

HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973

MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982

MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993

MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997

More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999

NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli

PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993

Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

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