There are 17 recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach on file

Order by year

(This "Discography" was generated by CLOR for THE COMPILER )

1 Allers Franz - 1968(STU) - Berliner Symphoniker*

2 Bibl Rudolf - 1997(STU) - Symphonieorchester Burgenland*

3 Cambreling Sylvain - 1998(LI) - Ensemble Klangforum Wien*

4 Cariven Marcel - 1956?(SE) - Orchestre*

5 Diot Gabriel - 1931(SE) - Théâtre Mogador*

6 Falk Peter - 1979?(SE) - Theater am Gärtnerplatz, Munich*

7 Faris Alexander - 1961(SE) - Sadler's Wells Opera*

8 Girard André - 1959(STU) - Grand Orchestre Symphonique*

9 Gressier Jules - 1950?(SE) - Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux*

10 Mattes Willy - 1983(STU) - Münchner Rundfunkorchester*

11 NOT KNOWN - 1931(SE) - Orchestre*

12 Ossonce Jean-Yves - 1991(FI) - L'Opéra National de Lyon**

13 Ossovsky Lev - 1955(STU) - ORCHESTRA*

14 Petitgirard Laurent - 1980(STU) - Orchestre des Concerts Colonne*

15 Plasson Michel - 1975(STU) - L'Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse*

16 Rauber François - 1974(SE) - Orchestre*

17 Rouland Sebastien - 2008(LI) - L'Opéra National de Lyon***

*AUDIO ---- **VIDEO ---- ***AUDIO & VIDEO


La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in German

Conductor Franz Allers - 1968(STU)

Orchestra - Berliner Symphoniker

Chorus - Deutsche Oper Berlin

Métella - Lisa Della Casa

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Margit Schramm

Gabrielle - Ingeborg Hallstein

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Eberhard Wächter (Waechter)

Raoul de Gardefeu - Ferry Gruber

Bobinet - Peter Alexander

Pauline - Dorothea Chryst

Gontran - Julius Katona

Frick - Gerhard Unger

Prosper - Karl-Ernst Mercker

Le Brésilien - Rudolf Schock

Urbain - Kurt Böhme

Clara - Ursula Schirrmacher

Léonie - Gitta Guarente

Louise - Clementine von Schuch

Joseph - Karl Herford

Alphonse - Victor de Kowa

Madame Quimper Karadec - Brigitte Mira

Madame Folle-Verdure - Helga Wisniewska


Black Disc - Eurodisc 77 489 {2LPS}; Parnass 77489 {2LPS}

Compact Disc - BMG Ariola GD 69 021 (highlights)

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Orpheus - März/April 1974 S.73-S.74 [EO]

The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.20

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in German

Conductor Rudolf Bibl - 1997(STU)

Orchestra - Symphonieorchester Burgenland

Chorus - Chor der Mörbischer Seefestspiele

Métella - Martina Serafin

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Ingrid Kaiserfeld

Gabrielle - Hlin Petursdottir

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Michael Glücksmann

Raoul de Gardefeu - Andreas Schindler

Bobinet - Klaus Hannes Brock

Pauline - Leana Lewinski

Frick - Wolfgang Gratschmaier

Prosper - Wolfgang Gratschmaier

Le Brésilien - Götz Zemann

Madame de Bonichon - Mirjana Irosch


Compact Disc - Arte Nova Classic 74321 47786-2 {2CDS}; Oehms Classics OC 252 {1CD}

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Fanfare - Vol.29 No.4 March/April 2006 pp.67-70 [CW]

Orpheus - Februar 1999 S.60 [ME]

Comments:- *Recording of a German version (Pariser Leben) made prior to performances at the Mörbischer Seefestspiel (April 1997). The names of the Baron and Baronne Gondremarck are changed to Lord and Lady Macdonald in this version. The following also take part in this recording: Ira Kancz, Ludwig Wolfrum, Monika Lanner

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in German

Conductor Sylvain Cambreling - 1998(LI)

Orchestra - Ensemble Klangforum Wien

Métella - Sophie Rois

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Susanne Düllmann

Gabrielle - Catherine Swanson

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Walter Raffeiner

Raoul de Gardefeu - Graham F. Valentine

Bobinet - Matthias Matschke

Pauline - Sophie Rois

Gontran - Christoph Homberger

Frick - Christoph Homberger

Prosper - Christoph Homberger

Le Brésilien - Christoph Homberger

Urbain - Thomas Stache


Compact Disc; - Col legno WWE 20100 {2CDS} (1999)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - June 1999 pp.113-114 [PO'C]

Orpheus - August + September 1999 S.85 [MK]

Opéra International - février 1999 No.232 p.73 [PC]

International Opera Collector - Summer 1999 No.12 p.87 [JH]

BBC Music Magazine - August 1999 p.70 [BLS]

Répertoire - No.120 janvier 1999 p.46

Comments:- Recording of a performance in the Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Berlin (17 June 1998)

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in French

Conductor Marcel Cariven - 1956?(SE)

Orchestra - Orchestre

Chorus - Choeurs René Alix

Métella - Andrée Gabriel

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Andrea Guiot

Gabrielle - Renée Doria

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Julien Giovannetti

Raoul de Gardefeu - Robert Lilty

Bobinet - Pierre Gianotti

Le Brésilien - Dario Moreno


Black Disc; - Philips P 77107 {1LP} (1956)�;; Epic 3344 {1LP} (USA) (1957)�

Compact Disc - Philips 442 245-2 {1CD}

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.20

Disques (Nouvelle Série) - No.83-84 Noël 1956 p.840 [JB2]

Comments:- The cast also includes Jean Parédès, Andrée Huberty, Maurice Faure, Christiane Harbell

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in French

Conductor Gabriel Diot - 1931(SE)

Orchestra - Théâtre Mogador

Chorus - Théâtre Mogador

Métella - Hélène Régelly

Gabrielle - Hélène Régelly

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Henry Laverne

Bobinet - Henry Laverne

Frick - Henry Laverne

Prosper - Henry Laverne

Urbain - Henry Laverne

Alfred - Henry Laverne


Black Disc; - Odéon 238378-238382 (5x10in-78s) (1931)�; American Decca 20588-20593 (5x10in-78s)

Compact Disc; - *ARB AT 292522 (+Brummel - excerpts) {2CDS} (1999)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Diapason - No.454 décembre 1998 p.116 [MP]

Répertoire - No.120 janvier 1999 p.44 [JB]

Comments:- The five 10-inch 78s were recorded in January 1931 after the success of a new production in the Théâtre Mogador. A series of arias and ensembles were sung by Henry Laverne and Hélène Régelly as follows: 238378 Hélène Régelly �Je suis veuve d'un colonel� & �On va courir on va sortir� (Gabrielle); 23879 Henri Laverne - �Elles sont tristes les marquises� (Bobinet) & �Fermons les yeux� (Alfred); 238380 Hélène Régelly �Vous souvient-il ma belle?� (Air de la lettre de Métella); 238381 Hélène Régelly �Rondeau du gant� (Gabrielle), Henry Laverne & Hélène Régelly �En endossant mon uniforme� (Bobinet, Prosper, Urbain, Gabrielle); 238832 Henry Laverne - �Je veux m'en fourrer jusque là� (le Baron) & �Couplets du major� ((Frick). The ARB CD contains all of these except �l'air de la lettre� sung by Régelly but instead includes the recording by Bernadette Delprat from the rival Pathé set recorded about the same time. It also includes �Le rondeau du brésilien (Félix Oudot) and �L'amour, c'est un echelle immense� (Pauline) sung by Lucienne Rucy from this set

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in German

Conductor Peter Falk - 1979?(SE)

Orchestra - Theater am Gärtnerplatz, Munich

Métella - Gisela Ehrensperger

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Gisela Ehrensperger

Gabrielle - Dorothea Chryst

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Walter Köninger

Bobinet - Ulf Fürst

Pauline - Gisela Ehrensperger

Frick - Ulf Fürst

Le Brésilien - Ulf Fürst


Black Disc - Teldec �Goldene Operette� 6.23 720 AF {1LP}

Compact Cassette - Teldec �Goldene Operette� 4.23 720 CF

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

Comments:- Recording of excerpts from a German version �Pariser Leben�. The LP and Compact Cassette issued by Teldec is listed in the �Bielefelder Katalog Klassik� 2-1980 S.835.

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in English

Conductor Alexander Faris - 1961(SE)

Orchestra - Sadler's Wells Opera

Chorus - Sadler's Wells Opera

Métella - Suzanne Steele

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Anna Pollack

Gabrielle - June Bronhill

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Eric Shilling

Raoul de Gardefeu - Jon Weaving

Bobinet - Kevin Miller

Pauline - Cynthia Morey

Frick - John Kentish

Le Brésilien - John Fryatt


Black Disc; - HMV CLP 1468 {1LP} (1961)�;; HMV CSD 1378 {1LP} (1961)�

Compact Disc; - EMI �Classics for Pleasure� 575 999-2 (+La Belle Hélène; +Orpheus in the Underworld - excerpts) {2CDS} (2003)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - September 1961 p.166

Opera - November 1961 p.723

The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.20

International Record Review - September 2003 pp.30-31 (mention) [MVA]

Comments:- Based on performances at Sadler's Wells (see Opera July 1961 p.480)

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in French

Conductor André Girard - 1959(STU)

Orchestra - Grand Orchestre Symphonique

Métella - Suzy Delair

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Madeleine Renaud

Gabrielle - Simone Valère

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Pierre Bertin

Raoul de Gardefeu - Jean Desailly

Bobinet - Jean-Pierre Granval

Pauline - Denise Benoit

Frick - Jean Parédès

Prosper - Jean Parédès

Le Brésilien - Jean-Louis Barrault

Alfred - Jean Parédès

Joseph - Georges Cusin

Alphonse - Régis Outin


Black Disc - ~Paris 313002 M {1LP}; Festival FC 463 {1LP}; Bel Air 7005 {1LP}

Compact Disc; - Musidisc 206 142 {1CD} (1997)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

Orpheus - März/April 1974 S.73-S.74 [EO]

Opéra International - novembre 1997 No.218 p.57 [PC]

Diapason - No.439 juillet-aoüt 1997 p.99

The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.19

American Record Guide - November/December 1998 Vol.61 No.6 p.187 [RT]

Répertoire - No.105 septembre 1997 p.47 [JB]

Comments:- See LA DISCOGRAPHIE FRANÃAISE No.57 1er juillet 1959 p.16

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in French

Conductor Jules Gressier - 1950?(SE)

Orchestra - Orchestre des Concerts Lamoureux

Chorus - Choeur Raymond Saint-Paul

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Lina Dachary

Gabrielle - Nadine Renaux

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Michel Roux

Raoul de Gardefeu - Michel Hamel

Pauline - Liliane Berton

Frick - Willy Clément

Prosper - Willy Clément

Le Brésilien - Willy Clément


Black Disc - Pathé DTX 128 {1LP}; Pathé DTX 30139 {1LP} EMI Pathé 2C 051 10851 {1LP}; Vox PL 21003 {1LP}

Compact Disc - EMI CZS 7 67515-2 {1CD}

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - May 1993

American Record Guide - April 1953 Vol.19 No.8 p.272 [FAL]: November 1959 Vol.26 No.3 p.171 [PLM]

The Gramophone Shop Inc Record Supplement - February 1953 Vol.16 No.2 p.4

The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.20

Disques (Nouvelle Série) - No.58 Eté 1953 p.452 [HJ]

Comments:- An abridged version

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in German

Conductor Willy Mattes - 1983(STU)

Orchestra - Münchner Rundfunkorchester

Chorus - Chor des Bayerischen Rundfunks

Métella - Renate Holm

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Anneliese Rothenberger

Gabrielle - Gabriele Fuchs

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Marco Bakker

Raoul de Gardefeu - Adolf Dallapozza

Bobinet - Willi Brokmeier

Pauline - Elke Schary

Frick - Martin Finke

Le Brésilien - Klaus Hirte


Black Disc - EMI Electrola 1C 157-46574/75 {2LPS} (Germany) EMI Odeon 1C 15746574/75 {2LPS} (USA)

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Fanfare - Vol.7 No.1 September/October 1983 p.230 [JD]

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in French

Conductor NOT KNOWN - 1931(SE)

Orchestra - Orchestre

Chorus - Choeurs

Métella - Bernadette Delprat

Bobinet - Dréan

Pauline - Lucienne Rucey

Frick - Félix Oudart

Le Brésilien - Félix Oudart


Black Disc; - Pathé X 92004 - X 91006-91009 (5x10in-78s) (1931)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

Comments:- The recordings of �Le rondeau du brésilien� sung by Félix Oudart, �Le rondeau de la lettre� sung by Bernadette Delprat, and Pauline's aria �L'amour, c'est une echelle immense� sung by Lucienne Rucey are inluded on the CD �ARB AT 292522� which also includes most of the recordings from the rival Odéon set

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in French

Conductor Jean-Yves Ossonce - 1991(FI)

Orchestra - L'Opéra National de Lyon

Chorus - L'Opéra National de Lyon

Métella - Hélène Delavault

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Claire Wauthion

Gabrielle - Isabelle Mazin

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Jean-Yves Chatelais

Raoul de Gardefeu - Jean-François Sivadier

Bobinet - Jacques Verzier

Pauline - Nathalie Joly

Gontran - Yvan Merat-Barboff

Frick - Alain Hocine

Prosper - Pierre Berriau

Urbain - Gilles David


Laser Disc - Pioneer PLMCC 00 731

DVD (Video) - ArtHaus Musik 100 274

VHS Video Cassette - Home Vision PAR120 (NTSC); Polygram Video 070 032-3 (SECAM)

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - July 2002 p.82 [AML]

Opéra International - avril 1995 No.190 p.64

Diapason - No.400 janvier 1994 p.89; No.495 septembre 2002 p.137 [MP]

BBC Music Magazine - June 2002 p.96 [GH]

International Record Review - August 2002 pp.78-79 [CC]

Répertoire - No.159 juillet/aoüt 2002 p.31 (DVD) [PT]

Opera Actual (Barcelona) - No.52 julio-agosto 2002 p.104 (DVD) [SG]

CD COMPACT (Barcelona) - mayo 2002 No.154 p.68 (DVD) [JS]

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in Russian

Conductor Lev Ossovsky - 1955(STU)

Orchestra - ORCHESTRA

Chorus - CHORUS

Métella - Yevdokiya Lebedeva

Raoul de Gardefeu - Nikolai Osipovich Ruban

Bobinet - Alexander Tkachenko

Madame Quimper Karadec - Yelena Fedorovna Savitskaya


Black Disc - Melodiya D 33669-02 {2LPS}

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

Comments:- The following take part in this recording: Yelena Fedorovna Savitskaya, Vasili Alchevsky, Nikolai Osipovich Ruban, Yevdokiya Lebedeva, A. Tkachenko, A. Nechayeva, B. Strulev. The LPs issued by Melodiya are listed in the �CanfieldGuide to Classical Recordings� 5th Edition.

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in French

Conductor Laurent Petitgirard - 1980(STU)

Orchestra - Orchestre des Concerts Colonne

Chorus - NOT KNOWN

Métella - Renée Auphan

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Danièlle Millet

Gabrielle - Danielle Chlostawa

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Michel Roux

Raoul de Gardefeu - Patrick Minard

Bobinet - Jacques Tayles

Pauline - Michèle Pena

Frick - Christian Jean

Le Brésilien - Jacques Trigeau

Urbain - Jean-Christophe Benoit


Black Disc - Tristan/Polydor 2676904 {2LPS}

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

Fanfare - Vol.5 No.1 September/October 1981 p.153 [ADC]

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in French

Conductor Michel Plasson - 1975(STU)

Orchestra - L'Orchestre du Capitole de Toulouse

Chorus - Choeurs du Capitole de Toulouse

Métella - Régine Crespin

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Christiane Chateau

Gabrielle - Mady Mesplé

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Luis Masson

Raoul de Gardefeu - Michel Sénéchal

Bobinet - Michel Trempont

Pauline - Eliane Lublin

Gontran - Henri Amiel

Frick - Jean-Christophe Benoit

Prosper - Jean-Christophe Benoit

Le Brésilien - Jean-Christophe Benoit

Urbain - Michel Jarry

Alfred - Michel Jarry

Clara - Danièle Castaings

Léonie - Françoise Gayral

Louise - Marie-Thérèse Téchene

Un employe - André Batisse

Joseph - André Batisse

Alphonse - André Batisse


Black Disc; - EMI 2C 165-14 123/24 {2LPS} (France); *EMI SLS 5076 (ASD 3335-3336) {2LPS} (1977)�; Angel SBLX 3839 {2LPS}

Compact Disc; - EMI CDS 7 47154 8 {2CDS} (1987)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publications:-

(The) Gramophone - May 1977 p.1749 [AML]; October 1977 p.593 [JBS]; January 1987 p.1057 [AML]

The Blackwell Guide to the Musical Theatre on Record by Kurt Gänzl - p.19

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in French

Conductor François Rauber - 1974(SE)

Orchestra - Orchestre

Chorus - Choeurs

Métella - Danièlle Millet

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Christiane Harbell

Gabrielle - Nicole Broissin

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Jacques Marfeuil

Raoul de Gardefeu - Michel Caron

Bobinet - Henri Gui

Pauline - Madeleine Vernon

Frick - Luc Barney

Prosper - Luc Barney

Le Brésilien - Jean-Marc Recchia

Urbain - Philippe Ariotti


Black Disc - French Decca 117 011 {1LP}

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

This recording is reviewed in the following publication:-

(The) Gramophone - October 1975 p.688 [AML]

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La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach performed in French

Conductor Sebastien Rouland - 2008(LI)

Orchestra - L'Opéra National de Lyon

Chorus - L'Opéra National de Lyon

Métella - Maria Riccarda Wesseling

La Baronne de Gondremarck - Michelle Canniccioni

Gabrielle - Marie Devellereau

Le Baron de Gondremarck - Laurent Naouri

Raoul de Gardefeu - Jean-Sébastien Bou

Bobinet - Marc Callahan

Pauline - Brigitte Hool

Frick - Jean-Paul Fouchécourt

Prosper - Christoph Mortagne

Le Brésilien - Jesús García

Urbain - Jean-Louis Meunier

Léonie - Claire Delgardo-Boge


Compact Disc; - Celestial Audio CA 788 {2CDRS} (2008)�

�(year of issue or re-issue)

Recordings of La Vie parisienne by Jacques Offenbach are surveyed in the following publications:-

Opera on Record 3 p.175; Diapason No.474 octobre 2000 pp.44-45; L'Avant Scène Opéra No.206 p.98

Comments:- The video recording was made at performances at L'Op�ra National de Lyon in December 2007. Celestial Audio gives the year of the performance recorded as 2008 and I do not know if the cast is the same. The CDRs are (were?) listed as new issues in their website in July 2008 (hyperlink in CLORLINK.HTM). See also the website:

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(STU), "Studio" Recording

(SE), "Studio" Recording of Excerpts

(STC), Composite "Studio" Recording made up from more than one source

(SCE), Composite "Studio" Recording of Excerpts from more than one source

(LI), "Live" Recording

(LE), "Live" Recording of Excerpts

(LC), "Live" Composite Recording from more than one performance

(LCE), Excerpts from more than one "Live" Performance

(RA), A Radio Performance

(RE), Excerpts from a Radio Performance

(RC), Composite Radio Performance from more than one broadcast

(RCE), Excerpts from more than one broadcast performance

(FI), Film or/and sound track of a film

(FE), Excerpts of an opera from a film or/and the sound track of a film

CELLETTI, Il Teatro d'Opera in Disco by Rodolfo Celletti - Rizzoli - 1988

EJS Discography, EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings - The Golden Age of Opera, 1956-71 by William Shaman, William J. Collins, and Calvin M. Goodwin - GreenwoodPress - 1994

GIUDICI, L'Opera in CD e Video by Elvio Giudici - il Saggiatore Milano - 1995. Second Edition - 1999 - is indicated by (2)

HARRIS, Opera Recordings - A Critical Guide by Kenn Harris - David and Charles - 1973

MARINELLI, Opere in Disco by Carlo Marinelli - Discanto Edizione - 1982

MET, The Metropolitan Opera Guide to Recorded Opera - edited by Paul Gruber - Thames and Hudson - 1993

MET(VID), The Metropolitan Guide to Opera on Video - edited by Paul Gruber - W.W. Norton & Co. Ltd. - 1997

More EJS, More EJS: Discography of the Edward J. Smith Recordings by William Shaman - William J. Collins - Calvin M. Goodwin - Greenwood Press 1999

NEWTON (Verdi), Verdi - Tutti i libretti d'opera edited by Piero Mioli

PENGUIN, The Penguin Guide to Opera on Compact Discs by Edwin Greenfield - Robert Layton - Ivan March - Penguin Books 1993

Discos Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

Gramófono (Barcelona), Compañía del Gramófono Sociedad Anónima Española

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